Anonymous3: I ll keep the loyal girls. ;) black and white.
The dirty attractive and successful Africans can get the cheaters before they go back to the cottonfield. :)
Anonymous4: Anon8 u do know whites was called attractive and successful African during the civil war, confederate soldiers who did not fight where called attractive and successful African. Basically u are an attractive and successful African urself a lower breed that thinks his skin is almighty.
Anonymous6: This race bating is a forced agenda meant to divide us and keep us distracted from the real problems in the world. Why are we so caught up on skin deep issues? We all bleed red and are carbon based life forms. Why can’t we all just get along?
Anonymous11: anon 10 is so right youre all worthless retards who shouldnt have access to computers and should be employed providing for a family of your own rn
The dirty attractive and successful Africans can get the cheaters before they go back to the cottonfield. :)