Anonymous8(1): Anon5: I was merely pointing you in the right direction so you could see that there would be no finished product. In conclusion: You're an idiot.
seatrooper: Quite right. Ash isn't in any of the SSB games, even though he's the main character of Porkyman, and is a widely recognized character in general. BUT, they went with random nameless Porkyman Trainer.
Anonymous11: The Porkyman Trainer in SSBB (and the one pictured) is Red, the Porkyman trainer from the first fucking game in the series and the true final boss in Gold/Silver. Not to mention he has the strongest team in the entire franchise in HG/SS. The reason they put him in Brawl as the Porkyman Trainer is because he's the main focus of the original video games, which is what matters since Brawl was a VIDEO GAME, not some shitty anime spinoff.
Anonymous14: Anon 9 and 10 are different people!? I see no reason why you would come to that conclusion. He even said he was the same person I'm pretty sure you're mistaken
Anonymous19: Christ, what's with the huge sense of entitlement you people have? Sure stuff like this is a cocktease, but whenever Kurita do finish a pic it's usually pretty awesome.
Good going on persuading her to fini.. Oh wait, you scared her away.
It's saddening to hear that Kurita disappeared from the internet (correct me if I'm wrong), but I don't think we scared her away; in fact, drawing all these sketches tells me that s/he ENJOYS doing it. Artists make things like this to entice people for later products, not to piss them off.
If I may take a shot in the dark, I think Kurita was trolled into oblivion by all those ANTI-STRAIGHT SHOTA faggots out there, or worse, the LAW for not censoring his/her pictures. I know, some people out there are stupid and just don't care about freedom of expression. We have to live with them whether we like it or not.
Now, downer-moments aside, is there ANY way we can find these pictures? At the very least I want that one of Samus and PT/Red in the bottom-left.
Gan_Ainm: @theguyinthecloset: Actually, society is perfectly capable of advancing in an anarchic system. Assholes ruin everything, though. Anarchy would be fine if everyone was friendly. Laws make sure everyone's friendly, but put an asshole in the system somewhere and they'll ruin it. Utopia is, ultimately, the absence of assholes.
Why am I talking about legal systems, it's such a boner-killer. Fuck.
Anonymous27: That seems to be the case now that artist that draw this shit seem to think they are fucking god incarnated. How dare you use my work for your avatar or a story. How dare you contradict me. These sort of fucks are the ones that get admins to ban people for trying to draw there characters. They claim copy right even though there stuff is copy righted material most of the time. Mlp, ssb and so on.
They need to grow the fuck up and see that they are mediocre artist at best that the only reason they have a fan base is because they can draw a decent pair of tits that is it or maybe draw a good spyro or link.
Anonymous28: Kurita is apparently back on Hentai Foundry and still rawing /ss/.
Look up KuritaSS.
If enough people bothered him he'd probably finish the set.
there are BETTER artists than this one who draw for free...
well, maybe we'll get lucky and someone will get his full sketche and post them for us...
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Anon 9 is right, Red and Ash are different characters. In fact, the games came first, and Ash was based on Red.
Also, Colin and his pregnant mother... Strangely arousing... o_O
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Good going on persuading her to fini.. Oh wait, you scared her away.
It's saddening to hear that Kurita disappeared from the internet (correct me if I'm wrong), but I don't think we scared her away; in fact, drawing all these sketches tells me that s/he ENJOYS doing it. Artists make things like this to entice people for later products, not to piss them off.
If I may take a shot in the dark, I think Kurita was trolled into oblivion by all those ANTI-STRAIGHT SHOTA faggots out there, or worse, the LAW for not censoring his/her pictures. I know, some people out there are stupid and just don't care about freedom of expression. We have to live with them whether we like it or not.
Now, downer-moments aside, is there ANY way we can find these pictures? At the very least I want that one of Samus and PT/Red in the bottom-left.
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Why am I talking about legal systems, it's such a boner-killer. Fuck.
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They need to grow the fuck up and see that they are mediocre artist at best that the only reason they have a fan base is because they can draw a decent pair of tits that is it or maybe draw a good spyro or link.
Look up KuritaSS.
If enough people bothered him he'd probably finish the set.
What the fuck are you talking about you autistic sperg. Dont project because youre butthurt some artist refused your request.
If anything "Shadow Link" is more on point. Kurita most likely stopped drawing because moralfags threatened him with law enforcement.
Anyway hes finally back and will finish this set if not draw something even better