Anonymous5(2): That's very kind of you, I'm pretty sure I could recreate this in better quality if I could learn how to digitally draw, I still have some of my animations up on here, scoobydooyou was my screen name, the last one I did was a short clip about Luigi getting aids
hollywood_8: @Scoobydooyou: It's good to know the animator for this short . We would have asked for permission directly if we know . The added sound was actually done a year ago but we lost the file and have to redub again .
Scoobydooyou: @hollywood_8: It's well done considering that it was matched to an animated gift that couldn't be slowed down. Honestly I don't care if anyone uses my art, looks like I don't have much of it still up, but it's cool to see some of it live on.
Anonymous9: - You need to do a; Scoobydooyou Lisa, spread eagle like Bart was in this clip from a rare receiver's point of view... Woof Woof! That would really make my day...
- Anyway. GREAT JOB! Your artistic effort is greatly appreciated by someone who knows how much work must have gone into creating lt. ☆☆☆☆
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- Anyway. GREAT JOB! Your artistic effort is greatly appreciated by someone who knows how much work must have gone into creating lt. ☆☆☆☆