Anonymous2: Ok yea me Yort here and I got some stuff to say first off I know what some people are going to say about how I don't care about there age ur not normal and all that other shit and to say to those people that are supporting this fuck you no cap fuck you u would like to jack off to 2 minors fucking and now with an adult and you call the some people call others not normal sure I don't care about you die In a ditch
Anonymous3: Okay, so for people who wanna fap without crying in FEAR then don't search "spooky_month" and sorry if u wanted to fab with lila. Is the only thing i need, ALSO STOP SAYING THEY ARE 7-9 YEARS OLD, JUST STOP YOU. ARE NOT HELPING IN NOTHING, also if you don't. Care about this comment and say to me " OMG GO DIE IN A DITCH" I will normally ignore your comment, thanks for reading this! <3
Anonymous8: Lmao fucking dumasses thinking this shit is real plus if you don't like this, then why did you click on it???? They are literally complaining about a bunch of lines of the ENTIRE point of this website because they have nothing to do but to cry about some imaginary people. Fucking idiots
Anonymous10: Tbh of they were just kids ot would be cute but this is kinda you I guess but why Yall fighting they are not even real you are the ones that searched it up like bruh but I bet you 2 days later People are going to hate me TwT
Anonymous11(10): Tbh of they were just kids it would be cute but this is kinda cute I guess but why Yall fighting they are not even real you are the ones that searched it up like bruh but I bet you 2 days later People are going to hate me TwT*
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