Anonymous1: One of the few times the sex with Morrigan is actually consented, i guess Bouquetman believed that "friendly succubus that doesn't kill humans" lie from the wikis.
Anonymous2: @Anonymous: You... don't understand how succubi work. You think they just force their victims down and take them? And that their supernatural beauty is for - what? Aesthetics?
Anonymous3(1): I understand how succubus works, also i understand that Morrigan is a succubus since i get reminded of that every time i complain that Morrigan, "a friendly succubus that doesn't kill humans", kills humans. Or better said rape and kill them, because in every damn thing of darkstalkers where she is shown "seducing" men they are always scared or fighting back. So yeah, i don't understand why is she beautiful if she will just force herself on men and kill them draining their souls.
So yeah, i don't understand their beauty, which is far from supernatural to begin with.
Anonymous4(1): I really don't for what is their beauty, as i don't understand what was the point of writing that "she doesn't kill humans because she is not like other succubus" in the lore of darkstalkers, if that's even truth because at this point i genuinely don't know, if everyone was going to be ok with her raping and killing men since she is a succubus. And of course because she is a woman and that's somehow ok.
So if you can clear things for me, i will be grateful.
Anonymous5(2): @Anonymous: Nothing about this video has anything to do with whatever wiki you were reading. The only person who made any reference to the wiki is you.
If you want to complain about something on a wiki, do it in the discussion page on the wiki.
Anonymous6(1): A porn site where people openly talk about her killing and raping men, also i wasn't talking about this video.
Then again, finding toxic worms on internet like you became a hobby for me a long time ago.
Get over yourself.
Also a bonus, i can't complain on a wiki because i was blocked for saying Morrigan doesn't kill humans.
Also nobody was bothering me until you came, you really understand how to screw people right?
Anonymous7(2): @Anonymous: They blocked you, did they? Wow. Shocking. So really everyone is sick of you, huh?
Have you considered shouting your complaints in to an empty envelope then setting it on fire? It's probably a lot more cathartic than using your 8th grade reading level to try and dunk on strangers.
Anonymous9(1): More like i'm sick of everyone, well only sick of toxic worms like the ones here.
I considered killing myself after getting bullied, harassed, insulted, blocked, and other things because of that "friendly succubus that doesn't kill humans" lie. I don't know if that's ok for you but that's what happened.
Have you ever considered showing empathy and behaving like a human being instead of a toxic worm? I already know the answer but let your answer prove my point.
Anonymous10(1): It will be chatartic when i use comments like the ones you are using for a video where i expose that "friendly succubus that doesn't kill humans" lie besides showing how toxic worms are on internet.
Whatever, i won't keep talking with toxic worms anymore.
I'm sick of "she is a succubus, she kills humans" and "Morrigan is not like other succubus, she doesn't kill humans". But nothing i can do sadly
Anonymous11(2): @Anonymous: I mean, this started with a conversation about succubi. And how the whole point of giving them the appearance of beautiful women is to trick people into trading their souls away for pleasure.
Trade and consent are kind of central to the whole mythos of demons/devils. What makes them insidious is the lack of informed consent.
Case in point: Succubi don't have tie people down to take their souls. It's not how they work.
But all of this is moot, because at the slightest provocation, you went off on a tangent and dropped two paragraphs of poorly written tripe that I refuse to waste my time trying to parse.
Anonymous13: I see you did waste your time reading my words after all, but not as much as i wasted time talking to worms like you.
Honestly i never thought i would be driven to suicide for a fictional character, i thought i was better than that, i guess i was wrong.
I don't know if you are someone to tell me my writing is poor when you couldn't even understand i wasn't asking for an explanation about how succubi works.
A porn site does not need assholes, but here you are
Anonymous14(13): This was never a conversation, you can't have that with a worm like you.
How about i kill myself so i don't have to suffer more with worms like you?
How about i find where you and let's see id you are so brave in real life?
Anonymous15(2): @Anonymous: Oh I read your comments. I just didn't bother parsing them (ie: trying to untangle your grammar to extract meaning). But that's not important. What's important is mental health.
If you're considering self-harm, you need to actually talk to someone. Not just rage out on a porn site. Especially if the thing that's pushing you is what people on the internet write about the cartoon demon from the SNES game. Priorities, my man.
Anonymous18: Man, i wish i never met Morrigan or Darkstalkers.
Or maybe i shouldn't have believed that lie about "friendly succubus that doesn't kill humans".
Anonymous19: Well i guess you finally found something better to do, that's great.
I find funny how wikis try to sell the idea that not only is Morrigan a "friendly succubus that doesn't kill humans" but also that is a general knowledge for people that know Morrigan. And here you are, giving me a boring class about succubus in folklore for complaining about what she allegedly is, a damn friendly succubus that doesn't kill humans.
Anonymous20: She doesn't kill humans, in the games. She's even friends with some, like Ken's wife since she went to her birthday. She doesn't take souls in the games, she steals dreams. Everything else, like comics and the show, portrayed her more evil and actually shows her kill. The wiki isn't lying, it's just talking about the game version.
So yeah, i don't understand their beauty, which is far from supernatural to begin with.
So if you can clear things for me, i will be grateful.
If you want to complain about something on a wiki, do it in the discussion page on the wiki.
This is a porn site. Get over yourself.
Then again, finding toxic worms on internet like you became a hobby for me a long time ago.
Get over yourself.
Also a bonus, i can't complain on a wiki because i was blocked for saying Morrigan doesn't kill humans.
Also nobody was bothering me until you came, you really understand how to screw people right?
Have you considered shouting your complaints in to an empty envelope then setting it on fire? It's probably a lot more cathartic than using your 8th grade reading level to try and dunk on strangers.
I considered killing myself after getting bullied, harassed, insulted, blocked, and other things because of that "friendly succubus that doesn't kill humans" lie. I don't know if that's ok for you but that's what happened.
Have you ever considered showing empathy and behaving like a human being instead of a toxic worm? I already know the answer but let your answer prove my point.
Whatever, i won't keep talking with toxic worms anymore.
I'm sick of "she is a succubus, she kills humans" and "Morrigan is not like other succubus, she doesn't kill humans". But nothing i can do sadly
Trade and consent are kind of central to the whole mythos of demons/devils. What makes them insidious is the lack of informed consent.
Case in point: Succubi don't have tie people down to take their souls. It's not how they work.
But all of this is moot, because at the slightest provocation, you went off on a tangent and dropped two paragraphs of poorly written tripe that I refuse to waste my time trying to parse.
This is a porn site. If you're expecting anything more than derision, you haven't been paying attention.
Honestly i never thought i would be driven to suicide for a fictional character, i thought i was better than that, i guess i was wrong.
I don't know if you are someone to tell me my writing is poor when you couldn't even understand i wasn't asking for an explanation about how succubi works.
A porn site does not need assholes, but here you are
How about i kill myself so i don't have to suffer more with worms like you?
How about i find where you and let's see id you are so brave in real life?
If you're considering self-harm, you need to actually talk to someone. Not just rage out on a porn site. Especially if the thing that's pushing you is what people on the internet write about the cartoon demon from the SNES game. Priorities, my man.
Or maybe i shouldn't have believed that lie about "friendly succubus that doesn't kill humans".
I find funny how wikis try to sell the idea that not only is Morrigan a "friendly succubus that doesn't kill humans" but also that is a general knowledge for people that know Morrigan. And here you are, giving me a boring class about succubus in folklore for complaining about what she allegedly is, a damn friendly succubus that doesn't kill humans.