Anonymous4: @SlippyTheToad: I kinda like your idea, with Peter being injured, and, near death, she sees Death approach Hong. When he gets near and sees it's Lois and Peter, he groans. "Oh, great, it's you guys again! What the hell". Lois grabs Peter, and, tells Him, " You can't take him, he's... he's...well, I love him!". "Really, well, from what I've seen I'm not buying that, AND, you're not going to go with him, or, in his place! Take care of your family!". Brian comes in, sees whats happening, and he and Lois come up with a plan, involving sex! Brian has sex with Lois while death watches, then Lois tells him if he doesn't take Peter, she'll have sex with Death! Death sees she's serious, and, takes her up on it! Though she lives and, saves Peter, her experience with Death gives her a streak of white hair, which she colors out to this day! Brian is the only one who knows besides death and Lois! But, Lois doesn't know that Brian's got pictures, suitable for framing!
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