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TagsDebbie_Dune, Goof_Troop, Kthanid, Max_Goof
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LockedYes (Only admins may edit these details)
Info815x1100 // 27KB // gif
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Suihtil_Cod: (whimper)
- Reply
Anonymous1: Cousins or cosines?
- Reply
spectral: She looks stoned.
- Reply
Anonymous2: (grunt)
- Reply
Anonymous3: Her nipples don't sit well with me.... in fact, I don't think they sit well with her breast.
- Reply
jubilation_t_cornpone: @gabsterandmoon123: You can say stupid shit in comments, but if you do it in a report again you will be banned. Report abuse is against the rules.
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Farfegnugen: *Looking through the reports.* "this isn't porn" from gabsterandmoon123 but has a porn thumbnail?
*Sees cornpone comment.*
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All yours, enjoy.
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Anonymous4: I was pissed off that I was getting banned so I made a new account and this is the real gabsterandmoon123
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Anonymous5: bigcock90: why is the semen blue??

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