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Anonymous1: This inbred baby dicked user is proof that this site's mods don't do a fucking thing. Just sitting on their fucking thumbs.
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: A commie faggot getting triggered, it looks like.
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bonslee: @Anonymous: don't you have a bull to prime, cuck?
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: say this to the people who want to fuck the Rugrats babies.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: oh god.. those are scary and ugly as f*ck tho
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Anonymous5: Everyone in this thread is a dumb faggot including me.
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Anonymous6: niggar niggar feminized niggar
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: fucking kike retard, it's pathetic how subhuman like you try and deny people have discourse because it offends you. If you had a point you would make it if you don't like what people post fucking don't look at it bitch retard, no one is under the obligation to have Twitter rules or whatever you think ought not to be said or shown dumb faggot. Kys
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: stop suppressing others, suppression is weak and disgusting, images like this, even though they are weird and whatever, should be tolerated, suppression is weak and pathethic