Anonymous2: @Anonymous: because it makes some people’s pp hard, not that difficult to understand. chibi style stuff is pretty detached from reality so it can appeal to people without certain tendencies, but i mean ped ships are pretty common and until recently on the internet it was unusual for anyone to even remark on it. Sadly times have changed and people hyper analyze the kinds of fictional stuff they and their friends like to scrub it for thought crime and being PrObLeMaTiC so now everybody has to Google "SKID PUMP AGE" after their dick gets hard to make sure they don’t accidentally enjoy something harmless
Anonymous4(2): @Anonymous: But if it’s not real, who even cares? Nobody should be catering their jacking off habits based on what moral warriors online think is disgusting. Detached from reality, it loses what would make it truly detestable.
Anonymous5: I hate all of you in general as much as i the ugly ass monkey ass nigggers and chinks, fuck the long nose jews who should have been gassed along time ago and the sexy ass little fleshlight midgets called children.
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Finding something disgusting doesn't mean it doesn't belong here. Scat and gore are allowed and many would find those things disgusting. Likewise it just is the case that many do not find fictional cartoon characters in sexual situations, regardless of canon age, to elicit disgust. On the early Internet, it was understood to be a matter of taste since unlike real stuff, there is no harm, no victim. Just disgust, and only from some.
Anonymous17: ^ Is a very simple straightforward answer, if that was simply the truth. But it isn't, in fact many people are split on this issue. There is data to point certain ways but there isn't a straight answer for sure. Your experience, while tragic, is not universal. Like most issues in this world there is a lot of nuance that people love to forget just to have some moral highroad on a porn website. Regardless I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Don’t overthink it.
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