Anonymous1: This attempt at depicting Oni and Nemesis having intercourse is mediocre at best. While this piece is finely shaded and detailed, there a few qualms I have with it. Number one, Oni's legs appear to be a bit disproportionate to his body. If you erased his legs, it could even appear that the legs of Nemesis were that of Oni. I'd also argue that the curve of Oni's cock is disturbing, and throws off the balance of the piece. The curvature of the cock and the angle at which Oni is contorted do not evoke feelings of lust, but that of concern. Also, leaving one shoe on and one off seems to be a failing attempt at appealing to both sides of the foot fetish community - go all in or not at all.
I will say, though, that the pink lighting provides an interesting nuanced femininity to a piece otherwise dominated by the male form. It tells the story of man's inner dilemma and the vulnerability of being penetrated. Overall, I'd give this piece 5.2/10. You're halfway there!
I will say, though, that the pink lighting provides an interesting nuanced femininity to a piece otherwise dominated by the male form. It tells the story of man's inner dilemma and the vulnerability of being penetrated. Overall, I'd give this piece 5.2/10. You're halfway there!