Mister_Black: @Anonymous: O RLY? Germany is an economic superpower YET AGAIN, while r*ssia is a dirty shithole infested w/ ugly AIDS-ridden junkies rotting to death from Krokodil. There's A REASON why they're called "White N166ers".
Mister_Black: @bonerific: If you're gonna post edgelord memes, at least try to stick to acceptable targets like Fentanyl Floyd, memes targeting him are actually funny because he was a POS junkie & violent felon who deserved to die, millions of German women & children did NOT deserve to be raped & murdered en masse, nor do they deserve to be posthumously defiled by your edgelord bullshit.
Anonymous3(2): @Mister_Black: Slavic countries are the only European countries (including American) not overrun by third world rape nigggers. Germanic virgin BTFO again.
Anonymous4: So wait, you're telling me that during the war where every involved party was guilty of war crimes, some people committed war crimes!? Wow, I had absolutely no clue! I guess now I gotta start denying the Holocaust because the Soviets did bad shit as well! And hey, the fact that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were atom bombed also makes Nanking, Okinawa, and Unit 731 okay too!
Man, I wonder if anyone else figured this cool logical trick out! I could make friends by pointing and saying "you too!" What are those two words in Latin again?
Anonymous5: Excellent! German girls raped, German men killed. And those who survived now willingly submit themselves to black and Muslim interracial rapes. Perfect!
@Anonymous: Yep. Pretty much. Wrong side won the war. Also there were no atom bombs. Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, etc. They were all carpet bombed. Nukes don't exist & Holocaust never happened. Everything you've been taught have been lies.
masalano9: @Mister_Black: *germany was. having to feed the E.U stupidity and bringing ton of africans and islamic only destroyed the economy and viability of germany.
Anonymous6: @bonerific: Why do you deny the Reich's greatest achievement? The Jewish population never recovered from getting it's cheeks clapped, to the point where all the ZOGlites had to flee to their pathetic stretch of desert in the Levant they call "mUh HoLy LaNd". Ngl, we didn't kill ENOUGH of them. Nukes are the only way to truly cleanse the region of Jewry, yet everyone's too busy sucking ZOG's dick to finish the job. We got the large majority of them gathered there, all we'd need to do is press the button.
Anonymous7(6): Fucking pansies trying to brush aside the best gift the Reich bestowed upon Europe: cleansing it of much of it's Jewry. Those who are unwilling to accept the harsh truth of Nazism are weak and should be treated as such. History is filled with genocide, murder, race, you name it. It's how the strong races purged the weak. The Holocaust was the greatest achievement the German people ever accomplished, shame that they didn't get to finish the job. National Socialism isn't achieved through some easy "oh just deport the minorities and that'll be fine". No. It requires it's followers to be willing to do what is need to be done, no matter how much blood must be she to do so.
Yeah, we killed 6 million untermensch. And we'd fucking do it again. The world should be THANKING us, but instead they're blinded by things such as "empathy" and "human rights". Humankind never got anywhere kissing each other's asses, but rather through brutal, bloody conflict.
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: well now the jews control you and everything you do including what you are posting right now; so they did win, in the end and you're just a slave now
Anonymous9: @Mister_Black: lmao who fucking cares what your GDP is when arabs and turks have carte blanche to murder and rape in your country without consequence, not that it will even be "yours" demographically speaking within 50 years. The fact that you think being poor is the worst thing possible shows what a small souled consoomeristic kike you really are.
Anonymous16: @Anonymous: This take needs a 2022 update. The globohomo has taken over Slavland with the Ukraine setup. In a few years everything will be run by (((Russia))) or (((Germany))) and wrongthink will be prosecuted just like it is in those two Jewish states.
Anonymous17: @Anonymous: Ackshually, I just deny it because of h00knoses trying to tell me what I can and can't say. No rational person would even care if it did happen unless you were a cuck lol.
Anonymous20: Best way to annoy based alphasigma morons.
They'll say you to touch grass but damn they rly need to touch some water 'cause most of them smell like shit.
- Reply
Man, I wonder if anyone else figured this cool logical trick out! I could make friends by pointing and saying "you too!" What are those two words in Latin again?
@Anonymous: Yep. Pretty much. Wrong side won the war. Also there were no atom bombs. Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, etc. They were all carpet bombed. Nukes don't exist & Holocaust never happened. Everything you've been taught have been lies.
- Reply
Yeah, we killed 6 million untermensch. And we'd fucking do it again. The world should be THANKING us, but instead they're blinded by things such as "empathy" and "human rights". Humankind never got anywhere kissing each other's asses, but rather through brutal, bloody conflict.
They'll say you to touch grass but damn they rly need to touch some water 'cause most of them smell like shit.