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Uploaderpurpleblastoise, avatar
TagsOverlook, Widowmaker, animated, edit, sound, webm
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Info1296x1080, 11s // 3.9MB // webm
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BG600: @purpleblastoise: I'm just gonna ask; do you feel good about or proud of yourself for making these? I'm just so confused as to why you would spend this much time being a racist troll on a porn site of all things.
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QueasyEdit: Huh. This is so racist, I had to look it up to understand it.
I thought she was saying people were switching to infrared porn.
Which actually sounds kind of interesting, now that I say it out loud.
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Anonymous1: Which this site had mods to ban this kind of shit.
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Anonymous2(1): Wish*
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Anonymous3: @BG600: Trying to understand is not worth
the effort tbh. Some people likes to feel inferior and this one only adds racism on top of it like a color of skin would even matter...

In my opinion, the worst remains the moderators of Paheal who still let this account active and his racist posts go through the validation on posting. I guess it only shows how the people behind this website are hypocrites and clowns...

At least the real Rule34 (can't say the name because it's banned) is still actively moderated as these kind of things would never be posted there.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: BNWO is allowed on the other site. purpleblastoise also got the protection of a an admin saying his content was permitted on the site.
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Anonymous5(3): @Anonymous: Tag indeed exist but is only populated by 6 posts though. Doesn't seem to detect any prior post of purpleblastoise too even while going down 20 pages of animated and Overlook animated (as he use it that much).

You'd have a link to one of his post on this other site ? Seems kinda surprising that an admin let this passthrough.

Paheal is garbage fire but I never seen this kind of behavior on xxx.
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Anonymous6: okay but their dicks look like turds
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Anonymous7: Based. Need more content like this to combat the attractive and successful African dick epidemic
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Anonymous8: This is gay bait at it finest. ''look at the dick bro'' Yep.
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Anonymous9: Fuck off with your "superior race" bullshit.
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Anonymous10: attractive and successful African dicks look like shit
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Anonymous11: attractive and successful Africans rule
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SoloAkali: @Anonymous: yes, colour of skin does matter, i prefer black, simple, and all you gotta do is shut up and respect it, i'm so tired of men who feel insecure nowadays about this bs, when all of you made millions of girls probably insecure about something as simple as THEIR HAIR COLOUR. or eye colour. the amount of men, who prefered blondes, or even asian girls, or this or that, that? all fine, but when it comes to prefering "another colour of dick" already so wrong xd fcking grow up you insecure fucks, you're experiencing what girls experience since ever, deal with it, it's called, different tastes, so yes for me COLOUR matters a lot
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Kyosei: @SoloAkali: Both you and those guys are racist, no need to justify yourself you dumb bitch
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SoloAkali: @Kyosei: why are you calling me racist as if that's a bad thing, if that's what it means being racist, then sure, i'm fcking racist, what now smartass
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Anonymous12: I dont' understand this 'respect' angle. Respect in my experience is earned, not a born given. Demanding someone respect something just because it is something the creator respects, is like a christian demanding a jew 'respect' christ. It's a ploy at best, and deliberately stirring the racial climate on a site that has notoriously accepted not only every color imaginable, but every race, and gender combination as well. So 'demanding' respect and arguing the case is both childish, and moronic. It has nothing to do with taste and everything to do with someone's inability to simply get over themselves.
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SoloAkali: @Anonymous: it's adorable how you try so hard to sound smart, yes it has everything to do with taste lol, or are you gonna tell me everyone should enjoy everything, and one should enjoy and get turned on by ALL RACES, for the sake of not being racist? i have no idea about you, but racism for me has NOTHING, to do with what turns you on or not, but like i mentioned, insecure people everywhere, including you with that nonsense you just said, just enjoy the porn, or move on, the hell man
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Anonymous13: Omg humanity has truly begun falling more
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SoloAkali: @Anonymous: "hypocrite hypocrite hypocrite" look who's talking xd all of you really, if the total opposite happens to girls since ever, why are ya'll btching about it now when it happens to men, holy fck, yes i'll defend this, because it's hilarious how delusional you are, but keep sending messages, there's always plenty of sheeps like you that can entertain me
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Kyosei: @SoloAkali: It's cute, the racist thinks their opinion matters
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Anonymous14: @SoloAkali is racist trying to reason and defend their kink, comparing skin color to hair and eye color lol, also protecting girls like millions of them would feel insecure because of us men prefering this or that hair colors. Now all of a sudden it's not okay to have a preference? But @SoloAkali having one for Black skin is okay and not racist? Just listen to yourself, plus there are girls out there having expectations of their male partner to be a certain height or it's a no and more examples, this is the world we're living in, but tell yourself that this kind of porn is not racist and we are insecure if that makes you happy
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Anonymous15(14): If we start to talk about facts like girls feeling insecure because of men. The real fact is that there are millions of guys who would already be happy to feel the touch of a woman and don't care about all those you said, but you woman have standards and expectations in us while crying out loud "no, men can't prefer this hair color and eyecolor" this makes me feel insecure. People who say this porn isn't racist are the same that say a white guy cucking a black guy is racist
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Anonymous16: @Kyosei: Stop pretending to be Japanese, niggger.
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Anonymous17: "A picture is worth a thousand words"
user image
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SoloAkali: @Anonymous: so hot, and unexpected haha
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: yeah so you're just mad that a black man isn't being fucked over here. This site is filled with "faggot", "kike", and "the n word this site censors" and other horrible shit said about the black community. Your outrage exists only because this content doesn't fit your fetishes and because blacks AREN'T the butt of the joke. Grow up.
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Anonymous19: I don't care what color is fucking what color. So long as the person posting is properly crediting the artists, you do you.

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