Anonymous1: @darminion: Probably because Steven Universe is a cuckold show, that is almost exclusively watched by cuckolds and small children who are too young to understand that what they're watching is garbage. I'm not even trying to be mean or overly foul here. I've known like six dudes in my life that where in cucking relationships and they weirdly were all massive hardcore super fans of Steven Universe. It was bizarre. Two of those dudes I knew where fellow employees of the last job I worked for like four years and they talked about it a lot every time conversations came up about what movies, games, etc we were all into at the moment. I remember one of those guys who would never shut up about the show even wanted me to fuck his fiancée. It was no secret that he would talk to some of his fellow employees and tell them about his cuckold relationship and slowly work on them overtime. He'd tell them, see what reaction he'd get, talk to them about it over time and mention it whenever he could, drop his girlfriends name, say shit like "hey you should really meet her./I'll introduce you to her one of these days.". All with the goal of luring/talking his fellow employees into fucking his girlfriend. Dude was a salesman/master pickup artist of getting other men to absolutely plow the shit out of his girlfriend. It was creepy, grimy and impressive all at the same time watching him work. Even got a few dudes from are job to do it to her too. I know because he tried to show me the videos he recorded on his iphone lol. Told him I didn't really want to see that shit and to keep it to himself. He was always really nice to me though and for the most part we were cool with each other. Never really listened to me though when I told him to stop telling me that shit. He'd be all like "Right, right sorry bro I forget I didn't mean anything about it. We cool?" Then a month or two would pass and then he'd start talking to me about it again and try to hint at/convince me to meet his girl. Every time he'd talk to me about his relationship I'd kinda just nod my head and give him the whole "uhuh uhuh. Yeah. Ok. Cool talking to you again today man I gotta go do this thing now lol" One of the last times I talked to him was when he tried to get me to fuck his fiancée. He had been trying to get me to do the deed with her for like a year and a half at that point. For some reason out of the thirty other dudes that worked there, my "No, bud I don't think so" was an answer he couldn't take. One of my buddies who worked there with me liked to joke that he must've really liked me since he could never take my no as a answer. A few months before I quit, he and his girlfriend were gonna get married and he wanted to have someone from his job come to the wedding and fuck his new wife in her wedding dress and also go on the honeymoon with them so he could continue to fuck her on the honeymoon and they could get pictures and video. Family home movies I guess lol. His word's were "He wanted someone to breed her and put a baby in her." Apparently he also had a breeding fetish. He even started bringing her up there and showing her off. No one wanted to become apart of this dudes future family as the weird uncle who actually isn't your uncle by blood, but a "really good family friend" instead lol. When he got to me and told me this I politely told him he should seek therapy and respect himself more. He did find someone from the job and they did go on the honeymoon and his wife did get pregnant. After that people where trying to figure out who it was that agreed and the rumor mill was spinning like crazy. After I had quit and six months after their wedding and honeymoon, that same buddy I mentioned earlier, texts me at three in the morning waking my ass up. I open my phone and I see the text in all caps. "THE FUCKIN GENERAL MANAGER!!!" I had never laughed so hard in my life and at the same time a great mystery was put to rest lol. I feel really bad for that kid though. He'll probably never know that his real dad used to be a general manager of a shipping container warehouse lol. Getting back to the topic at hand though. This picture and your question just takes me back to those events and memories in my head lol. It seems to be that hentai artist take notice of the shows that have main characters that bleed "I don't know how else to say it.... God it's gonna come off like I watch Andrew Tate or some shit. Despite the funny fact that most of his fans are cucks, like sneako lol." beta male energy? I do think that these softer tolerant, almost kinda pathetic male characters that are hyper concerned and sensitive for everyone's feeling and emotions but their own are kind of prime targets for the cuckold part of the hentai community. That's why there is so much cuck art for shows like Steven Universe, Star vs The forces of evil, and all the other modern cartoons and anime that have come out in the last ten years.
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