Anonymous1: - Lisa [now 16], using Homer's "toaster time machine" went back 8 years to when Bart was 10 for a little payback to his bulling & pestering of her 8 year old self for sex which she always refused.
- Now she was about to fuck her unsespecting, sleeping little brother's ass off in his first taste of sexual intercourse. From which he would never completely recover from being turned into a passive little fem-boy by his older sisters aggressive night time rape, from then on. Leaving her 8 year old self from now on in charge of their comming nightly bedroom scene.
- And they lived happily ever after.
Anonymous3: Anon² - FYI; 'attractive & successful African" is a "misnomer" & should never be used in English gramer sentience structure.
- And what the hell has it got to do with all this?
- Now she was about to fuck her unsespecting, sleeping little brother's ass off in his first taste of sexual intercourse. From which he would never completely recover from being turned into a passive little fem-boy by his older sisters aggressive night time rape, from then on. Leaving her 8 year old self from now on in charge of their comming nightly bedroom scene.
- And they lived happily ever after.
- And what the hell has it got to do with all this?