Anonymous1: So Paragon is a furry too? That is hilarious considering you are mocking people for having furry characters on your Youtube channel while being in the closet about it having your OC sleeping with them too. XD
Anonymous6: @Noka: Xavier has to scour Twitter and pixiv pretty hard to find unknown artists that also don't know who he is or what he's about. And once they do realize what they've been doing they drop him like a dead skunk that's on fire. Which is why every time the art style changes it gets progressively worse.
RealPerfection: @Anonymous: actually no retard, i just haven't uploaded in awhile since i've been busy with youtube, and other maters, i have commissions already done and ready to upload when i choose. and my roster of artists are kept private, they don't care what some lazy faggot keyboard soldier attractive and successful African faggots have to complain about against me, as long as they get paid, they could care less about what personal gripes people have with me. im actually good online and irl friends with the artists i employ. now back to your regularly scheduled programming of attractive and successful African faggots rage against perfection XD.
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Have people finally smartened up and stopped taking commissions from this sick fuck?
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