Anonymous1: Too bad bitch! I’m not gonna fuck you! Your series fucking sucks! The only based characters are Slime Boy and Amaryllis. Go die in a ditch, no one will miss your show. Fucking train wreck! That money was for the Japanese industry! Fuck you! Nigggger!
Fuck Cuntyroll. They claimed they would help the anime industry and deliver real anime to the west. Now that they control the market, they do their best to censor anime in Japan itself to fit their white-cunt Twitter morals and they blew the money on NOT ANIME so they could hire their out of work friends.
I have not watched it. I will not watch it. You should pirate anime. It is morally superior to giving money to sub-human leftists.
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Wow aren’t you a racist twat lol no one is censoring Japanese anime you fucking idiot. Fighting hate with more hate causes more devision and we don’t fucking need that from people like you. Fuck.
What do you want to bet he's a Twatter user whose trying to screenshot this as proof of how toxic the "haters" are?
Fuck Cuntyroll. They claimed they would help the anime industry and deliver real anime to the west. Now that they control the market, they do their best to censor anime in Japan itself to fit their white-cunt Twitter morals and they blew the money on NOT ANIME so they could hire their out of work friends.
I have not watched it. I will not watch it. You should pirate anime. It is morally superior to giving money to sub-human leftists.