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TagsGirls_Frontline, Nazi, Negev, animated, comic, jew, judaism, politics, religion
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Info500x557 // 4.0MB // gif
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Anonymous1: what the fuck did i just watch
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Hentailicker93: That was an extremely long gif story. Very heartwarming and sweet. I am glad they ended together in the end.
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Anonymous2(1): can we get the source pls
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Anonymous3: Too long but good
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Anonymous4: @Hentailicker93: Of course a yuri autists would find this "wholesome" and "cute". Fuck this disgusting shit and fuck these yuri autists mindsets.
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hereforthehumor: this is disgusting and dark, leave it to some neo nazi retard to taint the beauty of yuri by romanticizing the fucking holocaust
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: @hereforthehumor: Fuck you Jews, or Jew lovers!
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hereforthehumor: @Anonymous: leave your mom's basement incel loser
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Anonymous6: while you were watching this we stole all your credit cards info
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Anonymous7(5): @hereforthehumor: LOL! I live in my own house you asshole! Hereforthehumor obviously you don't see humor in this you stupid little fuck! @Anonymous: Jokes on you loser I don't own a credit card! HAHAHHAHAHA! You jokes! Hope you rot in hell!
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Anonymous8: @hereforthehumor: The jews won't fuck you faggot. You're nothing but a pawn.
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Anonymous9: @hereforthehumor: Jews are evil.
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Anonymous10(9): @Anonymous: You sound like you're having a breakdown.
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Anonymous11: god damn! as if there wasnt already enough depressing stuff in the gfl lore, this had to exist. what a nice story this has, im so glad i sat through the entire thing. i hope the source to every panel is shared soon
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hereforthehumor: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: anons have no rights
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Anonymous12(11): i found their twitters, @niac91 is the original artist for the comic, @JadedPencil translated it into english. here's an imgur to all the panels including a separate story with the ump sisters:
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bonerific: @Anonymous: It's a 24 panel comic. The animated GIF is only the epilogue, which is only a few panels.
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Anonymous13(9): @hereforthehumor: Namefags are fags, redditeur.
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Anonymous14: The hell was that person thinking when they drew this shit,I've seen grimdark hentai before but this is just despicable and disgusting.
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hereforthehumor: @Anonymous: no, but being an anonymous neo-nazi incel is
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Anonymous15(9): @hereforthehumor: Beg your black boyfriend to fuck you. You're getting bitchy, you need it.
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hereforthehumor: @Anonymous: typical troll response, way to let us all know you're a incel virgin without saying it bud. unlike you, i got better things to do than have a comment war on a porn site, clearly you dont
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Anonymous16: @bonerific: What happened to your old comments?
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Anonymous17: @bonerific: Hello?? Are you there?
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: He fucked around and found out, simple as
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bonerific: @Anonymous: Comments get deleted on this site all time. You have proved nothing other the fact you are a massive faggot. I am still here shitposting.
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Anonymous19: @hereforthehumor: Retarded Nîgger
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Anonymous20: not sure why i sat through this whole thing, Ill admit the story was interesting and all but the content and imagery were pretty fucked up. A dark romance yuri between a nazi and a jew is a new one for me, and I'll be honest Ive read alot of fucked up doujins and storys before. but this one someone put alot of thought to.
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Anonymous21: A very sweet, though sometimes tough stpry, it does not deserve to be on such disgusting page as this one. 10/10, will read again.
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bonerific: @Anonymous: I don't understand yurifags & their liking of yuri romances. Romances are boring & they're for women. I'm not a woman so I skip all of that. Yuri is boring if there's no sex involved. I've uploaded the frames of the sex scenes in case anyone wants to skip the boring filler. I didn't make the GIF.
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Anonymous22: the eyes man... these guns are really going through it. it is heart breaking. Kar, at the end, knows she was a fuck up allowing negev to do as she likes and that her emotions for Negev might not have always been real and now lives in fear of being alone. Negev feels like SHE killed her fellow inmates and pretends that kar didn't emotionally manipulate her while secretly knowing she did and occasionally taking it out on Kar, but fears of being alone. that's so fucked up and complex at the same time.

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