Anonymous1: Man, the artist does have talent in drawing and animating. However it's a shame he doesn't have just the most basic knowledge on reproductive anatomy. There is no way in reality for something to go like 15 inches deep into a woman. So it kind of ruins it for me. There are even worse cases out there of course of animators making some tentacle go in a girls ass and then out of her mouth, that is an even worse anatomical impossibility. Of course I fully realise hoards of kids on the spectrum will probably respond to me on here and claim those things are possible, I don't expect anything less of the uneducated bunch that routinely peruse and comment on here, they certainly leave a lot to be desired in the intellectual realm.
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: No one cares about your long message everyone faps here not read some non sense sculpture that includes DeEp VoCaLbUlArY oF wOrDs UsEd To SoUnD iNtElLecTuAl when you’re just as ordinary as anyone.
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