GrandAdmiralThrawn: From Shabby:
In my original Order 69 set, Shaak Ti was captured and gangbanged by 501st troopers in the Jedi Temple council room, but this new scene is an alternate fate for her where Shaak Ti has been captured and taken by Anakin Skywalker himself in a Jedi Temple meditation room after Anakin has become a Sith. This scene is inspired by a deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith where Anakin found Shaak Ti in a meditation room and killed her during his invasion of the temple.
Anonymous3: Shaak Ti, the Kenny of Star Wars. I’m sure she has an official canonical death sorted out at this point but it’s honestly more fun just to speculate as to what actually happened to her. Maybe she went missing and all her deaths are just like legends, stories of what might’ve happened to her but nobody actually knows.
In my original Order 69 set, Shaak Ti was captured and gangbanged by 501st troopers in the Jedi Temple council room, but this new scene is an alternate fate for her where Shaak Ti has been captured and taken by Anakin Skywalker himself in a Jedi Temple meditation room after Anakin has become a Sith. This scene is inspired by a deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith where Anakin found Shaak Ti in a meditation room and killed her during his invasion of the temple.
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