bonerific: @Anonymous: Not happening. You thought 2021 was bad? Better buckle up. It's only going to get worst. The 2020s will the decade that sucked. This is Clown World, where the honking keeps getting louder & louder, until the finale where the final honk is heard. Acceleration is an exponential curve, & it won't end until the circus show has ended. What comes after Clown World? The answer will frighten you.
Some call it Pissworld. Others call it Hell on Earth. Imagine the entire Earth turned into a wasteland. Truth is you & I were born into this world to suffer. There is nothing you can do about. You either suffer & learn or get culled out by the forces working against you. Welcome to hell.
Anonymous11: You've got to be fucking kidding me man? This is the worst piece of this ever. Why would you do this? Betty White is a tremendous actor, NOT A SEX STAR!!!!!! This is why I need to stop coming to this fucking website for like 3 months, that would be my best resolution for 2022. That pretty actor was gonna celebrate her big centenarian celebration this January.
Farfegnugen: They announced a remake of Urusei Yatsura for next year. Next year already doesn't completely suck. Still hard to beat the original TV Series.
DuckPenisExpertTURBO: @Anonymous: You're so right. Putin was an angel, Trump was a saint, the Bushes were wonderful, and Ronnie was a wonderful sport, too.
Anonymous22(21): @DuckPenisExpertTURBO: Russians are known backstabbers, the Bushes are traitors to the people, Trump made the country better despite all the push back from the deep state, not sure who you're referring to as Ronnie, and Biden's "presidency" has been nothing but failure.
But hey, look on the bright side, no more mean tweets to hurt our fee fee's anymore.
Anonymous24: @Anonymous: That's a good joke. One wonders how you're still alive if you took Daddy Trump's advice to inject bleach and shove UV lamps up your asshole to cure COVID. Because it sure wasn't his dissolving of the pandemic response force that was going to do it!
bonerific: @Anonymous: The bleach thing was a joke. There is no pandemic. It's the flu. You shut down the economy for nothing. No one cried about the "pandamic" when BLM & Antifa were burning, looting, & murdering people out in the streets. Just admit you're a braindead NPC sheep goyim that fell for a psyops.
bonerific: @Anonymous: GOOD! Normies don't belong on a porn site that makes edgy humor, banter, & shitposts of their favorite cartoon characters. This site was never intended for normiefags since its creation.
Anonymous29: why would you post this trash when there are actual Betty White pinup nudes on the net- that she herself posted? She was a bona fide sex symbol.
Anonymous30: Rose Nylund, rest in Walhalla... St Olaf mourns you with the rest of us. I'm going to have a strawberry cheesecake with choc sauce in your honor
ColdFusion: @Anonymous: as hot as that is, and hoo lord those were the days, this is hardly trash. It's a lovely likeness and the fact that it's a fucking real-ass painting in an old-timey frame is suuuuper appropriate.
Anonymous34(33): @bonerific: If you still support Trump after he pissed and shitted on faces of his supporters in the capitol a year ago, you're a cuck. That's it. You enjoy watching how your girlfriend, mother, sister and your sissy ass are getting gangbang by attractive and successful Africans and this is the reason why you're still coming to this website, to enjoy some high quality SHITTED arts. "Nyooo you don't understand they forced him to say it they've threatened his familly he had no choice!" Stop crying and inhaling copium, faggot. Your sissy ads had been sold out, so be a good bitch and spread your fussy for daddy Jamal.
Anonymous35: @Anonymous: How stupid do you have to be to think anyone cares about your politcs here? I mean, you've really got to be the absolute dumbest of the fucking dumb to say shit like this, especcialy in Rule34. We've got better things to see then how dumb your politics are.
Anonymous37(35): @Anonymous: Better yet! Just ban them and all the pathetic idiots like you who whine about his crap politics by telling us about your crap politics. Ban all the political idiots. Oh but wait, you wouldn't think that was "fair" would you?
bonerific: @Anonymous:
lol You're like a kid complaining about the menu when goes to a restaurant. Do you have idea where you are right now? If it exist, there's porn of it. No exceptions----that includes politics. Cope & sneed.
bonerific: @Anonymous: Not my problem. 4 years of nonstop MSM seething & bad "ORANGE MAN, BAD" jokes just confirmed you NPCs will believe anything. Also I didn't vote for him for the reasons you think, plebbit. I voted for him because it made you seethe, & it took no effort at all you make you seethe for 4 years straight! Trump is MIGA, Biden is MIGA, Clinton is MIGA, Obama is MIGA, the Bushes are MIGA. They're all corrupted. Vote all you want, the flight plan doesn't change.
It took a clown president to expose Clown World, so mission accomplished. You may now tongue my anus.
bonerific: @RocketDog:
Why in the world would I spite myself? That makes no sense. I did it because I didn't give a fuck. Saw the MSM, Big Tech, Reps, & Dems didn't like him. Knew right away he was the right guy for the job. The fact you shitlibs were comparing him to Hitler was cringe & complaining about him nonstop for 4 years proves my point.
4 years later, mission accomplish:
>Republican party dissolved
>Democrats going full Communist, becoming an even bigger laughing stock
>Half of the nation now redpilled
>Normies are now beginning the question the science, history, & propaganda they've been taught all their lives
>Voting fraud got exposed, confirming what conspiracy theorists have been saying for years
>Anti-white agenda got exposed, also confirming what conspiracy theorists have been saying for years
>Boomers now have distrust in the MSM because of QAnon
>Big Tech mass censorship exposed
>Corruption on both parties exposed
I'm no neckbeard MAGAtard by a long shot, but this nation needed a fucking wake up call & it took a clown of president to do it. Except this time, we're not going to make the same mistakes as the boomers did & cave into the demands of commies who burn, loot, & murdered people in the streets in the 70s. MAGA was just the beginning. I for one will be looking forward to the breakup of the 2-party system, just to make shitlibs like you seethe even more. Brace yourself. The ride just getting started. In Clown World, the show begins with clowns & ends with clowns, & only the clowns can end the circus show.
Vectorman: @bonerific: I agree with killing the 2 party system (it wasn't supposed to exist in the first place) and that this world is full of clowns. That is it.
TheDR: @bonerific: Here's an idea: shut the fuck up and stop riling everyone up. This post was featured because RIP betty white, we don't need you derailing it with stupid bullshit. End of discussion.
Anonymous44: Wow! So that black and white picture is Betty White?! She's hot! A Dead Woman is making blood rush to my penis and causing it to swell! I could just imagine sitting behind her, on my knees like her position, grabbing her by her shoulders and bouncing that cute little bum up and down on my cock! Would LOVE to mess up that Fifties carefully made up quaff with a HUGE load of cum!
Httastt: @Anonymous: clam down! god he's just a dude that probably lives with his mom eating Twinkies all day he has no power or friends so just leave him be.
Anonymous46(33): @Anonymous: This is what happens when parents don't monitor what their offsprings are doing online. First they're drawing cringy Tokyo Mew Mew porn, and 10 years later they become derranged schizoids who jerk off to kiddies and collect Wojak porn with attractive and successful Africans on reditpol.
Anonymous47(33): @bonerific: "cope seeth NPC MAGA orange man" Holy fucking shit, I doubt that even your fellow redditors from pol can shit out so many buzzwords in one post. You were a special kid, weren't you?
"Also I didn't vote for him for the reasons you think"
You literally were shilling for him a day earlear before I've pointed out your cuckoldery, now you're flip floping with "wuba luba dub dub, it was 300 IQ trolling LMAO XD". I love how zoomers always justifying any retardation as "trolling". It isn't even a rare occasion mind you, literally every zoomer lolcow is using the same excuse. It's almost like the whole generation was taught to avoid responsibility for their actions at all costs, no matter how ridiculously retarded this is. Inb4 some zoomie will go on a mass killing spree and then will be justifying it in court with "it was a social experiment" and "I have mental issues".
bonerific: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: Don't care. Trump winning the election made you seethe. That's all that matters. Trolls are necessary evil of the Internet. Can't handle it? Then maybe you should stop using the Internet.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: No. I featured an image of Betty White so it'll give people a chance to talk about how "red-pilled" they are. I think bonerific is up to 532 red pills, while Anon42 is up to 429. BTW: You're a twat.
Anonymous54: @bonerific: imaging being so pathetic that you only care about making a mongoloid president to make some numpties seethe. Also: cope harder. You got rekt last election and the political preferences of GenZ and beyond make clear that you're only going to get moar rekt.
Anonymous56: Larga vida al marxismo leninismo maoismo, larga vida al presidente Mao Tse-Tung, al presidente Lenin, a Marx y a Trotski, fusilamiento y desollamiento a los perros norteamaricanos, a los tibios izquierdistas cobardes y a los capitalistas de ultradercha fascista mercantilistas e imperialistas
Video evidence of riggers changing ballots caught on camera, videos of people tearing apart ballots, the huge crates of ballots left unattended in warehouses, the infamous 4AM spike of Biden votes that occurred out of nowhere that has now become the thing of memes. Ya' right. Totally not a rigged elections guys. Yeah keep living your little fantasy, simp.
It's over for you Dems. No one's gonna trust the Dems anymore now that they've been caught red-handed cheating. GOP is dead. You're next, Democrats.
Anonymous58: @Nymousano: If you think a tiny nothingburger tussle outside the Capitol is bad enough to warrant sanctifying its supposed infamy, you're not going to last a minute through what's going to happen in the years to come.
Anonymous61: @bonerific: you have no evidence whatsoever, none of the 'evidence' you listed exists, and that 4 AM 'spike' happened because states with mail in ballots don't count until when they add them all at once. Breathtaking that you'd be this brazenly retarded and proud of it, at least outside of some chan shitboard. Thanks for handing the entire future over to the Dem-Progs who will now proceed to shit everything up. You retard.
Anonymous63: @Anonymous: trump was a p3do as well, there are pics of him and epstein 2gether and also there are pics of him tryna kiss a young girl on the cheek and the girl was pulling away and looked obviously uncomfortable
Also the comment he made abt his daughter 😬😬😬
Most presidents and politicians are p/dos anyways btw
bonerific: @Anonymous: Rigged elections has consequences. Did you know Trump warned you about the rigged elections on live TV? He said it was going to happen, & it did. There was plenty of evidence. It was discarded by his (((advisors))). Do the research for yourself instead of parroting what other NPCs say. This is a porn site, not a political site, so any discussion of politics should be taken with a grain of salt. Alot of political porn here is satire/banter, so just laugh about it. The Dems & GOP are both going to break apart. There is nothing you can do. This was planned out years ago. Just sit back, grab some beer, & popcorn while Clown World reaches its finale.
Anonymous64: Should have given her a dick. One as big as Bea Arthur's. And you know what? She would look down and smile at the pic in appreciation. RIP.
Nymousano: @Anonymous: ...and the moon is made of cheese, unicorns roam the forest, elves do your housework and faries paint the wings of butterflies. Did I forget something? Oh yeah: I´m rich, rule the world, am a werewolf and can fly to the moon without dying in space because I´m an immortal god.
Fail (Sad Trombone) | Sound Effect
Anonymous76: @Anonymous: Dude, take your political crap elsewhere. This image has nothing to do with politics so leave politics out of it. Honestly, people like you have an issue. One person mentions politics, on either side, and you just have to jump in. There are other places to discuss politics but this site, nor this image is it.
Anonymous77(76): @Anonymous: And also also as a representative of the autistic community, we don't claim Biden's either. There, we spoke about both, now stop talking politics on something not related to it.
Anonymous80(76): @Anonymous: And Biden's stupidity got innocent soldiers killed and he refused to acknowledge them, even checking his watch at their service like he was bored. Biden is no better. No shut up about politics on something not related to it.
Anonymous85: @bonerific: nobody likes politicians in general, democrat or republican, yet polfags and libfags always get caught up in the little game they play with our minds. One side claims covid is the end of everything while the other completely ignores it. It's the game that ZOG wants you to play along with, hoping to keep you as the sheep of one of two shepherds. Whether they be autistic polfaggots like yourself or the retarded trannies that argue with you, we have all become slaves of the Jew.
Anonymous87: @Anonymous: I chould agree with you until the semite part, the main reason why we are all here in the first place is because of some rich jew and the other is celtric. Rich people gives idiots like the antifa and /pol/ too much power to the point they think enough they have some kind of influence, only for the prize to see destroyed cities and peace disturbance so that all the money wastes to authorities which in fact they get alot from them. The only way to combat this is to ignore politics altogether.
Anonymous91: @bonerific: Dude you're posting about presidential drama on a porn site, this isnt the place to make your moral grandstanding. You just look retarded
Anonymous96: @Anonymous: I wonder if he got the jib/booster like all the other celebs and sports stars that did "coincidentally" right before they passed.
Anonymous98(96): @Anonymous: So are ya saying it's just coincidence that a number of people have passed days or even hours after getting treated, and of the same things? And yeah, it's been "handfuls of people" compared to all who've gotten it, but with some pretty severe side effects. Check out the VAERS data if ya don't believe me and think it's all "conspiracies".
Anonymous99: @Anonymous: Considering about half the planet is vaccinated and like 100 000 old people die a day... yes? VAERS is not verified in any way and useless to prove anything as anyone can make up cases.
Anonymous100(96): @Anonymous: It isn't just old people, sports stars and others in their 30s and 20s have passed after getting treated as well.....and of the same things. As for the VAERS's official reports/data submitted by doctors and other medical practitioners, anon, not just anyone off the street.
Btw, speaking of made up things......thanks for reminding me of how officials have been padding the "case totals" by counting every positive test(even those taken by the same person at different locations on the same day) as a "case".
Anonymous101(99): @Anonymous: And? Like I said a handfull compared to hundreds of millions who don't. You got the same numbers with any medical procedere. VAERS is shit and nobody takes it seriously. Again, cases don't get verified in any way. Some dude filed one and claimed a vaccine turned him into the incredible hulk and it got accepted and entered.
Again, if you think there is some worldwide coverup conspiracy or that such a thing is even remotely possible, you are retarded or don't know how the things you are talking about work. It is that simple.
Anonymous102: @Anonymous: on January 5, 2021, My Other Account are gone. I forgot to my passwords does not even working. so please let my account back before is too late.
Anonymous107: Everyone blaming her death on the jab is so absolutely tunnel-visioned that they've neglected to consider that she was literally pushing 100 and maybe, possibly, old age had something to do with it
Anonymous108: Anon164 if you can't handle the very guideline of Rule34 ''If it exists, there is porn of it'' Maybe you should just funk off right outta here.
Anonymous113: This should be the new featured post, Don't argue against me it's wierd, disturbing, and bait inducing, enough to be the new featured post.
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This is shit can of a year couldn't leave well enough alone, it took the original queen of comedy. R.I.P. Betty, you were the best Golden Girl.
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Anyways happy 2022!
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Happy New Year, you fuckers.
She ain't dead but for when she die 'cause I know it's comin' up
(Woah, Kenny!)
Some call it Pissworld. Others call it Hell on Earth. Imagine the entire Earth turned into a wasteland. Truth is you & I were born into this world to suffer. There is nothing you can do about. You either suffer & learn or get culled out by the forces working against you. Welcome to hell.
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She was about to be 100 years old in January, R.I.P.
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My mother loved Betty White.
But hey, look on the bright side, no more mean tweets to hurt our fee fee's anymore.
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RIP 1922-2021 she was a legend
Nobody likes Biden.
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Looks like there's more of these by the same artist.
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lol You're like a kid complaining about the menu when goes to a restaurant. Do you have idea where you are right now? If it exist, there's porn of it. No exceptions----that includes politics. Cope & sneed.
It took a clown president to expose Clown World, so mission accomplished. You may now tongue my anus.
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Why in the world would I spite myself? That makes no sense. I did it because I didn't give a fuck. Saw the MSM, Big Tech, Reps, & Dems didn't like him. Knew right away he was the right guy for the job. The fact you shitlibs were comparing him to Hitler was cringe & complaining about him nonstop for 4 years proves my point.
4 years later, mission accomplish:
>Republican party dissolved
>Democrats going full Communist, becoming an even bigger laughing stock
>Half of the nation now redpilled
>Normies are now beginning the question the science, history, & propaganda they've been taught all their lives
>Voting fraud got exposed, confirming what conspiracy theorists have been saying for years
>Anti-white agenda got exposed, also confirming what conspiracy theorists have been saying for years
>Boomers now have distrust in the MSM because of QAnon
>Big Tech mass censorship exposed
>Corruption on both parties exposed
I'm no neckbeard MAGAtard by a long shot, but this nation needed a fucking wake up call & it took a clown of president to do it. Except this time, we're not going to make the same mistakes as the boomers did & cave into the demands of commies who burn, loot, & murdered people in the streets in the 70s. MAGA was just the beginning. I for one will be looking forward to the breakup of the 2-party system, just to make shitlibs like you seethe even more. Brace yourself. The ride just getting started. In Clown World, the show begins with clowns & ends with clowns, & only the clowns can end the circus show.
Have a Happy Honking New Years. Honk Honk.
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"voting fraud got exposed"
LOL. Have fun getting buried with the rest of your mostly geriatric political 'movement'.
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"Also I didn't vote for him for the reasons you think"
You literally were shilling for him a day earlear before I've pointed out your cuckoldery, now you're flip floping with "wuba luba dub dub, it was 300 IQ trolling LMAO XD". I love how zoomers always justifying any retardation as "trolling". It isn't even a rare occasion mind you, literally every zoomer lolcow is using the same excuse. It's almost like the whole generation was taught to avoid responsibility for their actions at all costs, no matter how ridiculously retarded this is. Inb4 some zoomie will go on a mass killing spree and then will be justifying it in court with "it was a social experiment" and "I have mental issues".
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Video evidence of riggers changing ballots caught on camera, videos of people tearing apart ballots, the huge crates of ballots left unattended in warehouses, the infamous 4AM spike of Biden votes that occurred out of nowhere that has now become the thing of memes. Ya' right. Totally not a rigged elections guys. Yeah keep living your little fantasy, simp.
It's over for you Dems. No one's gonna trust the Dems anymore now that they've been caught red-handed cheating. GOP is dead. You're next, Democrats.
Let's go Brandon!
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BTW, why is there a "fakes" tag on this? Shouldn't that only apply to photos?
Also the comment he made abt his daughter 😬😬😬
Most presidents and politicians are p/dos anyways btw
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Fail (Sad Trombone) | Sound Effect
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Btw, speaking of made up things......thanks for reminding me of how officials have been padding the "case totals" by counting every positive test(even those taken by the same person at different locations on the same day) as a "case".
Again, if you think there is some worldwide coverup conspiracy or that such a thing is even remotely possible, you are retarded or don't know how the things you are talking about work. It is that simple.
Username: khalidwaleed
Password: ??????
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You need to wise up-
Build your thighs up!
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