Anonymous15: Can anybody explain the meaning of this? I'm typing from Brazil, and this looks like a pretty specific reference to an internal politics fact I'm not managing to catch...
sol_efn: It's easy to say that NFTs were a scam in hindsight, but then again it was also easy to tell that they were a scam during the beginning and also during the middle.
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: By "lolbert" I assume you mean "meme grifter" or "idiot tech-bro" or something?
Cause otherwise I'm not sure who you meant, because "lolbert" isn't a very indicative term
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: "It's kind of political." Everything is "kind of" political. Farting in the shower is kind of political. When I said "not a political thing" I did forget there is the Trump NFTs, which somehow didn't bottom out. In the context of what was asked, not overtly political, but like everything else, it's kind of but not really.
"NFTs wouldn't even be a topic if it weren't for the lolberts..." Yeah, yeah, if it wasn't for Dogbert, Carbert, Ratbert. Come on Scott Adams, name your pets better.
Anonymous22(14): @Sharkjumper: Go be autistic somewhere else.
@Farfegnugen: The point I was making was that like many other modern day topics, it was irrelevant if not for the political baggage. Just like a Disney remake.
Anonymous26: @Anonymous: Someone is clearly very salty with a lot of baggage and an odd tendency to use outdated web vernacular like it makes them look cool. On top of that, who is dumb enough to use "autistic" like it's an insult? What's next? "Mongoloid"? "Gay"? "Libertarian"?
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: Well thanks for defining the term for me, I guess...
I didn't know that libertarians had their own slang term for libertarians who weren't conservative enough
macbookpro: This is so satisfying to watch. The bored ape faggot can go jump off the cliff or something. Nothing of value will be lost, just like his garbage "artworks".
ColdFusion: Brings a tear to your eye. The system works. We didn't have to ban them, didn't have to regulate them, we just waited for the free market to make it obvious to even the dumbest person, who will hopefully trust us next time. Now as long as nobody gets bailed out with tax money...
Anonymous37(14): @Anonymous: I would never call someone a libertarian. Even I have limits.
@Anonymous: He doesn't seem to be here right now, so trans women aren't women, just poor men given a mental illness by Jewish propaganda in government schools.
Anonymous46(26): Looks like Farfegnugen is threatening to feature something worse! Has something else happened in the news lately to warrent such a sudden change? Any major deaths?
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Nah, an Anon keeps lamenting about something and if they keep inquiring about it, they might not be around when/if it happens.
But I do have a bag of worse things to feature. Maybe one day.
bonerific: @Anonymous: Wrong, we promote precious metals. Why? Electricity goes off. Whoops! There goes your funny-looking NFTs & funny-named crypto wallet. No grid = No Internet = No access to jpg money. Fiat is still faggotry, unfortunately the rest of the world has not moved on from it.
bonerific: @Anonymous:
Your economy is fake
Your money is depreciating in value with every second
Your nation's debt is increasing with every second
Your employment numbers are inaccurate
Your crypto is monitored by feds
Your NTFs are useless
Your stock exchange numbers are exaggerated
Your crime stats are underestimated, with only numbers of those who've been caught
Your "trans women" are mentally ill crossdressing men
Your "trans men" are mentally ill zipper tit dykes
Your alphabet agencies & cops are pigs for the Jews
Your neovagina is a rotten corpse of human flesh
Your colleges & universities are infiltrated
Your corporations & government are in bed together
Your cops are arresting innocents & letting go criminals
Your LGBTs are abusing children
Your tax dollars are going to feed & house illegal foreigners & fund illegal wars
Your border wall doesn't exist
Your housing prices are only gonna keep increasing
Your past & current war have been a total failure
Your diversity & inclusion morons are useful idiots
Your children & grandchildren won't afford homes & even less of them will afford a family
Your leftists are turning a once beautiful nation into an ugly looking society
Your ugly society contains mixed-raced, faggot, fat, brown, pierced, tattooed abominations with huge headcounts
Your feminism has made your women whores with the traits of that ugly society
Your military has low recruiting number
Your price of meat keeps increasing
Your housing market never covered from 2008
Your news, media, & experts lie to you
Your white characters in cartoons & movies are being replaced by negros
Your free market doesn't exist
Your schools are giant indoctrination daycare centers
Your system waged war again the nuclear family
Your divorce rate is high
Your wages are stagnated
And Your entire life has a been a lie
There. Are you demoralized yet? Good! Don't call it a grave. Call it the future you voted for.
Anonymous50(38): @bonerific: Are you pretending voting matters? Everyone you can vote for is (((chosen))) for you. You can't vote your way out of Judaism, voting was invented by Judaism.
Anonymous53(26): @Sharkjumper: bore-rific goes dorment but there's always an anonymous or two spouting the same garbage and useing the same tired "insults" they do. I think they get their account frozen every so often due to all the stupid infractions they rack up.
Anonymous58: @lazarus: And you're going to get banned if you try to mod them out, or down to a reasonable level. Freedom in the modern, progressive, accepting world.
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: Well people who try to mod minorities out of their games don't deserve nice things anyway.
Because who do you think made the games? I guarantee that at least some of the people who made those games were minorities.
Anonymous61(58): @Anonymous: Also, you would need to be a real newfag to not realize you're Sharkjumper. herp derp I will leave one hour more between my posts so people think someone agrees with me
Anonymous64: Fun fact: nobody here actually knows what autism is or how it affects those who have it. And I'm just sitting here laughing because of this fact alone.
Anonymous66: @Sharkjumper: Thats not the point mr.white savior, the point is people should be allowed to mod their games however they want. Also how does there being minorities involved in the development of a game justify banning someone for useing the mods they want to use? No one should have the right to ban ppl on a whim, specially if its a game they paid for.
Farfegnugen: @IffrytusMasakado: *Shrug* Well, between 30 and a pile of dust, in a box, underground, with wifi. Besides, this site has many old people, so I don't judge.
@Sharkjumper: Well, I won't be surprised. And some people think nude mods are a waste of time.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: I think at one point they banned mods that let you kill kids in Skyrim. You could find it outside of Nexus, if you give a shit about that type of thing.
Anonymous67(26): @Anonymous: you really are a special kind of dipshit, aren't you? You claim I must also be Sharkjumper because why? I agree with Sharkjumper?! We agree that bonerific is a loser. If that's really the best you've got, then about 99% of everyone who comments must be the same person, right? Because 99% or more also seem to think that bonerific is a loser too. But hey, thanks for trying and failing yet again. I really appriciate it when idiots like you are stupid enough to prove my original point. I couldn't point out your mistakes if you didn't insist on making them again and again and again.
Anonymous68(26): @Farfegnugen: Some of us just like the pics and it's often fun to see refrences to things we remember in the past. I can also remeber the furver over the supposed Chun-Li and Lara Croft nude hacks back in the day. I never saw the point. Given the graphics then a nude wouldn't really have been anything anyways.
@macbookpro: technically anyone can be a minority, it just depends where you're talking about. In San Francisco a Chinese person could be seen as a minority, but if they're in the Chinatown district they're the majority. Similar stuff like that.
Anonymous73: @anonymous78 @farfegnugen bruh you calm down before I shove your jugular so far down it comes out the other side I swear to god I will rip your eyeballs, mouth, ears and nose out and sew them to your rectum and call you an ass face
Anonymous78(26): @The_Green_Goblin: No. Israel is in the Middle East and that's in Asia. The cut off is pretty much where the Suez Canal is now. SW of that is Africa and NE is Asia. Israel has always been a part of Asia.
Anonymous79(58): @Anonymous: Oh ffs they're reproducing. Farf can you please ban this faggot for threatening you or or something, we all have your back, I'm sure.
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: Well that all depends on where you say Europe ends and Asia begins.
Because there's really not a good enough reason to count them as separate continents instead of just one.
Farfegnugen: Anonymous84(81) wrote a very lovely sonnet to bonorific that was too hot (too long) for the comments. Everybody swooned.
@Anonymous: Hold up there fella, let him cook.
Anonymous80(26): @Sharkjumper: It's definitly not Europe. You can try to count the whole thing as one big continent, but that's a millena old debate that still ends with the two fairly changed. The Middle East is at least fairly recognized as not being part of Europe in any way. It's literally seperated from Europe by the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The debate is if it's Africa or Asia, and it's mostly considered part of Asia. Israel is part of Asia.
@Farfegnugen: so you took out Anoymous 81's giant responce to bonerific's equally long diatribe of hate, but left bonerific's original post alone? It's pretty damn long too and severes little purpose.
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: I know what you're saying is technically correct, but it still feels wrong to me.
I'll just chalk that up to some weird subconscious cultural racialism on my part.
Anonymous81(26): @Sharkjumper: It's just been drilled into out heads that Europeans look a certain way, Africans look a certain way, and Asians look a certain way. If you looked up Asian porn it's going to be someone from the East Asia like China, Japan, Korea, etc. It's not goig to be someone from India or the Middle East, and yet that's Asia too.
Anonymous83(58): @Sharkjumper: Uh, you wouldn't like a more accurate way. We already had that and it was banned from science discourse for being racist somehow. Now Jews are Asian, go figure.
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: Trying to break down the vast spectrum of humanity into discrete little chunks is a fool's errand to begin with. You're going to get a lot of overlaps.
macbookpro: @Sharkjumper: Its not subjective or relative or "depends on individual assumption". Europe and Asia are separated by the Ural Mountains, Persian Sea and the Caucasus. Its a solid, definitive line. You need to be an absolute idiot not to know this because they teach this in all schools.
Anonymous86(58): @macbookpro: I have to give this one to the autistic leftist. Or I would, if he actually sensible about continents instead of just not knowing where Asia and Europe are divided.
What is called a continent is entirely arbitrary, just like planets. Some definitions include Australia, some don't. Some include Antarctica, some don't. Some merge America into one, some chop it in 3. India has as much reason for being a separate continent from Asia as Europe does.
Anonymous87(26): @Anonymous: What the hell are you talking about? There are seven continents. There hasn't been a serious debate on that since it was established and agreed upon over 70 years ago. Everyone includes Australia. Everyone includes Antarctica. No one has merged the Americas for centuries. North & South, that's it. I'm not sure what "point" you're trying to make, but it's a pretty bad one. Where some of the borders between continents are is contested from time to time, but it's pretty well established that there are 7.
Anonymous90(58): @d3c1b3l: You have a good point, I'm sorry.
@Anonymous: Just because everyone agrees doesn't mean it's arbitrary. Everyone agreed for centuries that there were 9 planets. Now there's 8.
Anonymous91(26): @Anonymous: Given that Pluto wasn't discovered until 1930, "centuries" seems like a bit of an exaggeration. You couldn’t even say “centuries” in relation to 8 planets since Neptune wasn’t officially discovered until 1841. (Centuries being plural and all) And it’s not like Pluto was proven to not exist, it was just decided that it was too small to be considered a planet and was downgraded to planetoid or dwarf planet, joining the other 4 known ones.
You're also talking about a planet roughly 3,206,200,000 miles away vs continents that will always be less then about 3,958 miles from you. It's not very similar at all.
Anonymous92(58): @Anonymous: Sorry, I don't actually care about planets that much. I guess it makes a lot of difference that it was a planet for almost a century and taught to billions of children vs. being a planet for 2 centuries and thus meeting the requirement for the word centuries.
Anonymous93(26): @Anonymous: I'm not sure if you're really this stupid or if you're just trying to bullshit your way through because you think everyone else is really this stupid. 76 years (1930=2006) is a little over 3/4 of a century. It's a really stretch to call it "almost a century". Also 1841-2023 is about 18 years short of being able to use plural. It's 1 century (note the sigular) and 82 years. You're also talking about a roughly 810,056:1 difference in scale. Your sad attempt to rope a planet that was discovered 93 years ago to a series of continents the last has been known about world-wide for about 203 years still falls flat. In the end Israel is part of Asia and your attempts to hem and haw and muddy the waters still fall flat. You tried to introduce the planets in an attempt to change the goalposts, and now that that failed you want to pretend it's not important? I'm sorry that facts and basic loic aren't on your side. In addition, your pathetic attempt to try to dismiss it as a "Reddit tier" anything just confirms how lost you are. Ready to end your sad ruse?
Anonymous94(26): @Sharkjumper: You're right about that. It's best to treat a person like a person and not try to bog everything down is assumptions based on where their grandfather's grandfather happened to be from or based on what quota of pigmentation they have.
Anonymous106(26): Okay, so it's been about 10 days. I suspect they'll change it out pretty soon. So what's next? Dianne Feinstein is a recent death, but she doesn't seem to type to feature plus the one picture of her on here is pretty sub-par. Not loserific grade BS-but not great either. I thought maybe they'll go for a Harvey Milk feature since his death was such a huge part of her career, but there are none of him. Which as an early gay icon, I find a bit surprising. Given all the idiots who like to hide their politics behind porn (once again, 99.9% of anything loserific posts) you'd think he would appear in half a dozen at least. Maybe it'll be a spooky one? There's a bunch of one featuring horro icons, so maybe that? Any thoughts?
Anonymous109(58): @Anonymous: The person who made the image? The person who uploaded the image? The person who featured the image? Me? You're going to need to be more specific.
Anonymous110(26): So, you’re saying some people are illiterate and are too dumb to understand anything more complicated than the simplest of memes? Okay! Got it! Simple picture good. Many words bad. Many words make Anonymous63 have to read and think. Thinking bad for Anonymous63.
lazarus: @bonerific: You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back
Anonymous113(26): @Anonymous: Thank you for that dumb and uninspired response. It's nice to know that you're still desperate enough to continue the samefag claims despite the mountain of evidence against it and that you’re only bit of proof being that you’re stupid enough to say it. But why that claim I wonder? Seems pretty suspicious that that is your only attack. Almost like you’re so dumb you can only accuse other people of your own crimes… The only thing more suspicious then your attitude and short-sightedness is the strange silence from others who are usually so vocal… Best of luck proving what everybody already knows is false. I plan to fix the problem eventually.
Anonymous116(26): @Anonymous: Just when I thought you couldn't get much dumber! That is impressively stupid! Just when we thought you had hit rock bottom when it comes to IQ, you legitimately went lower! Congratulations! I mean, if you had said “emails” or “twitter accounts” or anything remotely high-tech… But you gave the most Boomer answer possible and went with phone numbers! Who the hell under 60+ uses a phone number as their main line of communication any more? Wow! Juvenile and pointlessly outdated at the same time! Are you going to steal my lunch money so you can buy Ensure and Viagra now? Of course I haven’t had “lunch money” since the mid-90s, so whatever.
Thanks for the laugh at your expense.
Does anyone have a valid answer or just more of loserific’s cheap taunts?
Anonymous118(26): I know you can click on a person's name and see the stats of their account, but is there any place with an actual list of the accounts?
Also do they ever purge the accounts if they haven't been active for a couple years? No one logs in/the person forgot all their info?
Anonymous119(58): @Anonymous: What are you trying to accomplish with this tism fit? Doxxxxxxing the namefags or prove I am a namefag? Jesus you're damaged.
Anonymous120: I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!
Sharkjumper: @lazarus: Come now, Lazarus.
You don't need post that copypasta just to annoy @bonerific.
It's not even true anyway, as evidenced by the hundreds of transgender pornstars out there. They wouldn't be able to do that for a living if nobody thought they were attractive.
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: According to Sharkjumper the cuck, a man who wears a dress & cuts his dick off is a "woman". Using his braindead logic, a man in a giraffe suit is also a real giraffe, & if you do not cater to the delusion of such mentally ill freaks you get labelled "bigot", "hater", "transphobic", or whatever retarded namecalling the whiny crybabies call you.
Funny how the left went from defending free speech to straight up defending mental illnesses in less than 3 decades. The absolute state of the left. Kek No wonder why you're all soy drinking betacucks.
Anonymous121(26): @Anonymous: Are you really such a self-centered simpleton? I mean, we all knew you were stupid but are you really this stupid? Many years ago I used to have accounts on some sites. I know I had one at WWOEC. I think I had one at palheal. I think I had one here. But it's been a couple years. It ultimitly has 0% to do with you because you are a moron. You seem to pride yourself in how little you know and seem to think proving how little you know proves something. I'm trying to look into it to reclaim my account if I still have one. But then again, given how stupid you are this has all gone over your head so beleive whatever the fuck you want.
DragonShade44: @bonerific: I too can make up a bunch of dumb shit and post it on the Internet. For instance: you're fucking retarded. Wait, I wasn't making that up...
Anonymous125(26): @Anonymous: It's not a bad idea, especially given how iconic Mario Kart has become, but Pauline isn't really who you'd think of when thinking of Mario Kart. Plus 99 times out of 100 the feature is weird and not really sexy. Something like these seem more likely: >>5702924>>4925559>>4194387>>4115866>>3978475>>2822457 More Mario Kart themed to me.
Who knows, maybe they'll celebrate the return of Mario RPG with pics from it?
Anonymous129: man, I'd be insulted if my partner made porn of me as a shitty NFT with equally shitty animation. The comment section is a shit show, as always.
bonerific: @DragonShade44: Stick & stones, you limp wristed soyboy leftoid. If little shitposts like mine causes you anxiety, then maybe it's a sign that you too immature to use the Internet.
bonerific: @Anonymous: The god of this world is Satan. If this truly was Heaven, Christ would have never been crucified & the Axis powers would have won WW1 & WW2. Maybe you should have listened to mustache man who embraced the swastika.
Anonymous134: NFT bros are so far off the deep end that it's impossible to parody them. There's no way to humorously exaggerate their behaviour because the things they do sincerely are already beyond the pale.
Farfegnugen: @IffrytusMasakado: I much rather not inflate that micro ego anymore than he can take in.
Besides, if anyone on this site pulls some of the same shit that was pulled there, like trying to get people to kill themselves, please let me know.
@Anonymous: We'll still promote physical masturbation, not ego masturbation.
bonerific: @lazarus: No, you went from based to retarded in less than a few years. I saw your downfall happen in real time, & all I did was post memes while telling trannies that they will never be real women.
@IffrytusMasakado: The farms is dead. You faggots couldn't even make the mentally ill crossdresser who ruined your site 41% himself. Your incompetence killed the site. Always I laugh at kiwitrannies since they themselves are giant lolcows.
bonerific: @IffrytusMasakado: LOL You're so full of liberal cope, it so fucking obvious. Let's see now. What have incels have been right about?
>women's rights resulting in lower wages
>women in the workplace that do absolutely nothing
>women being outed as liars & manipulators
>women in the workplace making false allegations
>lower birthrate problems
>women workers lowering wages overall
>sending millions of white men to fight wars they have nothing to do with
>hypergamy leading to social decay & hoeflation
>voting for rapefugees & foreigners, essentially giving traitors rights
>siding with Jewish foriegn interest that has led in an influx of broken families & men being raised without fathers
And that's only the tip of the iceberg. I could essentially replace "incels" with "Islam" & you faggot leftoids wouldn't bat an eye about it. But I have so much fun seeing you get the just-deserts you voted for by them, since you know, the left cannibalizes each other.
IffrytusMasakado: @bonerific: Let's sit down and have an honest chat, Bonerific, without all the politics and crazy world views. You're crying out for something, what is that?
Anonymous144(58): @bonerific: Is it incels that said those things? Incels still "want" women and I don't think the Supreme Gentleman had anything to say about Jewish control over culture or immigration. Incels might have got one or two of them, but they failed on the big one, and that's still giving a fuck about women in the modern age.
bonerific: @Anonymous:
>Be born male
>be told by society you're not valued
>be told by women you're not valued
>be told by the government you're not valued
>be told by schools you're not valued
>be told by the propaganda outlets you're not valued
Geez, I wonder why inceldom has grown in numbers? Could be because (((those in charge))) are anti-male feminists cunts who want everyone to be as miserable as (((they))) are?
lazarus: @bonerific: Is he mother? Or "Your mother" would be a acceptable grammar response in correction. It's much appreciated. Then ghosts pop out and everyone dies and ends the debate.
Anonymous146(58): @bonerific: You know the actual, real-life, Swastika-wearing Nazis were largely gay (and pagan), don't you? Adolf himself wanted to and probably did fuck his under-aged relative. Himmler conducted pagan rituals in his castle basement. Fake far-righters these days want to pretend Nazis were boomercon Christcucks, but they hated everything the modern Christcuck stands for and had a good reason to. The real Nazis would have been right at home here.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: This isn't really a thread tbh, it's only a comments section.
While this website might be a 4chan spin-off, it isn't 4chan itself. Paheal is built differently.
bonerific: @Anonymous: Fake news. They were Catholic & very much anti-gay. Hitler was in a relationship with Eva Braun, & according to history, it was also a sexual relationship. The Night of Broken Glass was a direct response to all the faggot shit happening in the bars & clubs in Berlin. Hitler & the rest of the Third Reich banned faggot & tranny shit, then outlawed pornography. Things didn't go downhill for him until the end of the war where he got addicted to heroin then fled to South America, where he married some nigress. Not sure where you got the idea that Himmler was a faggot pagan. Maybe stop listening to kike propaganda.
Sharkjumper: @IffrytusMasakado: Bonerific doesn't have a reply generator because making one of those is still an act of creation, and that's completely antithetical to who they are as a person.
Bonerific only knows how to belittle and destroy things. In fact they don't actually know how to read, they're just bashing their keyboard with their groddy little paws and accidentally making semi-coherent sentences.
IffrytusMasakado: the gears are turning, what angle is he gonna take? Will there be some triple parentheses? A dilator perhaps? You never know with bonerific! He always changes it up!
Anonymous148: Maybe at some point good ol' boi bonerific will slip up and get themselves doxed, and maybe someone as insane as them will finally find and murder them and eat the remains.
bonerific: @IffrytusMasakado: 0/10 Your bait is weak. You try too hard. You, like the rest of the left, can't meme.
@Sharkjumper: Nope, they were Catholics. Hitler & the rest of the Third Reich were Catholics. The church that Hitler attended even made a wooden statue of him in his honor. If there were pagans in Hitler's Germany, it certainly wasn't foreign paganism or atheismism. The small minority of pagans were Germanic Pagans. After expelling the Jews & the commies, Germany experienced a Renaissance similar to that Ancient Rome & Ancient Spain.
Anonymous149(147): @IffrytusMasakado: Right now it seems like Bonerific is the one who can't meme. I guess that fits him being a filthy Jew worshiping leftist.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: Are you Catholic? Is that why you're so insistent about this point?
Do you want the Nazis to have been like you because you think they're cool, and if they were like you that means you're cool?
Well I hate to have to tell you this Nancy, but neither of those things are cool.
Anonymous151(147): @Sharkjumper: You're pushing the line on me believing you're real and me believing you're a troll impersonating a 2010s leftist ideologue.
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: Hey man, if you really drill down on it to an individual level you'll find that it can really hard to categorize people into separate races without there being some overlap.
Like are Hispanic people their own race? Because they come in all skin tones. The same goes for middle eastern people as well.
And things get even more hazy when you add in a historical perspective. Like Irish and Eastern European people are considered white in today's America, but less than two centuries ago that was not the case
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: If you want want further proof of race being a social construct, just look at the Cagots. They were minority in parts of France and Spain that were persecuted and discriminated against until the 19th and 20th centuries, but are now fully assimilated in those places.
The thing is though, we don't know why they were discriminated against or what exactly made them different from their fellow countrymen.
As far as we can tell they practiced the same religion and didn't look any different, all we know is that the children of Cagots were also Cagots, with no consistent reason given as to why they were different or bad
Sharkjumper: @Anonymous: I'm on a website dedicated to porno fanart of cartoon characters.
Of course I'm crazy, everyone on here is.
But I'm the right kind of crazy person, as opposed to some other users on here. And that's what matters.
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: You're literally the definition of a retard who think he's smart when he isn't. You follow whatever "CURRENT_THINGS" the kike shills tell you, & when you see something those goes against their (((current narrative))), you parrot the same nonsensical hubris ad homenion strawman fallacies like the little copout you are. You ain't fooling me, Twitter/Reddit refugee.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: Wait, so am I a shill or am I a follower of shills?
Or are you suggesting that's there's some kind of mutual co-shilling?
I think that's just called "agreeing with your friends about something"
IffrytusMasakado: @bonerific: YOU'RE accusing someone of making ad hominem attacks? Ok now I'm convinced you've created the soundboard version of /pol/ shitposting and you're just hitting buttons.
Anonymous153(152): Heroic Bonerific, valiantly taking it from all sides; left, right, and bottom thanks to his mother's black Israeli boyfriend. Truly we are honored.
Anonymous154(152): @IffrytusMasakado: At least he hasn't gone on a tirade about masturbation. I think that might be one step too far even for him, given where we are.
Sharkjumper: @IffrytusMasakado: He probably doesn't know what ad hominem even means. Or what hubris means either.
It's like he browsed through the names of different articles on Rationalwiki without ever bothering to read them.
Anonymous157: I feel like bonerific is the one who posts the featured image just so they can start random bs w a bunch of degenerate assholes for no reason other than feeding his tiny ass brain with shitty comebacks.
lazarus: @bonerific: If they're NPCs, then don't reply so often to them. Jeez. :p They randomly walk around houses and say random stuff, while if you want to be hero and save the princess from the furry.
lazarus: @Sharkjumper: You except nearly everyone here acting like autists. We all have internet egos here and there. Bonerific wants to be loved and hated for this incoherent blabbermouth. Choice to ignore or continue on the charade of bait.
He's either for Israel or Palestine while he sits on his high horse throne of ignorance nodding his head in enjoyment smiling like a idiot. Don't really care, all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
Next feature would be Palestine and Israel or some shit like that. But hey, why give Jews the attention?
lazarus: @bonerific:
>>No, you went from based to retarded in less than a few years. I saw your downfall happen in real time, & all I did was post memes while telling trannies that they will never be real women.
bonerific: @IffrytusMasakado: Damn straight I'm hitting buttons. I'm hitting YOUR buttons, & it's working. Thanks for playing, sucker. which bait shall I choose for the next batch of fish? I think I'm gonna need more fishing lures for the next batch of idiots.
@lazarus: This is like assuming if I will side with a devil or monster. In which case I only hope both sides cancel each other out.
Anonymous164(152): @IffrytusMasakado: Not really. You can't use memes that people seriously use (fucked around and found out) without some additional indication you're being over the top. Let me show you:
@lazarus: Oh shit we fucked around and got laz reacting. I don't know if we can survive the wall of text comebacks and multiposting.
IffrytusMasakado: @Anonymous: i mean if people get the wrong impression that's honestly fine too. I don't care about looking like a moron on paheal. I do it frequently.
IffrytusMasakado: @Anonymous: I feel like I kind of got him to admit this time that he doesn't really believe 75% of the shit he says, and that he's just trying to get a rise.
Sharkjumper: @IffrytusMasakado: I can't understand trying to build a whole persona just to troll people on a porn site. The effort you'd need to not ever break character would be exhausting.
Anonymous166(152): @IffrytusMasakado: If you're wondering, everything I say is completely serious, but I realize how absurd it sounds to most modern coomers and have no hope it will ever catch on.
Now if you will excuse me, I have to get to a pagan ritual involving gay sex intended to appease the Norse gods and summon the ghost of Heinrich Himmler to aid the Palestinians in killing themselves to destroy Israel.
Anonymous171: bonerific is...
a) terminally online.
b) below the age of 18.
c) cringe for copy/pasting buzzwords he heard from /pol/.
d) an incel.
e) all of the above.
Sharkjumper: @IffrytusMasakado: But you don't know for certain that they actually are losing their shit and aren't just acting in character too.
Unless someone breaks kayfabe you can never be sure.
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: Because trolling is a necessary part of the Internet landscape. And quite frankly I don't like the amount of idiots who are using the Internet. All you zoomerfaggots are fucking retards who care more about your likes, upvotes, etc. & stupid shit (aka "good goy points"). You fags got social media brainrot, & I just laugh at the amount of autism that is always in full display. Quality of the things that used to be good has gone done as a result. It's because you faggots we can't have nice things. So the way I see it, being an asshole to online idiots is perfectly justified. Call it "collateral" for using the services we provide you. You fags are so hypersensitive that it's pathetic. You must be a fucking low T betacuck to be so hypersensitive to even believe the shit you see & read online is real (pro-tip: it's all fake & gay, & the Internet died a long time ago). The funny thing is, I don't have to do anything. You did this shit to yourselves. I'm just calling out the big elephant in the room while making jokes about it, & even then that gets your little panties in a twist because you lack thick-skin.
The Internet is a not nice place. We don't have to be nice. If this site causes you anxiety then maybe you should stop using it. No one owns you anything, moralfags. Oh & just to clear the record straight I'm neither a tranny nor a leftist. I agree with the 4channers on this. Too many of you are terrible & should not be allowed on the web if you can't handle a fucking meme or joke of all things. "REEEEE He said N-word" Oh boo hoo! "This person is being transphobic!" Woopy freakidy doo! "This meme offends me REEEE" Great! Now pass the popcorn. Thank for you displaying what massive crybabies you all are.
This is Rule 34. Being edgy has ALWAYS been "our thing" here. Always has been, always will be. We're not gonna let a tiny loud vocal minority of hubris braindead Redditard & Twittercunt asstards dedicate the rules of this site. Either conform or GTFO. Or go use the other cucked r34 site. I don't care. Not your personal babysitter.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: What services do you even mean? You didn't invent rule34 or 4chan, you're not even a moderator for them either.
You're just some silly guy trying to take credit for the work of other people.
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: No tiny brain, the service of providing the lulz. This is our domain. Not yours. I'm not taking credit for jake shit except for maybe trolling the shit of out of you braindead hasbeens with the least amount of effort. All credit goes to 4chan in terms creating Rule 34 & the rest of the rules of the Internet.
IffrytusMasakado: @bonerific: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I whole-heartedly agree with you. The internet is just not a fun place anymore. When "memes" and internet slang went mainstream in 2013ish that's when the downward trend began.
bonerific: @IffrytusMasakado: Yeah that's kind of why I do what I do. My intentions are not evil. They are simply chaotic. You need that kind of chaos to weed out the hasbeens. Everything died in the 2010s when the smartphones came out, thus making the Internet easily accessible to the average normalfag, & the scary part is millennials & zoomers are now letting Gen Alpha getting exposed to it, with zero awareness that the Internet landscape has changed. The old web is still around but you have to dig to find it over tons of clutter. I didn't start agreeing with the incels until TikTok & OnlyFan ewhores & simp culture became a thing. 5 years ago I would have been OK with women's rights. Now? I want to fucking revoke their rights & take away their Internet access more than ever. Never forget, they did this shit to themselves. We should have never have been so nice to them.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: Didn't Web 3.0 get co-opted by the crypto crowd? I hear it isn't going well for them.
@IffrytusMasakado: Yeah the Internet is generally a less fun place than it used to be, but as usual Bonerific has misidentified the cause.
It's the big corporations like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and the like trying to commodify everything from their users to extract maximum revenue.
IffrytusMasakado: @Sharkjumper: Yeah there's that, but the content and harassment policies on places like Youtube and Reddit are draconian and harshly enforced. Like it's to the point where just cussing someone out gets you an ip ban.
macbookpro: Still this? I was hoping that the admin feature the Palestinian conflicts pics. Imagine the shitstorm whipped by these terminally autistic folks lmao
Sharkjumper: @StevenWolfe: I'm having trouble seeing your point. Are you complaining about YouTube taking down conservative videos? Because I'm pretty sure most of them are still on there.
Anonymous179(152): @StevenWolfe: Sharkjumper fell off the back of the clown car, you shouldn't spend so much effort replying to him. There is no point.
IffrytusMasakado: @Sharkjumper: The way the mainstream internet is structured atm is like a hivemind. Even the most innocuous aberrant opinions are set upon by the swarm. What people don't understand is when you silence someone like that, they don't just disappear somewhere into the cosmos, they find somewhere where they can speak their opinions freely usually with likeminded people. What you end up with is echo chambers (on both sides) where everyone's views become more extreme. I mean just look at how some of these guys are frothing at the mouth.
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: (((JewTube))) is full of bots & shills, & most replies aren't even real. Conservative videos don't stay up long because MUH HATE SPEECH rules that are enforced on the site. Small channel creators even had to tone down on the fan service that featured 2D cartoon girls showing ass & cleavage just because of the (((algorithms))). And even then, anyone who posts any kind of wrongthing or fan service gets put at the bottom of the search results because their algorithms enforce left-wing puritan moralfagging circlejerking, while manufactured ecelebs & MSM outlets get put at the top of the results. (((Not a coincidence))) considering they're all run by the same (((people))). That site died the moment it was acquired by (((Google))).
bonerific: @IffrytusMasakado: Jannies are Reddit are mostly trannies. China owns a third of Reddit, making them an excellent communist propaganda site for left-wing circlejerking.
Anonymous180(152): @bonerific: China are based national socialists concerned with preserving racial and cultural purity, though. If we had a government like theirs we wouldn't have Jews leading us around by the nose. China banned all forms of kikery they don't manipulate for their own ends.
Anonymous182(26): I see loserific is still as pointless as ever... Everything they've said here has been torn down and disproven, they've lost at every turn, but still the pathetic shit-stain stubornly continues to post?
Is it more tenacity or just flat-out stupidity. Given the source, it's probably the second one.
Anonymous186(26): @Anonymous might have a point. Looking at the account page for @StevenWolfe, an account that's been around since 2009 but only has 59 comments?! They're clearly an under-used back-up account that's only loged into when the main account needs someone to agree with them. I doubt it's loserific though. There's no way a half-wit who loses every single fucking agument they get into is smart enough to set-up a second account. Hell, it's amazing they scraped together enough random braincells to set-up their main account!
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: I wonder Ebola rings any bells for StevenWolfe. Some say it Rules, or quite a Mensch. Me, I much rather he forgets about Ebola altogether. Otherwise, he's not some loser who would log out and post as an Anon to agree with himself.
And no, bonorific doesn't have a second account or log out to post as Anon. He's a lotta things but not that.
the_last_can: @Anonymous: Yes, but mostly when the feature stay up for too long. I usually read until the mob arrives to derail the topic into their usual shtick.
You know, it's kind of like observing a terraforming after that in a way. They need to adjust the topic in the field just right in order to support their mentality.
bonerific: @Anonymous: Are you shitting me? Their entire CCP is full of kikes. China uses CCP kikes to run their propaganda machine. Mao had Jews telling him how to run his regime, right before starving millions of his people to death with the 4 Pest Campaign. China was behind pushing the Covid narrative & Biden is basically a patsy of the CCP. Oh & get this, Israel spies stole your US tech & sold it off to China CCP agents. So once again I have to repeat myself: It's the Jews, stupid.
No thanks. I'm not interested in living in an insect bugman dystopian hellhole. There's only one thing I can agree with on China, & that is sending mudslimes & other 3rd world rapefugees to the camps, since 3rd worlders bring their 3rd world values (as anyone can see with the French riots, BLM riots, etc.). Give it another few years. Concentration camps will be back on the menu in the west.
Anonymous189(26): Imagine being so pathetic that you have to slink into the comments long after everyone else has moved on just so you can post more half-assed half-witted rants that only confirm what an uneducated loser you are and how your out of touch with reality as you cravenly try to win an arument you already lost over a week ago. What a sad little shit stain someone must be if they had to resort to a pointless scheme like that. The true epitome of the word "loser"
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We live in the worst timeline.
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95% of NFTs May Now Be Worthless Bold statement to make since it's was never worth anything to start.
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It has been fulfilled!
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NFTs wouldn't even be a topic if it weren't for the lolberts promoting them and the leftists outraged by them. Normal people never cared.
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Cause otherwise I'm not sure who you meant, because "lolbert" isn't a very indicative term
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"NFTs wouldn't even be a topic if it weren't for the lolberts..." Yeah, yeah, if it wasn't for Dogbert, Carbert, Ratbert. Come on Scott Adams, name your pets better.
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@Farfegnugen: The point I was making was that like many other modern day topics, it was irrelevant if not for the political baggage. Just like a Disney remake.
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I didn't know that libertarians had their own slang term for libertarians who weren't conservative enough
@Anonymous: cool we're on the same page. minimize autism, go outside, touch grass, etc.
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@Anonymous: He doesn't seem to be here right now, so trans women aren't women, just poor men given a mental illness by Jewish propaganda in government schools.
Seriously, It is the 667th featured post and this is the worst one i've seen.
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But I do have a bag of worse things to feature. Maybe one day.
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Your economy is fake
Your money is depreciating in value with every second
Your nation's debt is increasing with every second
Your employment numbers are inaccurate
Your crypto is monitored by feds
Your NTFs are useless
Your stock exchange numbers are exaggerated
Your crime stats are underestimated, with only numbers of those who've been caught
Your "trans women" are mentally ill crossdressing men
Your "trans men" are mentally ill zipper tit dykes
Your alphabet agencies & cops are pigs for the Jews
Your neovagina is a rotten corpse of human flesh
Your colleges & universities are infiltrated
Your corporations & government are in bed together
Your cops are arresting innocents & letting go criminals
Your LGBTs are abusing children
Your tax dollars are going to feed & house illegal foreigners & fund illegal wars
Your border wall doesn't exist
Your housing prices are only gonna keep increasing
Your past & current war have been a total failure
Your diversity & inclusion morons are useful idiots
Your children & grandchildren won't afford homes & even less of them will afford a family
Your leftists are turning a once beautiful nation into an ugly looking society
Your ugly society contains mixed-raced, faggot, fat, brown, pierced, tattooed abominations with huge headcounts
Your feminism has made your women whores with the traits of that ugly society
Your military has low recruiting number
Your price of meat keeps increasing
Your housing market never covered from 2008
Your news, media, & experts lie to you
Your white characters in cartoons & movies are being replaced by negros
Your free market doesn't exist
Your schools are giant indoctrination daycare centers
Your system waged war again the nuclear family
Your divorce rate is high
Your wages are stagnated
And Your entire life has a been a lie
There. Are you demoralized yet? Good! Don't call it a grave. Call it the future you voted for.
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@Compro61: Never permanently, but sometimes he goes dormant for a few days.
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Or is this just a pathetic attempt to deflect?
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Because who do you think made the games? I guarantee that at least some of the people who made those games were minorities.
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@Sharkjumper: Well, I won't be surprised. And some people think nude mods are a waste of time.
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@macbookpro: technically anyone can be a minority, it just depends where you're talking about. In San Francisco a Chinese person could be seen as a minority, but if they're in the Chinatown district they're the majority. Similar stuff like that.
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Because there's really not a good enough reason to count them as separate continents instead of just one.
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@Anonymous: Hold up there fella, let him cook.
@Farfegnugen: so you took out Anoymous 81's giant responce to bonerific's equally long diatribe of hate, but left bonerific's original post alone? It's pretty damn long too and severes little purpose.
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I'll just chalk that up to some weird subconscious cultural racialism on my part.
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What is called a continent is entirely arbitrary, just like planets. Some definitions include Australia, some don't. Some include Antarctica, some don't. Some merge America into one, some chop it in 3. India has as much reason for being a separate continent from Asia as Europe does.
At least everybody hates Greenland.
@Anonymous: Just because everyone agrees doesn't mean it's arbitrary. Everyone agreed for centuries that there were 9 planets. Now there's 8.
You're also talking about a planet roughly 3,206,200,000 miles away vs continents that will always be less then about 3,958 miles from you. It's not very similar at all.
Is still Reddit tier argumentation.
The nearinggg lightttt!!!
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All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back
@lazarus: Based.
Thanks for the laugh at your expense.
Does anyone have a valid answer or just more of loserific’s cheap taunts?
Also do they ever purge the accounts if they haven't been active for a couple years? No one logs in/the person forgot all their info?
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You don't need post that copypasta just to annoy @bonerific.
It's not even true anyway, as evidenced by the hundreds of transgender pornstars out there. They wouldn't be able to do that for a living if nobody thought they were attractive.
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Funny how the left went from defending free speech to straight up defending mental illnesses in less than 3 decades. The absolute state of the left. Kek No wonder why you're all soy drinking betacucks.
@bonerific I dunno, maybe they need to be released in alphacucks before release date.
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Is it@bonerific?
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He'd get his ass beat
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Who knows, maybe they'll celebrate the return of Mario RPG with pics from it?
Pick one
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Besides, if anyone on this site pulls some of the same shit that was pulled there, like trying to get people to kill themselves, please let me know.
@Anonymous: We'll still promote physical masturbation, not ego masturbation.
@IffrytusMasakado: The farms is dead. You faggots couldn't even make the mentally ill crossdresser who ruined your site 41% himself. Your incompetence killed the site. Always I laugh at kiwitrannies since they themselves are giant lolcows.
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>women's rights resulting in lower wages
>women in the workplace that do absolutely nothing
>women being outed as liars & manipulators
>women in the workplace making false allegations
>lower birthrate problems
>women workers lowering wages overall
>sending millions of white men to fight wars they have nothing to do with
>hypergamy leading to social decay & hoeflation
>voting for rapefugees & foreigners, essentially giving traitors rights
>siding with Jewish foriegn interest that has led in an influx of broken families & men being raised without fathers
And that's only the tip of the iceberg. I could essentially replace "incels" with "Islam" & you faggot leftoids wouldn't bat an eye about it. But I have so much fun seeing you get the just-deserts you voted for by them, since you know, the left cannibalizes each other.
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>attractive and successful Africans
What's the difference?
Gay National Socialism is the way forward.
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>Be born male
>be told by society you're not valued
>be told by women you're not valued
>be told by the government you're not valued
>be told by schools you're not valued
>be told by the propaganda outlets you're not valued
Geez, I wonder why inceldom has grown in numbers? Could be because (((those in charge))) are anti-male feminists cunts who want everyone to be as miserable as (((they))) are?
>National Socialism
Pick one.
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Me: "You're mother"
NPCs: "He's running out of steam"
Why are NPCs like this?
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While this website might be a 4chan spin-off, it isn't 4chan itself. Paheal is built differently.
Reminder anti-Christian posters are all kikes.
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Bonerific only knows how to belittle and destroy things. In fact they don't actually know how to read, they're just bashing their keyboard with their groddy little paws and accidentally making semi-coherent sentences.
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You will never be white.
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@Sharkjumper: Nope, they were Catholics. Hitler & the rest of the Third Reich were Catholics. The church that Hitler attended even made a wooden statue of him in his honor. If there were pagans in Hitler's Germany, it certainly wasn't foreign paganism or atheismism. The small minority of pagans were Germanic Pagans. After expelling the Jews & the commies, Germany experienced a Renaissance similar to that Ancient Rome & Ancient Spain.
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Do you want the Nazis to have been like you because you think they're cool, and if they were like you that means you're cool?
Well I hate to have to tell you this Nancy, but neither of those things are cool.
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Like are Hispanic people their own race? Because they come in all skin tones. The same goes for middle eastern people as well.
And things get even more hazy when you add in a historical perspective. Like Irish and Eastern European people are considered white in today's America, but less than two centuries ago that was not the case
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The thing is though, we don't know why they were discriminated against or what exactly made them different from their fellow countrymen.
As far as we can tell they practiced the same religion and didn't look any different, all we know is that the children of Cagots were also Cagots, with no consistent reason given as to why they were different or bad
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Of course I'm crazy, everyone on here is.
But I'm the right kind of crazy person, as opposed to some other users on here. And that's what matters.
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Or are you suggesting that's there's some kind of mutual co-shilling?
I think that's just called "agreeing with your friends about something"
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@Farfegnugen: Damn you, Janny. Doing it for free.
I'm Irish and I just want to jack off to NFT apes mkay.
Tiocfaidh ár lá!
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It's like he browsed through the names of different articles on Rationalwiki without ever bothering to read them.
> Rationalwiki
Can you stop being a living meme for one post?
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>nazi arrows
He's either for Israel or Palestine while he sits on his high horse throne of ignorance nodding his head in enjoyment smiling like a idiot. Don't really care, all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
Next feature would be Palestine and Israel or some shit like that. But hey, why give Jews the attention?
>>No, you went from based to retarded in less than a few years. I saw your downfall happen in real time, & all I did was post memes while telling trannies that they will never be real women.
How do you know if I was trolling or not?
@lazarus: This is like assuming if I will side with a devil or monster. In which case I only hope both sides cancel each other out.
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@lazarus: Oh shit we fucked around and got laz reacting. I don't know if we can survive the wall of text comebacks and multiposting.
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Now if you will excuse me, I have to get to a pagan ritual involving gay sex intended to appease the Norse gods and summon the ghost of Heinrich Himmler to aid the Palestinians in killing themselves to destroy Israel.
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a) terminally online.
b) below the age of 18.
c) cringe for copy/pasting buzzwords he heard from /pol/.
d) an incel.
e) all of the above.
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Unless someone breaks kayfabe you can never be sure.
The Internet is a not nice place. We don't have to be nice. If this site causes you anxiety then maybe you should stop using it. No one owns you anything, moralfags. Oh & just to clear the record straight I'm neither a tranny nor a leftist. I agree with the 4channers on this. Too many of you are terrible & should not be allowed on the web if you can't handle a fucking meme or joke of all things. "REEEEE He said N-word" Oh boo hoo! "This person is being transphobic!" Woopy freakidy doo! "This meme offends me REEEE" Great! Now pass the popcorn. Thank for you displaying what massive crybabies you all are.
This is Rule 34. Being edgy has ALWAYS been "our thing" here. Always has been, always will be. We're not gonna let a tiny loud vocal minority of hubris braindead Redditard & Twittercunt asstards dedicate the rules of this site. Either conform or GTFO. Or go use the other cucked r34 site. I don't care. Not your personal babysitter.
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You're just some silly guy trying to take credit for the work of other people.
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@IffrytusMasakado: Yeah the Internet is generally a less fun place than it used to be, but as usual Bonerific has misidentified the cause.
It's the big corporations like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and the like trying to commodify everything from their users to extract maximum revenue.
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What's life like for you living with life-crippling autism?
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>Anything I disagree with is considered "autism"
Nice try, NPC.
The only problem is that they're chinks.
Bonerific, is that you?
Is it more tenacity or just flat-out stupidity. Given the source, it's probably the second one.
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And no, bonorific doesn't have a second account or log out to post as Anon. He's a lotta things but not that.
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You know, it's kind of like observing a terraforming after that in a way. They need to adjust the topic in the field just right in order to support their mentality.
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No thanks. I'm not interested in living in an insect bugman dystopian hellhole. There's only one thing I can agree with on China, & that is sending mudslimes & other 3rd world rapefugees to the camps, since 3rd worlders bring their 3rd world values (as anyone can see with the French riots, BLM riots, etc.). Give it another few years. Concentration camps will be back on the menu in the west.
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What a waste of sperm