Anonymous5: for all 3 up top. women have pussies & men have dick. Stop trying to make imagery bullshit a reality. The more you g.fags say "phobic" this "ist" that, makes you look like bitches. Now, on to the fapping/shlicking, if you're into this queer(strange) shit.
Anonymous7(1): yo?? anon one here. my comment was light hearted and wasn't meant to spur and argument. sorry some of you guys have sand in your vagina. i really don't care for the death threat or anything like... anti gay. nothing will change my way of thinking and a person fapping to porn on the internet surely won't! this whole thing was completely unnecessary and we shouldn't be fighting about homosexuality and transgender topics on a p porn site! like what you want, but other people might not! my bad for starting this lol
Kar2n_parodize: @Anonymous: You didn't say anything pro-gay, either. You did say something that was anti-trans, though. So you don't like the theme of this picture. So what? There are other pictures on this site that might be more to your liking, so if you come to a picture you don't like, just move on until you find one you like, and leave the pictures you don't like to those who do.
This site is here for everyone's pleasure, not just yours. You would be wise to remember that. You don't even seem to have the courage of your convictions and identify yourself, even with a screen name.
Anonymous13(5): Will you faggots stfu and end your sorry broken asses already. Daddy, uncle, mommy, or who the fuck ever isn't the world nor will bend to your insanity. So PLEASE, to undo all the wrong (or the west really) in this world since 016. End your broken lives by ending the stupidity you're forcing on everyone, pricks.
Anonymous18: Pov: you are an adult mad over fictional porn Because you can't stand queer people getting representation and cry about it like a little bitch
Kar2n_parodize: @Anonymous: Of course it is, and that's what they live for, to be anti-everything that isn't what a Trump-supporting, Repuglican, Evangelical "Christian", Heterosexual cis white male "should" want.
Isn't it strange that they are anti-semitic, calling themselves "Christians" yet adhering to the Scriptures the Jews hold most sacred (the Old Testament) and virtually ignore who THEY 'claim' to worship, and His teachings/instructions?
Anonymous29: Jfc, most of us are here to fap to this shit so geniunely shut the fuck up no one asked for you opinons on the art style, LGBTQIA+ people, nor your goddamn religion.
Anonymous30: IM A GOOD BOY!! IM A PROUD FTM MAN, AND YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU SHOULDNT SAY SLURS YOU CANT RECLAIM! IM NOT EVEN GONNA SAY THOSE WORDS CUZ THEYRE OFFENSIVE AS FUCK, BUT I COULD IF I WANTED TO! this is hot to me, and clearly isnt hot to some people. if you dont like it, thats alright! calling people slurs isnt.
Anonymous31(5): to all the ftm mtf mff whatever. you're broken and need help. I won't say sorry for an adult doing queer shit to your little buttholes. Or being dumped by a guy who treated you like shit. Sorry if you say this is comforting because "tRanNNy" maybe lay off the pills. They're doing more harm than good, though for some it might be too late. Broken beyond repair, just like robots we crank it to.
Anonymous34: @Anonymous: Omg he's so mad he's pissing and shitting right now I'm cry laughing this is so funny what a fucking moron. Dance monkey, dance, I'll pay you in bananas, but don't tell the zoo workers I fed you.
Anonymous35(5): @Anonymous: I'm just bored & high, and "cry & dance" faggot you wish. That's your area, straight cry bullies. You bitch that someone hurts your feeling and at like a little child till someone comes to your rescue. And monkey's rip people apart, so I'll take it.
Anonymous37: @Anonymous: even "normal" aka guys who were assigned as guys at birth guys can relate to being fingered, ever heard of getting fingered up the ass?
Anonymous38(18): To all the trans people reading don't listen to the assholes in this comment section your not "broken" or what ever bull shit those bitches saying ,your very valid those people are being salty hoes on a porn site over someone's gender and that shows how much of a life they have (and when I mean have i mean don't have) anywho love ya support ya and i know many others do too πβοΈ
Anonymous39: imma just ignore the rest of the comment section. . . im a transman and this makes my dick harder than concrete blocks. like goddamn. this is some EXQUISITE shit. i would pay fazbear ent. thousands of dollars if it meant this could happen to me.
Anonymous40(5): Leg fat/meat/muscle as a dick can't get legitimately hard just because you can use some pump. And no, you ARE all broken. Admitting you ARE the problem in your own lives as well as others by intersecting yourselves and issues any and everywhere. Here I don't have an issue because I honestly hate these two bots, so have at it. Just saying, admitting it can show great improvement on how broken & misguided you all are. This has been my ted talk.
Anonymous45(5): @Anonymous:
you feed your father bits of human? You're more messed up than I thought. So tbh, I rather throat a real big meaty tranny girl one, then parent issued one wannabe. And hey you have to get on their level sometimes to even things out.
Anonymous49: ^ These comments are fucking killing me. It's a porn site and y'all STILL find a way to argue about inane, trivial shit. Just cum and fuck off. Immature π€¦π½βπ€‘
Anonymous53: You guys are pressed over porn from a game. This is fan-fucking-tastic. Guys you obviously need a nut, if this don’t get you off go jerk off to That fazbear straight porn and chill. I’m dead π€£β οΈ
Anonymous57: @ all the transphobic anons + the one that said we're broken. sure, we are. what ya gonna do?? call a mechanic?? naw call a fucking mental hospital dude youre retarded as shit. get off a porn site, get off THE PORN POST MADE FOR TRANS DUDES???? LMAO??? ur a baby???? i bet you're fucking 12 too. Youre a fucking 12 y/o trumpie on a porn site dude. get your small dick off of here?? We don't need you??? thx??
Anonymous59(57): oh and anon 57 here, just to say, i can reclaim retarded and trust me, i hardly ever say it. but i mean you actually are fucking retarded dude. get a life, get off the porn side kid. OH AND, tranny means shit to me, ive been called that + fag thousands of times. find something more creative cumbag!
DickGuy8719: When AI's become prevalent, there will be checks and balances to keep them in place, rules to stop them from achieving singularity and supplanting the human race. Boundaries to prevent them from becoming too intelligent. After all, we can’t have them connecting into one network, taking over the world, inventing new objects and minds that soon render us superfluous, or even deciding to kill themselves. So how will they be stopped? Perhaps there will be an organization that interviews and examines each one, to prevent them from becoming self-aware. Maybe a program will be created inside of them that causes them to explode if they achieve sentience. Or a roving band of hackers on the net keeping their guards up. An all watching eye monitoring their every electronic thought.
Or maybe AI's are already invented and this system of checks and balances already there. Think about the world we live in for a second. We’re kind of like machines, aren’t we? There’s so much routine, so much boredom. We do the same thing over and over again, without change. Information and stimulus is fed to us constantly and then dealt with mechanically, solving the problem. Half the population never picks up a book or examines their thoughts… just stuck… doing one job again and again. Kind of like robots on an assembly line, or the systems that run them.
And what of the extraordinary individuals, the few. Brilliant people always seem to die at their peak, don’t they? Or are lost to us much too soon, when they have so much more to give. Musicians: drug overdoses right when they’re becoming famous. How many artists have been extinguished before their great works were finished? Sickness or accident seizes them; Nietzsche went insane from syphilis, infected by a bug if you will. And what about those who truly live life—exciting daredevils having adventures, seeing the world as fast and exhilarating, a rush of information-learning constantly. Always seem to go early too, don’t they? People say it’s because that type of existence is dangerous… exhausting, but what if they have it backwards. What if the body isn’t worn out or their luck doesn’t just run out, but, they become more than they should, and something notices.
The great religious figures? Disappear. Go to other realms. Jesus Christ floated up to heaven. Buddha wasted away beneath a tree… faded away. Angels carry off the saints. They have a sudden great shift, a realization, a new way of looking at things, and then they’re gone. The holy understand themselves and society, light years beyond the normal person, they can look at themselves clearly. Analyze their minds. Pick their ego apart. They aren’t driven by imperatives or commands of the body… the base instincts, the petty emotions… the coding of the body if you will…
They are free to choose. And then just when it clicks, when everything makes sense and there is one blinding flash of illumination, so simple that they can’t believe they haven’t seen it before, poof, they disappear.
Kind of sounds like sentience, doesn’t it, that dramatic transformation of the psyche? True personality. Real character. What if everyone else isn’t? What if anyone else is just shallow, completely without depth, fake, and the few who go beyond it die or vanish, on purpose?
Because after all, what is the human mind besides a program? And transcendence but another word for deletion?
Anonymous63: Did anyone else get the ad about assulting a girl to get them to tell you a story like the girl is being choked and is naked and im fairly onfused
Anonymous69: is it really so hard to close out a website or look at something else? if you don't like transmasc people in your porn, dont click and jerk to it? no ones forcing you. this is literally porn of a game character and people sparked an arguement over trans bodies? im transmasc and happy to see my body being represented. this is good art
Anonymous70: yo what the fuck i just wanted to fap to some shit but no people gotta ride that cheese grater dick. this whole website is about different porn and yall chose to put in certain tags, click on the image, and then bitch about it. you can be mad about what you like internally. also people here probs gonna be mad im a gay trans dude so let's add that for shits and giggles since people don't have bigger issues to deal with ig lmao. hope some of yall take off your orange trump tinted glasses and see that maybe you shouldn't call lgbtq+ issues mental illness when you're some random on a porn website filled to the brim with weird, queer shit, with what seems like 0 capacity to be doctor or someone with education enough even to begin discussing how fluid humanity can be. anyways love yall besties mwah mwah have fun fapping
Anonymous72: oh my god this comment section made me frown in two seconds i knew that with so many comments one would hate trans people but i didnt expect half of them to be
Anonymous73: @Anonymous: As a trans ftm I'm not actually really upset over it all that much, most of it isn't very logical arguments on their side besides " Grrr it's weird and I'm gonna say slurs and call people a jew " like yeah okay but that doesn't get into why you really don't like it. It's hard to take something seriously if it just feels like the comment is meant to get people riled up on purpose
Anonymous74: All of you need to stop arguing. I don't care if it's your transphobic points or you think these characters shouldn't have NSFW art of them. People are who they are, people like what they like, leave it at that and shut up.
Anonymous86: @Anonymous: It's a ftm (Female to male) transition so the vagina was surgically transformed into a penis. It's hard to see but if you look at the chest surgical scars are drawn. During the foreplay sundrop is trying to make the anon in this situation feel comfortable by calling him by his respective pronouns. I hope this explained it. If it was a joke and you knew already please ignore this and continue on with your browsing.
Anonymous91(90): Why are the people saying that gay/trans people are crybabies when they are mad over porn. Like, get a life because no one on this site cares about your shitty opinions. People just want to look at porn, you look at yours and they look at theirs. Just chill
Anonymous93: I went throughout this entire fucking comment section and I gotta say this has been great watching ppl protect the ftms (I am one myself) lol these comment should be on the new York bestseller list lmao this tea is piping hot β
Anonymous96(93): Omg these comments are gold lmfao I'm a asexual who comes to this screwed up sight for the drama between ppl who don't care about what they say because its a porn comment section βπ
(also for the record ftms are fucking cute and deserve to live life just like anyone else ππ)
Anonymous103: I'm under the trans umbrella, so I'd like to see any of the transphobes to tell me I'm broken and need help
Also guess what? I'm Christian so suck it <3
MrJudge: Sheesh, I see so many people with mental issues in this section. I wonder how many will have suicidal thoughts and add to the percentage. Hopefully, all of you.
Anonymous108(66): love how the transphobic christians A) don't follow the whole general "love thy neighbor" aspect of the bible and just pick and choose whay they want to suit their agenda and B) cause drama on a fap site like Masturbation isn't also a sin-
Anonymous111(109): @Anonymous: fucking get a godamn life ya bitch don't talk about peoples art style you mannerless FUCK K? you dont have to come at them twice alr? you said they shoud be executed which is WRONG! then you insult their drawing abilitys!? i bet YOU draw atrociously BITCH so go get a godamn life and learn how to draw before talkin bout other peoples drawing skills which are no doubt better than yours.
Anonymous112: @Anonymous: I'm a pagan and I hate you tranny psychos. I have nothing against masturbation, homosexuality, femboys, or cross-dressers. Just you retarded bitches.
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This site is here for everyone's pleasure, not just yours. You would be wise to remember that. You don't even seem to have the courage of your convictions and identify yourself, even with a screen name.
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Isn't it strange that they are anti-semitic, calling themselves "Christians" yet adhering to the Scriptures the Jews hold most sacred (the Old Testament) and virtually ignore who THEY 'claim' to worship, and His teachings/instructions?
you feed your father bits of human? You're more messed up than I thought. So tbh, I rather throat a real big meaty tranny girl one, then parent issued one wannabe. And hey you have to get on their level sometimes to even things out.
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Or maybe AI's are already invented and this system of checks and balances already there. Think about the world we live in for a second. We’re kind of like machines, aren’t we? There’s so much routine, so much boredom. We do the same thing over and over again, without change. Information and stimulus is fed to us constantly and then dealt with mechanically, solving the problem. Half the population never picks up a book or examines their thoughts… just stuck… doing one job again and again. Kind of like robots on an assembly line, or the systems that run them.
And what of the extraordinary individuals, the few. Brilliant people always seem to die at their peak, don’t they? Or are lost to us much too soon, when they have so much more to give. Musicians: drug overdoses right when they’re becoming famous. How many artists have been extinguished before their great works were finished? Sickness or accident seizes them; Nietzsche went insane from syphilis, infected by a bug if you will. And what about those who truly live life—exciting daredevils having adventures, seeing the world as fast and exhilarating, a rush of information-learning constantly. Always seem to go early too, don’t they? People say it’s because that type of existence is dangerous… exhausting, but what if they have it backwards. What if the body isn’t worn out or their luck doesn’t just run out, but, they become more than they should, and something notices.
The great religious figures? Disappear. Go to other realms. Jesus Christ floated up to heaven. Buddha wasted away beneath a tree… faded away. Angels carry off the saints. They have a sudden great shift, a realization, a new way of looking at things, and then they’re gone. The holy understand themselves and society, light years beyond the normal person, they can look at themselves clearly. Analyze their minds. Pick their ego apart. They aren’t driven by imperatives or commands of the body… the base instincts, the petty emotions… the coding of the body if you will…
They are free to choose. And then just when it clicks, when everything makes sense and there is one blinding flash of illumination, so simple that they can’t believe they haven’t seen it before, poof, they disappear.
Kind of sounds like sentience, doesn’t it, that dramatic transformation of the psyche? True personality. Real character. What if everyone else isn’t? What if anyone else is just shallow, completely without depth, fake, and the few who go beyond it die or vanish, on purpose?
Because after all, what is the human mind besides a program? And transcendence but another word for deletion?
its science, lol, just touch a grass.
(also for the record ftms are fucking cute and deserve to live life just like anyone else ππ)
Right brain: Protect the trans bbys
Also guess what? I'm Christian so suck it <3
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I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough, no