Anonymous1: There’s the girl that beat Shinnok. Although when you realize that Kronika is his mother, it kinda scrubs away any threat, menace or credibility to his name. I mean the Deadly Alliance made for far better antagonists than something above elder god status, proven when it took only one half of them to pwn said bald lady into dust. I kinda hate how pathetic so many of the MK villains end up looking, it’s really sad.
Anonymous2(1): @LewdnCrude: Yeah, when Skarlet said how much she wanted to marry her adoptive father and suck Kung Lao, I really felt that. Clearly there is talent involved behind the scenes, I mean Kronika is voiced by Jennifer Hale but it doesn’t really help if the character and writing itself is subpar. Skarlet is potentially an interesting character but she has the role equivalent to henchman #4. I actually would’ve love to seen how much of a threat her blood magic would’ve been at the blood sea but they really didn’t give the lady anything to do that any other jobber couldn’t.
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