FrakkaFukkenFractalz: I'll tell you hwat, the real curse of OLD_DATA isn't its satanic influence.
It was the fact that Mullins named the file sexy_goat, which implies he knew what would happen.
Mullins saw his Black Goat, KNEW the furries would contaminate it, and straight up created fodder for them.
Mullins saw the Black Goat, and knew there had to be some actual cursed content in the game.
The existence of the Sexy Black Goat isn't what scares me. It's the existence of *canon* Sexy Black Goat.
Mullins knew what he was doing when he put the sexy goat in the game, called the file sexy goat, and made the goat anthropomorphic.
Mullins knew damn well what was going to happen with his goat.
Mullins knew damn well that Rule 34 of his game was going to happen, and straight up *added reason* for it to happen. He fed the fire.
The OLD_DATA might be cursed, but the *true* cursed file in this entire game is that extracted texture named portrait_goat_sexy.png. Now that, that is the real cursed file. That is the true curse of Inscryption.
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It was the fact that Mullins named the file sexy_goat, which implies he knew what would happen.
Mullins saw his Black Goat, KNEW the furries would contaminate it, and straight up created fodder for them.
Mullins saw the Black Goat, and knew there had to be some actual cursed content in the game.
The existence of the Sexy Black Goat isn't what scares me. It's the existence of *canon* Sexy Black Goat.
Mullins knew what he was doing when he put the sexy goat in the game, called the file sexy goat, and made the goat anthropomorphic.
Mullins knew damn well what was going to happen with his goat.
Mullins knew damn well that Rule 34 of his game was going to happen, and straight up *added reason* for it to happen. He fed the fire.
The OLD_DATA might be cursed, but the *true* cursed file in this entire game is that extracted texture named portrait_goat_sexy.png. Now that, that is the real cursed file. That is the true curse of Inscryption.
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