Titus: it's true, they do make good comics from time to time. it's just that they haven't made a good one in quite a while. i guess they're due any day now.
KaGeTaMi: "OK child get naked and seat here on my lap and I give you a prize."
Okay, several things I want to point out here:
a) English and punctuation, motherfucker-- DO YOU USE/SPEAK IT?!?
b) How would he cum THAT quickly the minute her feet touches his cock? Oh, that's right-- NO LOGIC WHATSOEVER.
c) Why did I just read Janine's dialogue with the voice of Natasha Fatale in my head (What is wrong with me sometimes?)
Hey, at least it isn't a shitty BBMBFF comic (despite the similar art style and dialogue).
footlicking male focus = less good
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Okay, several things I want to point out here:
a) English and punctuation, motherfucker-- DO YOU USE/SPEAK IT?!?
b) How would he cum THAT quickly the minute her feet touches his cock? Oh, that's right-- NO LOGIC WHATSOEVER.
c) Why did I just read Janine's dialogue with the voice of Natasha Fatale in my head (What is wrong with me sometimes?)
Hey, at least it isn't a shitty BBMBFF comic (despite the similar art style and dialogue).