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TagsBen_10, Ben_Tennyson, Ghostbusters, Janine_Melnitz, Tenzen, crossover
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Info905x1280 // 989KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: hot
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deuce: This is kind of strange... although I'd happily give Ben a footjob myself.
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deliciouscake: footjob focus = good
footlicking male focus = less good
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Anonymous2: *cough* Tenzen_(Artist) *cough*
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Anonymous3: *cough* this is shit *cough*
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Anonymous4: ben's dick doesn't look right being that big it would look better normal size
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DarkStorm: palcomix should do more feet focus those feet look tasty.
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Anonymous5: talking about fucked up crossovers
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zach223: you don't sit on a chick's lap naked and be surprised when she gives you a footjob!
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Anonymous6: ohh hear we go again
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Anonymous7: tru anon4 and deuce
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LiveRobotShow: MORE Janine Melnitz PLEASE ! I love hentai red heads !!!
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Titus: it's true, they do make good comics from time to time. it's just that they haven't made a good one in quite a while. i guess they're due any day now.
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Anonymous8: Wow, either she's incredibly good at footjobs or ben can't last more than a panel. lulz
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Hat_matter: The fuck?
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Anonymous9: fun
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Anonymous10: That's a lucky kid
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Anonymous11: whats the name of the comic
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Anonymous12: Anon8 mom's didn't last more than a panel either.
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ForcedUser: I'm not sure how I "seat" on someone's lap.
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DEM: "You'll have to clean them again!"
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Anonymous13: yech whats the name of the comic
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obamasux: "i give you a prize"XD
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Anonymous14: what's the name of the comic?!
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Anonymous15: Make a new one
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Anonymous16: i would like to see a footjob comic that has a girl with painted toenails
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Anonymous17: That would be sexy
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Anonymous18: ya.
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Anonymous19: i want a footjob
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Anonymous20: I wanna lick her nose and I don't know why.
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Anonymous21: My mom thet this to my hehe
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KaGeTaMi: "OK child get naked and seat here on my lap and I give you a prize."

Okay, several things I want to point out here:

a) English and punctuation, motherfucker-- DO YOU USE/SPEAK IT?!?
b) How would he cum THAT quickly the minute her feet touches his cock? Oh, that's right-- NO LOGIC WHATSOEVER.
c) Why did I just read Janine's dialogue with the voice of Natasha Fatale in my head (What is wrong with me sometimes?)

Hey, at least it isn't a shitty BBMBFF comic (despite the similar art style and dialogue).
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EatMyMcNuggets: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: You to guys sick or something?
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Anonymous22: @Anonymous:
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Anonymous23: Fucking pedos in this thread, its fucking disgusting

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