Anonymous1: This is so phony that it hurts. It’s seriously sickening how badly people get the dynamic between the main cast so fundamentally wrong in a series that is already so lacking in content. Jenny and Brad are not a thing. There aren’t an item nor were they ever remotely hinted at having any attraction to each other. I’m fact Jenny said out loud that she does not consider Brad to be on her list of “datable boys” that she would ever willingly go out with. So this whole number here is just contradictory to their personalities. Seriously, draw Brad getting on with Melody instead of the bulls**t here because Melody is a character who needs more exposure and content showing her together with Brad. Unlike Jenny, Melody has canonical feelings for Brad and Brad reciprocates said feelings.
Anonymous2: Hey Stan, no one gives a fuck. These are fan drawings. If you don’t like them, get off this site and make your own fan art you whiny little faggot.
Anonymous6: @Anonymous: You admittedly make some good points here, but you neglected to take into account the fact that, due to Brad's superior Anglo-Gaelic genes (as opposed to, say, Sheldon, who is clearly of inferior asiatic stock), he is eugenically entitled to Jenny's fertile womb.
Better yet hes from that ABC specical about 'cyber bullying' except they cut out the part when she comments stupid crap like this.