Sodomius: Artists are still too dumb to realize that this is a porn archive site, and we are not exactly claiming to steal their work and such. Fucking cunts.
evilpika: People seem to think that their art posted on the internet is stolen if it's reposted anywhere off their galleries. Sites should certainly not sell access to other people's work, but things are going to be reposted. I especially hate the "this is my copyrighted art, you have no right to post it" mentality with porn of copyrighted characters they don't own.
Anonymous3: Are you fucking serious?
Why do you stupid fucking idiots cave to DNP requests?
They have no legal authority over any image they draw if it contains characters created by another company.
innocenttazlet can't legally tell you to take down any of her work. SHE DOESN'T OWN THE RIGHTS TO THE SHIT.
Same with The Duke, and all those other cunts.
You guys need to just fucking delete your DNP list.
You can't get sued. If someone tries to sue you, just tell them that threatening you with a bogus DMCA claim can result in stiff penalties, including fines in excess of $10,000.
Remind 'em of § 512(f), of the DMCA which reads -"Any person who knowingly materially misrepresents under this section— (1) that material or activity is infringing, or (2) that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification, shall be liable for any damages, including costs and attorneys’ fees, incurred by the alleged infringer, by any copyright owner or copyright owner’s authorized licensee, or by a service provider, who is injured by such misrepresentation, as the result of the service provider relying upon such misrepresentation in removing or disabling access to the material or activity claimed to be infringing, or in replacing the removed material or ceasing to disable access to it."
Quit kowtowing to these cunts god damnit.
Toonlove101: titan please read up on how they don't apply to parody artists themselves. I realize your an idiot {we've been through this argument before, but your stills somehow to dumb to grasp it} , but just hang with me for a second.
you cannot claim ownership to parody works. get this through your endlessly thick skull. if i created porn of mickey mouse, i cannot be sued by Disney, because its a parody.
however I cannot sue somebody else because they STOLE the parody of copyright works that aren't mine to begin with.
I know this basic "abc" concept is beyond your grasp, but maybe try to think it over a
little" harder this time.
Anonymous4(3): Respect?
This isn't a respectable field.
This is cartoon porn. Few artists deserve 'respect'. Ironically, the ones that do usually don't pull DMCA bullshit.
And fair use does cover an artist's right to draw a character, however they still don't have legal authority over how their drawing is displayed.
Taz seems to have quit(i actually managed to stomach the WWOEC circlejerking long enough to find out, as well as The Duke). The others aren't really a loss, as they either don't draw porn, or draw terrible porn.
But the point is, this place shouldn't be about respect. Fucking hell, DNP lists are what ruin potentially good sites.
fchan comes to mind. The list here is getting embarassingly long.
When I first started browsing paheal almost 4 years ago, it was great. It was like all the 34 porn in the world could be easily condensed into a single well-laid out site. That was the beauty of it. And there's no real alternative, except to spend hours upon hours scouring WWOEC and HentaiFoundry for the stuff every week.
Toonlove101: anon 6, i've been through this with him about a million times, he's literally to brain dead to get it. he will just start rambling laws and crap that literally have nothing to do with the subject at hand.
Anonymous6(3): Oh well Kraw.
He should have come out and told us gracefully.
Now it's out.
If an artist is worried about their pro-career, they need to realize that Bruce Timm draws lesbian toon porn and does not give a single fuck.
All this shit feels like censorship, and I loath censorship. One of the great props I give to Paheal staff is, they don't(appear) to censor comments. I have huge respect for THAT.
BTW, /pco/ doesn't have a DNP list(Y3DF is the ONLY thing banned).
traffik: "Big news coming up soon"? Why do I have a REALLY bad feeling about this?
On another note entirely, even though this pic doesn't particularly appeal to me, I'm voting it up solely because it replaced that god-awful joshcube pic.
hentaimaster: In the immortal words of Eric cartman:
"Next time you're gonna get my hopes up,could you please take me to a grease monkey? Cause I like to get lubed up before I get fucked. Huh?! Some lube would be nice! Or at least a courtesy lick, How about a little courtesy lick the next time you decide to fuck me?¡¡"
Fox_McCloud: lolz, i never thought this ole pic would get featured... on my birthday no less... a pic depicting my most favorite childhood cartoon... gets featured... THANX PAHEAL!!! :P
Gustav: Now The Duke is gone too? Fuck, just fuck...
Big news coming soon? Oh, I don't like the sound of that, please let it be something at least remotely positive.
hentaimaster: well, the word "big" sounds good...and not have something like "beware"...the question is.."big good news" or "big bad news" ? Mmm.. maybe is the sound of a Nuke Falling Down? titanium ride that bomb?
hollywood_8: Taz wasn't even good whats the matter with you guys . Firemario going DNP was a lost , it would be harder to find his non furry work now .
AnonOVER9000: I agree with many people's opinions here. The DNP list got HUGE during the last years. In the beginning when the page was small, it wasn't a big deal to remove some pics, but now each artist who requests to delete his art means a loss of hundreds or even thousands images.
Don't get me wrong. I respect the artists and their work. But what's the point of drawing images and putting them online on one page if you don't allow them on other pages? Isn't more = better if you want to become a "famous" artist?
It's not like paheal is stealing the work, artists are tagged and we've got the source links, so what's the point? X.x
Just my opinion, felt like writing it here :) Looking forward to the blog entry...
Sintime: I see a future of pahheal with everything being on the DNP list, except for the art trolls/complainers of course, who are incapable of producing any type of work, and lets not forget people like joshcube, the only images posted will be poor shops and 3rd grader MS-Paint scribbles
Anonymous17(16): Sintime, when that happens, i'm pretty sure all we're going to get is animu porn.
Literally all the decent/laughable content that brought me to this site became DNP, who'd "respect" Drawn Sex and similar websites, regardless?
Sintime: The only reason half the the anime stuff is still here is because the original circles don't visit this site or speech english, if they did I'm sure they would be on the DNP list as well. A handful of basement dwelling trolls got Innocenttazzlet removed even, I for one liked her style
Anonymous18: I very rarely visit this site these days as it is a mere shadow of its former self. Most of the good artists are on the sites Do Not Post List, way too many futa and homo posts, and the endless CG sets of the same basic thing are a royal pain in the ass. So begins the end....
Freezer: FireMario86 and Innocenttazlet, at least, have pulled their HF and DevArt accounts as well. Don't know what Roger Bacon, The Duke or Lizardsharkragon's deals are. Don't recognize the rest.
Freezer: And I do so love the Tough Guy Anons popping up ever time a popular artist goes DNP yelling about how they should post this stuff anyway. Go make your own site or STFU, k'?
Anonymous24(3): "Make your own site hurr durr!"
I would, if I knew a single fucking thing about proper coding, and had the time to run it.
A .onion site would be ideal, free from the reach of the DMCA and DNP requests.
How difficult is it to build a website?
Anonymous25: I have just two questions:
1) How in the world did this picture get featured?
2) Why can I not get to my internet is working, but whenever i try going to that site, it either opens up a google search or tells me that Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage!!!
Anonymous26: It's hard to hold the DNP requests against the artist. Having their images freely available here means they lose traffic on their own site, and that means loss of ad revenue. The problem is even worse when members content gets posted here. These guys have to support themselves somehow.
Anonymous27: I'm getting sick of this DNP bullshit, myself. Fucking whiny artists, "Boo hoo you have to go somewhere else on the internet to look at my art because they'll ban you if you criticize me but paheal won't!"
Anonymous28(27): Anon 27: The problem with that is that many of the DNP artists don't have their 'own websites' and don't gain anything by not allowing their art to be posted here. If anything, their "rule 34" art posted here increases their popularity because you have to go find all their non-"rule 34" art somewhere else.
Draken: I wonder what got to my buddy Duke that he would request his stuff to be pulled off. And no, i refuse to acknowledge what most anons and people say that Paheal would turn into a anime/hentai page while there are still artists like me around, sure my stuff might not be appreciated but i still bring a pic around here and there, and like me, there are a bunch of people who do pictures exclusively for the paheal public.
Anonymous29: I agree with what people are saying about the DNP list.
There is NO point in having a hentai/R34 website if you block pretty much every good artist out there. I am already disappointed that we even have a DNP list, why the HELL do we NEED a DNP LIST if this is a PORN SITE!? They cannot sue you for posting porn pictures of cartoons because they are protected under "parody." The DNP list is going to be so huge that there isn't going to be much good pics left, it would be nice if R34 had access to every single hentai/porn picture out there so we would have it all to our fingertips.
***** And to Sintime, Sodomius and all the trolls on this site bitching about my artwork *****
NOBODY asked you to look at my fucking artwork!! Every time I make a picture, I get like 10+ trolls posting in the comments calling me "fag", "asshole", the list goes on. I highly doubt my pictures are getting down-voted because they are photoshops, no, they are getting down-voted because they are self-inserts. And no, my art is not fricken Picasso, yet, I don't claim my art is terrible either. Just because a person uses Photoshop doesn't automatically label it "bad." The people down-voting my shit are just being haters, that's all there is to it.
Freezer: I took a look at the DNP list. There's maybe a dozen on the list I'd miss. And that includes Dr. Comet, who's been DNP since before Paheal existed. And for everyone who's whining about rule 34 devolving into a pile of CG Sets, manga titles that will never see and MS Paint fail, check the Friends of Paheal page. Paheal will be okay, despite the major hit of the last day or so.
Random_Anon: Sad thing is one of the artists who DNP'd was Roger Bacon. :(
Personally, I think that really sucks, cause his art was great, and now it's gone.
Anonymous36(29): R34 is going to go down the tubes with the DNP list. All we're going to have left is art made by artists that no longer exists.
Wait a minute.....I just realized something. Couldn't anyone just claim a picture is theirs and demand it taken down? Like for example, there's two pictures of Marin from Link's Awakening on this site made by a guy named Mr. X. I used to be close friends with him and one day, poof, he disappeared. His Geocities site went down along with his ICQ. I mean, all someone would have to do is claim that he is him and have the pictures removed.
Therefore, the DNP list is pointless! This site is doomed!
Anonymous37(3): Hey Titanium.
4chan is a piece of Zog-run shit now. The place is dying, because of what people cannot post.
It's on it's last legs. The /h/ board is one of the most boring, and useless hentai boards on all of chandom, due to the massive quantity of things that are DNP on there.
Fuck your pony shit, and fuck 4chan.
It's funny how you talk about fighting Drawn Sex in court.
You idiots never figured out how to beat frivolous DMCA claims-
§ 512(f), of the DMCA which reads -"Any person who knowingly materially misrepresents under this section— (1) that material or activity is infringing, or (2) that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification, shall be liable for any damages, including costs and attorneys’ fees, incurred by the alleged infringer, by any copyright owner or copyright owner’s authorized licensee, or by a service provider, who is injured by such misrepresentation, as the result of the service provider relying upon such misrepresentation in removing or disabling access to the material or activity claimed to be infringing, or in replacing the removed material or ceasing to disable access to it."
THAT'S how you deal with fuckheads. Why have a rule 34 site(NO EXCEPTIONS) when you make exceptions for any jew that raises their back hair at you?
Danielakiiki: Joshcube you do realize that they have to provide proof that they are the artist (usually by posting a specific message at the site the art is hosted at) to get images removed and be added to the DNP list right?
Thanks for posting a link to the old blog post Titanium, the comments were a trip down memory lane. Good thing stupidity and ignorance aren't contagious.
Anonymous38(3): >Also, we are based in the EU, not the US. Get your shit straight.
Then how the fuck can you allow lolicon?
Also, the DMCA has no bearing on you if this is true. So Drawn Sex can't do shit all.
You have to get it in you heads. You don't need lawyers. You need to keep to your guns. Typical eurofags taking dick for anyone that offers a hard-on. Tell them you'll contact Disney over the problem. "You sue us, and we'll just tell Disney you're making money off of their copyrighted characters in pornography."
That would shut them up in a hurry. These people are fucking stupid slavshit mostly, so they probably don't even have lawyers.
Also, RIP Macho Man. I'm eating 4 Slim Jims in your honor.
Anonymous39: Titanium-No idea how you keep your sanity dealing with idiots on both sides of the argument. Thanks a lot for dealing with all this stuff. Try not to let people drive you too crazy. Good luck with everything! ^^
Anonymous42: I agree Titanium, appreciate the efforts. But the DNP losses are significant. I come to this site for: Comments (stupid & funny), the possibility of seeing good, sexy art, the possibility of seeing something humorous. The good, sexy art is what may become scarce, and we'll be left with the Uncle Dolan posts (which meet 2 of 3 of my criteria).
innocenttazlet: I am sorry for any trouble and time spend to get rid of my junky art from here. And that I seemed to ask at a most inconvenient time aswell to be on the DNP list.
Titanium: innocenttazlet - I understand your request and had no problem with it. Was a bit of work, but I don't mind. Personally I am frustrated by the rude emails from y!gallery by uppity people.
Anonymous45(3): Having cooled down from my rage(I blow things out of proportion), I have to say I can understand if Taz and Duke wanna have their stuff pulled due to their leaving the field. It doesn't please me though. I'd like the artist to come out and give us a farewell message and explanation, rather than leaving us hanging.
But you have alot of DNP that comes because some jackass wants to run a paysite(and using IP from Disney/Fox/WB on your paysite is expressly ILLEGAL), and they don't have a right to tell Paheal that their "pay-for" content can't be posted, as they hold no rights over it. I just want Titanium and the staff to just tell them to fuck off. You wanna make money with rule-34? DO COMMISSIONS. That's a legitimate way to do things.
I fully expect Hentai United to get onto the DNP list soon, making false copyright claims and shit.
FUCK YOU, I'm NOT gonna pay the cost of a yearly magazine subscription PER MONTH just to see your fucking fap material. I could get a personalized commission from a reputable artist for that price.
I can understand Titanium's frustrations(damned if you do, damned if you don't). But it's better to take the right side(the side of the users in the case of DS/Cartoon Reality). You can't compromise here, so take the morally right side.
An artist/site that uses MLP(for example) to elicit huge profits from people against all copyright laws is a piece of shit.
Anonymous47(41): agree with Rat, Sodomius & Arceus here. This whole DNP thing is getting out of hand. Maybe Paheal needs a new slogan.
"if it exists, it's DNP."
xGimpyx: Don't worry folks. With every year, new artists will create more porn, and that gives us more shit to work with. Just be patient and keep your eyes open. One day, we will find a new DS.
Anonymous48: In this thread - people complaining about the fine folks who keep this place going on, telling them how to do things yet not actually taking responsibility themselves. Way to help out, guys. As a side note, I loled heartily at the feature, then cried a bit. As it should be. For what it's worth, my thanks to Titanium et all. Don't let the bastards grind you down.
As a side note, I really wish Cummerbund or whatever his name is was right about the rupture or whatever; it's about time demons and old deities restored this world to how it should be.
Rest in pieces, Macho Man. You were too good for this place. Time to rip into a slim jim.
1: Legitimate parodies have copyright rights too, meaning they can sue to protect the rights they own, whatever the extent of their ownership happens to be.
2: Commercial parodies are also protected and legal. The whole "because they make people pay for it, their art is copyright infringement" argument is stupid and wrong in most courts of law, including US Federal.
3: This douche who keeps posting about how artists who knowingly misrepresent their copyright rights are liable for sanctions is a tard. KNOWINGLY means that they honestly don't believe they have copyright rights for what they're suing to protect. All they have to do if they lose is say "Well, shit, your honor, I thought I had the rights to my parody. I'm sorry you legitimately determined that I don't have rights because the work itself is infringing," and Titanium gets ass raped by his own lawyers for the fees they couldn't collect from the artist who legitimately sued to protect ambiguous copyrights.
Anonymous50(3): lol Titanium is getting flustered over gay people acting like typical gay people.
That's what you get for supporting that fag rights BS last October.
They will eat your metallic ass alive man.
Anonymous51(3): Wow. Anon47 really is completely fucking stupid, huh?
If what you say is true, then the DMCA would be null and void you tard. Anyone could make anything, and sell it(someone making a "parody" Prada purse and selling it for several stacks would not be liable for counterfeiting a Prada product).
Here's how it REALLY goes-
1. Anyone can parody any IP under fair use.(they can draw and display)
2. They do not have any right to dictate the use of their parody as long as it contains the IP of another company without authorization.(they cannot legally sue over someone else displaying the image)
This is how newspapers get away with making political cartoons, and how other papers and internet sites get away with posting these parodies without permission.
Anonymous52: Anon48 is getting flustered because of an absence of functional brain cells in his dome. That's also why people like him typically hide behind hoods... or "anonymous" profiles.
Be supportive and appreciative, or go play in traffic (that goes for a lot of people on this site).
Freezer: If the "FUCK THE DNP" crowd was correct, any of use could use and post Weird Al parodies all we want because all he's doing copying other people's stuff.(Read: That's stupid and you're stupid for thinking it.)
Anonymous54(3): But you see, Weird Al's parodies are actually different compositions.
It's like original characters drawn in a particular art style(such as Chris chan's shit ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL!). Drawing an actual representation of Kim Possible, in any art style, is a use of Disney's exclusive property, and charging money for that is in fact, a clear violation of copyright.
You can take that to the bank and draw interest on it.
It's like when gainax does South Park parodies, they never actually use the real characters, but simply copy the style, because if they used the actual characters in their commercial production, they would need Viacom's authorization.
Anonymous55(49): Anon 49: Learn what a parody means and what legitimate means. Also, thanks for posting links that don't say what you think they do. They actually say what I said. Learn to read and then pick a different link to show me that says #2.
You can't just call something parody and get free immunity whenever you want. You have to prove parody, which could actually be hard, but that doesn't change the major risk factor in litigation and it doesn't change the fact that courts aren't going to be likely to impose sanctions on plaintiffs who sue arguing that their work is protected parody.
Anonymous56(49): Oh yeah, and Anon52 has a legitimate point about original compositions, although the original composition argument is just a factor in determining infringement. Redrawings are also "original compositions" in this respect though. See Blanch v. Koons, where Koons won on a fair use defense when he painted a copy of part of a copyrighted photograph as part of his art and then sold it for oodles of money. It's under "purpose and character."
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1,000+ images deleted
100+ emails answered
This images is basically how I feel.
Big new coming up soon. Keep an eye out for it. Will post it on the blog and link it here.
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And yeah, that is my morning face too, oy vey.
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Why do you stupid fucking idiots cave to DNP requests?
They have no legal authority over any image they draw if it contains characters created by another company.
innocenttazlet can't legally tell you to take down any of her work. SHE DOESN'T OWN THE RIGHTS TO THE SHIT.
Same with The Duke, and all those other cunts.
You guys need to just fucking delete your DNP list.
You can't get sued. If someone tries to sue you, just tell them that threatening you with a bogus DMCA claim can result in stiff penalties, including fines in excess of $10,000.
Remind 'em of § 512(f), of the DMCA which reads -"Any person who knowingly materially misrepresents under this section— (1) that material or activity is infringing, or (2) that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification, shall be liable for any damages, including costs and attorneys’ fees, incurred by the alleged infringer, by any copyright owner or copyright owner’s authorized licensee, or by a service provider, who is injured by such misrepresentation, as the result of the service provider relying upon such misrepresentation in removing or disabling access to the material or activity claimed to be infringing, or in replacing the removed material or ceasing to disable access to it."
Quit kowtowing to these cunts god damnit.
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Fantasydemon - probable got the copy-paste reply. I'll address that more in the upcoming blog post.
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you cannot claim ownership to parody works. get this through your endlessly thick skull. if i created porn of mickey mouse, i cannot be sued by Disney, because its a parody.
however I cannot sue somebody else because they STOLE the parody of copyright works that aren't mine to begin with.
I know this basic "abc" concept is beyond your grasp, but maybe try to think it over a
little" harder this time.
This isn't a respectable field.
This is cartoon porn. Few artists deserve 'respect'. Ironically, the ones that do usually don't pull DMCA bullshit.
And fair use does cover an artist's right to draw a character, however they still don't have legal authority over how their drawing is displayed.
Taz seems to have quit(i actually managed to stomach the WWOEC circlejerking long enough to find out, as well as The Duke). The others aren't really a loss, as they either don't draw porn, or draw terrible porn.
But the point is, this place shouldn't be about respect. Fucking hell, DNP lists are what ruin potentially good sites.
fchan comes to mind. The list here is getting embarassingly long.
When I first started browsing paheal almost 4 years ago, it was great. It was like all the 34 porn in the world could be easily condensed into a single well-laid out site. That was the beauty of it. And there's no real alternative, except to spend hours upon hours scouring WWOEC and HentaiFoundry for the stuff every week.
It goes this way every damn time.
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This happening to you, Tit?
Great Titanium, great. And I thought Internet has lost any moral and respect long ago.
He should have come out and told us gracefully.
Now it's out.
If an artist is worried about their pro-career, they need to realize that Bruce Timm draws lesbian toon porn and does not give a single fuck.
All this shit feels like censorship, and I loath censorship. One of the great props I give to Paheal staff is, they don't(appear) to censor comments. I have huge respect for THAT.
BTW, /pco/ doesn't have a DNP list(Y3DF is the ONLY thing banned).
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No Tit, just cut the moralfag act.
On another note entirely, even though this pic doesn't particularly appeal to me, I'm voting it up solely because it replaced that god-awful joshcube pic.
"Next time you're gonna get my hopes up,could you please take me to a grease monkey? Cause I like to get lubed up before I get fucked. Huh?! Some lube would be nice! Or at least a courtesy lick, How about a little courtesy lick the next time you decide to fuck me?¡¡"
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Big news coming soon? Oh, I don't like the sound of that, please let it be something at least remotely positive.
Internet, don't you ever change.
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Don't get me wrong. I respect the artists and their work. But what's the point of drawing images and putting them online on one page if you don't allow them on other pages? Isn't more = better if you want to become a "famous" artist?
It's not like paheal is stealing the work, artists are tagged and we've got the source links, so what's the point? X.x
Just my opinion, felt like writing it here :) Looking forward to the blog entry...
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Literally all the decent/laughable content that brought me to this site became DNP, who'd "respect" Drawn Sex and similar websites, regardless?
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I thought it was he's waiting for the newest 'end of the world' thing preached by a crackpot preacher.
Guess that's tomorows feature.
HEY! Could you make it pedopope?!
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I would, if I knew a single fucking thing about proper coding, and had the time to run it.
A .onion site would be ideal, free from the reach of the DMCA and DNP requests.
How difficult is it to build a website?
1) How in the world did this picture get featured?
2) Why can I not get to my internet is working, but whenever i try going to that site, it either opens up a google search or tells me that Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage!!!
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Long live freedom of information!
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in the future will this site be filled with animu porn and shitty porn?
i lol'd @ perry j comment
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There is NO point in having a hentai/R34 website if you block pretty much every good artist out there. I am already disappointed that we even have a DNP list, why the HELL do we NEED a DNP LIST if this is a PORN SITE!? They cannot sue you for posting porn pictures of cartoons because they are protected under "parody." The DNP list is going to be so huge that there isn't going to be much good pics left, it would be nice if R34 had access to every single hentai/porn picture out there so we would have it all to our fingertips.
***** And to Sintime, Sodomius and all the trolls on this site bitching about my artwork *****
NOBODY asked you to look at my fucking artwork!! Every time I make a picture, I get like 10+ trolls posting in the comments calling me "fag", "asshole", the list goes on. I highly doubt my pictures are getting down-voted because they are photoshops, no, they are getting down-voted because they are self-inserts. And no, my art is not fricken Picasso, yet, I don't claim my art is terrible either. Just because a person uses Photoshop doesn't automatically label it "bad." The people down-voting my shit are just being haters, that's all there is to it.
Anyways, yeah, fuck the DNP list.
5-star post.
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why does everything featured have to fucked up like this
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PS: no1cur, JoshCube2.
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I actually do my work thinking it'll be uploaded directly to 34 8'u.
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We've been over this before. Our position hasn't changed
Read or GTFO (as they say on 4chan).
Personally, I think that really sucks, cause his art was great, and now it's gone.
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Wait a minute.....I just realized something. Couldn't anyone just claim a picture is theirs and demand it taken down? Like for example, there's two pictures of Marin from Link's Awakening on this site made by a guy named Mr. X. I used to be close friends with him and one day, poof, he disappeared. His Geocities site went down along with his ICQ. I mean, all someone would have to do is claim that he is him and have the pictures removed.
Therefore, the DNP list is pointless! This site is doomed!
4chan is a piece of Zog-run shit now. The place is dying, because of what people cannot post.
It's on it's last legs. The /h/ board is one of the most boring, and useless hentai boards on all of chandom, due to the massive quantity of things that are DNP on there.
Fuck your pony shit, and fuck 4chan.
It's funny how you talk about fighting Drawn Sex in court.
You idiots never figured out how to beat frivolous DMCA claims-
§ 512(f), of the DMCA which reads -"Any person who knowingly materially misrepresents under this section— (1) that material or activity is infringing, or (2) that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification, shall be liable for any damages, including costs and attorneys’ fees, incurred by the alleged infringer, by any copyright owner or copyright owner’s authorized licensee, or by a service provider, who is injured by such misrepresentation, as the result of the service provider relying upon such misrepresentation in removing or disabling access to the material or activity claimed to be infringing, or in replacing the removed material or ceasing to disable access to it."
THAT'S how you deal with fuckheads. Why have a rule 34 site(NO EXCEPTIONS) when you make exceptions for any jew that raises their back hair at you?
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Anon35 - you've quoted that already. You pay for the lawyers and we'll talk. Also, we are based in the EU, not the US. Get your shit straight.
I'd normally feature something for him, but with the Rapture tomorrow and all...
Thanks for posting a link to the old blog post Titanium, the comments were a trip down memory lane. Good thing stupidity and ignorance aren't contagious.
Then how the fuck can you allow lolicon?
Also, the DMCA has no bearing on you if this is true. So Drawn Sex can't do shit all.
You have to get it in you heads. You don't need lawyers. You need to keep to your guns. Typical eurofags taking dick for anyone that offers a hard-on. Tell them you'll contact Disney over the problem. "You sue us, and we'll just tell Disney you're making money off of their copyrighted characters in pornography."
That would shut them up in a hurry. These people are fucking stupid slavshit mostly, so they probably don't even have lawyers.
Also, RIP Macho Man. I'm eating 4 Slim Jims in your honor.
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Macho Man feature ASAP.
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But you have alot of DNP that comes because some jackass wants to run a paysite(and using IP from Disney/Fox/WB on your paysite is expressly ILLEGAL), and they don't have a right to tell Paheal that their "pay-for" content can't be posted, as they hold no rights over it. I just want Titanium and the staff to just tell them to fuck off. You wanna make money with rule-34? DO COMMISSIONS. That's a legitimate way to do things.
I fully expect Hentai United to get onto the DNP list soon, making false copyright claims and shit.
FUCK YOU, I'm NOT gonna pay the cost of a yearly magazine subscription PER MONTH just to see your fucking fap material. I could get a personalized commission from a reputable artist for that price.
I can understand Titanium's frustrations(damned if you do, damned if you don't). But it's better to take the right side(the side of the users in the case of DS/Cartoon Reality). You can't compromise here, so take the morally right side.
An artist/site that uses MLP(for example) to elicit huge profits from people against all copyright laws is a piece of shit.
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"if it exists, it's DNP."
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As a side note, I really wish Cummerbund or whatever his name is was right about the rupture or whatever; it's about time demons and old deities restored this world to how it should be.
Rest in pieces, Macho Man. You were too good for this place. Time to rip into a slim jim.
1: Legitimate parodies have copyright rights too, meaning they can sue to protect the rights they own, whatever the extent of their ownership happens to be.
2: Commercial parodies are also protected and legal. The whole "because they make people pay for it, their art is copyright infringement" argument is stupid and wrong in most courts of law, including US Federal.
3: This douche who keeps posting about how artists who knowingly misrepresent their copyright rights are liable for sanctions is a tard. KNOWINGLY means that they honestly don't believe they have copyright rights for what they're suing to protect. All they have to do if they lose is say "Well, shit, your honor, I thought I had the rights to my parody. I'm sorry you legitimately determined that I don't have rights because the work itself is infringing," and Titanium gets ass raped by his own lawyers for the fees they couldn't collect from the artist who legitimately sued to protect ambiguous copyrights.
That's what you get for supporting that fag rights BS last October.
They will eat your metallic ass alive man.
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If what you say is true, then the DMCA would be null and void you tard. Anyone could make anything, and sell it(someone making a "parody" Prada purse and selling it for several stacks would not be liable for counterfeiting a Prada product).
Here's how it REALLY goes-
1. Anyone can parody any IP under fair use.(they can draw and display)
2. They do not have any right to dictate the use of their parody as long as it contains the IP of another company without authorization.(they cannot legally sue over someone else displaying the image)
This is how newspapers get away with making political cartoons, and how other papers and internet sites get away with posting these parodies without permission.
Be supportive and appreciative, or go play in traffic (that goes for a lot of people on this site).
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They were so gay they metamorphed into chicks!
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It's like original characters drawn in a particular art style(such as Chris chan's shit ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL!). Drawing an actual representation of Kim Possible, in any art style, is a use of Disney's exclusive property, and charging money for that is in fact, a clear violation of copyright.
You can take that to the bank and draw interest on it.
It's like when gainax does South Park parodies, they never actually use the real characters, but simply copy the style, because if they used the actual characters in their commercial production, they would need Viacom's authorization.
You can't just call something parody and get free immunity whenever you want. You have to prove parody, which could actually be hard, but that doesn't change the major risk factor in litigation and it doesn't change the fact that courts aren't going to be likely to impose sanctions on plaintiffs who sue arguing that their work is protected parody.
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