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Sir_Anon5: Hooray for more Kelly!
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Anonymous1: That's not Shepard, that's Miranda. I'd recognize those fuck-me boots anywhere.
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SlippyTheToad: Kelly's the best of them all. It was a shame they didn't have a more involved romance option for Kelly.
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anominous: if purple is an option (for anything), go with purple... but i don't think Shep's going to need to choose at this point.
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Anonymous2: @Slippy

I fear you've been wanking so much you've gone blind. Kelly can't be the best; Tali is there!
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soheifox: Tags fixed. That's Miranda. Also, how the hell can anyone make porn of a character that doesn't actually exist in any tangible form? My Commander Shepard looks like Samus Aran. Does that mean I should randomly tag pics of Samus with that?
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Strelok: Hey, somebody finally got Tali's legs right!
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Anonymous3: Someone mixed up Kelly and Tali. Kelly's the one who's pretty much flat, Tali actually has boobs.
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Anonymous4: Wow! A hot and naked Tali and.... wait, who are these other two human sluts? Begone! Take your engineered genetics and scale itch someplace else!
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Anonymous5: The only reason Kelly is the best in this one is because we can see the soles of her feet...yummy
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CriscoJones: no one likes you Miranda, go away you stinky Brittish whore
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Anonymous6: i like miranda...she's the only one those faggots (once again no offence to actual homosexuals) at bioware gave a good sex scene to in the game...if you call those blueball sessions good. i always pick tali though she just to cute and sweet not to.
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Anonymous7: Miranda just has a punchable face. I always disliked her. Kelly was fine, but flirting with her is kinda what you do on your way down to Tali.
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WowwWhatASight: Shepard's a pimp
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MetalixK: I'm just thankful for a second picture involving Kelly that DOESN'T leave me huddled up in a corner somewhere
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Anonymous8: why is talis hips small, thats not tali
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Anonymous9: My name is Commander Shepard and this is my favorite porn on the citadel.
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Anonymous10: "Walk in room, see this, wha-" - "FUCK FURIOUSLY!"
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Anonymous11: Is it me or is Tali's mask fat at the top?
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Anonymous12: YES, yes, and yes. in that order :]
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Anonymous13: What, no Jack?
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Anonymous14: No, Anon13, no ugly-ass mosquito-bitten bald-headed mega-emo-bitch Jack.
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Norton: I will NEVER understand all the Miranda hate..

And Tali? What the fuck? We never even get to see her face, she could be fucking hideous under there!
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Norton: Anyway, the picture is EPIC WIN I am now a nesoun fan. : )
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Anonymous15: Most of my tali love is because of her personality (also the hot bod and cute voice) the same reason I HATE miranda. Fuck that bitch.
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YetAnotherAnon: Not intending to offend anyone even though this will... But most people who hate Miranda are Americans who don't know anything beyond the US Border and can't tell the difference between a British and Australian accent.
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Norton: If you're gonna hate anyone, hate Jack. The only people that like her are S&M junkies. Miranda makes me hard.

@ YetAnotherAnon: I like Miranda and I'm american, so go fuck yourself.
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Anonymous17: If Bioware made this scenario into a DLC, I would buy it in a goddamn heartbeat... even though Tali's hips are too small and that is by far her best physical feature.
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Anonymous18: yetanotheranon you are mentally retarded. Miranda was boring as hell. Jack was a psychobitch. Kelly was a wierd slut, but she was cool, but tali is the best.
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HitodamaKyrie: YetAnotherAnon: What the fuck are you on? Who gives a shit about her accent?

Miranda is hot as hell, but she's too far in bitch territory for me to really like her. Tali and Kelly are the best by far. I wasn't going to go for Tali myself at first, she looked kinda cute for an alien, but I didn't have much reason beyond that until I got kinda far in the romance subplot and she because just SO DAMN CUTE! Kelly is hot cause I like her hair, voice, and her slutty act. First time I talked to her and she was like "Well that's an enticing thought." I was like FFUUU WE FUCK NOW!!

Anyway... Why did I just write all that...? Well whatever. Enjoy my biography...
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HitodamaKyrie: Yay for apparent dyslexia...
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Anonymous19: i like tali as a friend. but miranda and kelly are my girls. miranda has a perfect body and a british accent YAY!!! and kelly is a dirty girl, a dirty dirty girl. and i love her voice. in ME3 i want to bang kelly.
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Anonymous20: anon 19 the accent is australian btw (i'm british, i know) not that it really matters
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Anonymous21: Miranda has a man face in game.
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Anonymous22: ^Yes she does, finally someone says it.
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Anonymous23: tali's hot
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Stryker: Anon20 Aussies and brits have the same accent, stop trying to deny your rpoud heritage fggot
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Anonymous24: I'm british and I hate miranda YetAnotherAnon, and Anon 15 your completely correct! Go Tali!
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Anonymous25: Anon15: +1

Also, why are they all 8 feet tall and why are they all in Miranda's office?
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Anonymous26: Norton and YetAnotherAnon, I'm Australian and I hate Miranda. Why? Well because of the fight between her and Jack. Jack was kidnapped, tortured as a girl until she begged for death, forced to kill, was picked up as a sex slave by a cruiser upon her escape, sold, betrayed . . . . Miranda was genetically engineered perfect, her Daddy gave her everything but he doesn't love her. Boo frickin hoo! Yet if you take Jack's side (after MNiranda calls her "A mistake" Miranda loses Loyalty. Her character is a total cunt and I wanted to kill her off in ME2. I only didn't because in ME3 it might be important she lives.

But I have nothing against the voice actor at all, BTW.
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Anonymous27: Just for all of the people who think Miranda is British are wrong! She is Australian.
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Anonymous28: Australia = British Colony, you are all right and arguing over how right you are. Never before have so many arguments been so invalid.
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Anonymous29: LOL there's no such thing as a British accent. English, Scottish, Welsh, sure. But her accent is Australian anyway so meh.
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Anonymous30: By the size of Miranda's body, i doubt she can fit on the bed.

Tali ftw
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Anonymous31: Just because British people went there a few centuries ago doesn't make Australians the same

inb4 America was a British colony too
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Anonymous32: I love it! This must get feature, this is perfect use of rule 34 and looks awesome!
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Anonymous33: Miranda beats out that annoying harpy cunt Tali any day of the week.
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Anonymous34: Miranda's the girl you can count on for a quicky between shifts. Kelly's the girl you call when you wanna try some of the fucked up shit you've seen on the interbutts. Tali's the girl you take out to breakfast.
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Zenzaxaznez: @Anon26:
But Miranda is just too PERFECT to not like, even if you think she's a total bitch! From the first moment I saw that hottie in that extremely sexy outfit, I wanted to walk into her room and bang her.

Tali is sexy too, and MMMM KELLY!!! It's a shame it didn't go further than striptease and cuddling... but the striptease was OK!
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Anonymous35: Who the fuck cares abut their fucking voices!
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Anonymous36: choose your weapon and fight
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Anonymous37: Fuck you Anonymous33! Tali is the best end of.
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Anonymous38: Dear YetAnotherAnon, zenzaxznez and anon32.
the first time i saw Miranda was on the mass effect wiki. my first thought was oh my god its Michael Jackson. that plus her spoiled rich girl attitude make her the least attractive character in the game. (her voice was her only good trait if you ask me.
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Anonymous39(38): sorry that was actually supposed to be anon 33
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Anonymous40(15): I love tali and yes, I hate Miranda. Yes, she's hot: so what? She's such a bitch that everytime I heard her say something it made me want to shoot her in the face. I hope we get to see talis face in me3 and they don't fuck us over on that. One more thing: it's slightly disturbing that almost no one has noticed that tali doesn't just have 2 toes on each foot. There's also a smaller one on the outsides, right below her ankles, similar to what a dog has.
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Anonymous41: YetAnotherAnon where does her accent come into play for the reason why we hate her are you a fucking idiot!, WE Americans know more about what go's on outside are borders then you ever will so shut the fuck up and don't apologize, you meant you offend us raciest @SSh0le
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Anonymous42(41): I hate her for her personalty shes a bitch
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Anonymous43: fags...(moves on to next image)
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Anonymous44: @ Anon2 Tali's not the best here cos her toes are fugly and dat ain't no ass - it's a space station! is missing.
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Anonymous45: i knew shepard has an intergallactic whore house of fun....
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Anonymous46: Shut the fuck up you Miranda hating fagballs.
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Anonymous47: ^Agree. Also, if you think Miranda's a need to Get. The. Fuck. Outta. Your. Moms. Basement. Little. Boy.

Seriously, anyone who can have a crush on tali and hate Miranda is both a bucketsexual and a fucking Pedobear.
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Anonymous48: Wow...rule34 has to be the only place where so many people can get trolled by some fucking loser like CriscoJones...a fail troll like him would be outta business on 4chan in just one post. Epic testament of fail.
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Killamajig: Can't we just want to pound all of them into sweaty exhaustion and get along? Why's it got to be Tali OR Miranda? I mean, I get why it's got to be Jack or Miranda, but come on now.

I'm not even going to bother with cultural vs. physical maturity, because you either know the Pedobear thing was stupid when you posted it or you simply can't understand the distinction.
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Anonymous49: I liked tali but Miranda has a really sweet heart if you dig it out, kinda like jack. Her dossier made me BAWWW
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Anonymous50: ten million comments about video game characters

you are pathetic kill yourselves
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Anonymous51: Join the club anon 50. Go fuck yourself before killing yourself too.
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Anonymous52: More porn of everyone except tali. If anyone wants tali porn, they should just go and buy a bucket of chicken from KFC. Tali porn right there.

P.S. Crisco, you can't trololo for shit. Piss off.
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Anonymous53: CriscoJones best troll, Anon51 mad as fuck, I'd virtua-fuck all three of these space broads while y'all attractive and successful Africans arguing about KFC n' shit.
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Anonymous54: I WANNA FUCK TALI
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Anonymous55: I've played mass effect 1, never 2 so i dont have a fucking clue about mirandas paersonality, and tbh i dont care, she is just hot to me.
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Anonymous56: I like all the romances in that game, my only regret is having to choose one. All the girls are likable, but some do take more work than others to bring it out.

Anyway, hot picture. Good job!
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Anonymous57: I don't understand people who like Tali. She's so boring and meek. Miranda at least has balls when she's not trying to suck your dick
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Anonymous58: Lol at the trolls. Just to clear this up, Britain is that small island above France with a side order of Northern Ireland. Austrailia is a member of the commonwealth meaning that they are ruled by our queen. The queen has taken a back seat recently and the only thing of note that she does nowadays is shake peoples hand. So therefore Austrailia isn't a British colony and hasn't been since the collapse of the British empire. But then again, why would you Americans know that with all of your "State History" bullshit. Wikipedia may have told you that Austrailia was a British colony but if your lazy ass had bothered to look past the section on the 1800's, you probably would have seen that.
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AnOniMouse: Guys please! C'mon!
The trolling here goes far beyond these comments. Long before this picture, or even the artists hands. The troll supreme here is BioWare. They added Mirand and made her immortal for this very purpose. To troll us the fuck out.
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Anonymous59: The romance options are all different as we are all different. It's a CHOICE made on our OPINIONS. Bloody hell you lot...
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Hanssen69: Very nice way to sit. Nice view of their pussy's.
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Anonymous60: Tali's romance was the worse for the fe maleShep in ME2.

Miranda romance has the battle of dominance with Shepard. He is the alpha male and Miranda is the dominant woman, both of them are worthy for each other.

Jack has suffered a lot. You need to teach her that she still can be close to people. Shepard gives the love that she deserves.

Tali was throwing herself to Shepard like a drolling teenage.
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birddad: @Anon60 in a way, yeah she was. But, she loves Shepard for all the right reasons. If you look at Miranda's relationship, she only likes Shepard because he cares about her, and I'm pretty certain that she only likes him just because of that. Jack is almost similar to Tali, yet is also more similar to Miranda as she only likes Shepard because he understands her and cares about her too. But with Tali, its different: she cares about him and she even shows it by bringing up all the heroic things you have done in the past, I believe even brings up your personality too. She returns the same gesture of love that you express her, its not just you putting into the relationship. Well, now that my nerd moment is over, think ima gunna leave. Or stick around for the comments lol love how everyone gets into a logical arguement over the game (no sarcasm intended)
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Anonymous61: fuck one marry one kill you go!
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Kexlavan: What I've noticed, is that Tali-Haters tend to change their mind upon romancing her. Ex-Haters claim the causes for their change in opinion are her maximum cuteness powers, her accent, personality, and mystique. And people who say Talimancers are pedophiles are retarded. She's in her mid-20s.
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Anonymous62: Is their a three way cat-fight option?!?
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alienraper: @Anonymous: he right kellys flat and tali has boobs.
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elflord123: Ashley is the best of all, then followed closely behind her is Miranda. Both are perfect and both should be able to be romanced by FemShep in the game. In this picture Miranda is just perfect

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