Anonymous6: this is a pic from a comic strip Daphne applies for a job as a sex model but the sex she will be doing is with dogs and since she took Scooby with her he got the job
Anonymous9(8): @buzzy: I cal, "Falsehood", upon You! As We can all see, ladies and, gentlemen, of the Jury, Scooby's Cock, is not ass the way in, and We can clearly see The Base! Now, in Dogs, the so-called "Knot", is located at the basse of the Penis, just outside the sheath, when the animal is ERECT! Now, I ask You if these statements are correct, and, I submit to You that they ARE, it would make sense that We should be able to see aforementioned KNOT! Being that We cannot, I put it to You, "If the Knot ain't Hitting Shit, You must Acquit(Scooby)! No fuarther questions, Your Witness!
Anonymous10: And, then , She made the mistake of saying; "No, Scooby, Not That!" Scooby, with His HEARINGsomewhat affected by the Hypersonic Dog Whistle, they had JUST started using to train Him, Heard this as something different, ENTIRELY!
Anonymous11(10): And, then , She made the mistake of saying; "No, Scooby, Not That!" Scooby, with His HEARING, somewhat affected by the Hypersonic Dog Whistle, they had JUST started using to train Him, Heard this as something different, ENTIRELY!
Anonymous12(10): @buzzy: I cal, "Falsehood", upon You! As We can all see, ladies and, gentlemen, of the Jury, Scooby's Cock, is not aLL the way in, and We can clearly see The Base! Now, in Dogs, the so-called "Knot", is located at the base of the Penis, just outside the sheath, when the animal is ERECT! Now, I ask You if these statements are correct, and, I submit to You that they ARE, it would make sense that We should be able to see aforementioned KNOT! Being that We cannot, I put it to You, "If the Knot ain't Hitting Shit, You must Acquit(Scooby)! No further questions, Your Witness! cORRECTIONS SHALL BE mADE, bLOOD SHALL BE sHED!)
Respect PAl comix
In her