Azumi: Gotta love seeing kike-controlled opposition like brownies and marxists get triggered over racist banter shit, lolz. It's almost like you can see their programming fail them in real time.
Anonymous5: I always find it weird how racist this site can get. I mean the only reason to come here is to jack off. Does upsetting people by saying awful things get you off or something. I don't get it.
I also don't get why the artist paired this character is being paired with Amity, who is he?
Anonymous6: @Anonymous: "homophobic" shit?, just 'cause a random ass pic from a random ass artist with a random ass gay character is on a straight fuck?, what, next thing you gonna say is that an artist drawing straight men fucking each other is "heterophobic" too?, what a fucking joke, seems like you're the one needing to go back to "/pol/" you goddamn idiot.
Anonymous9(2): @Anonymous: Dear god, get your head out of your fucking ass, gringo. You're nothing but a sanctimonious piece of shit who thinks is above everyone else because you have "morals" which are nothing but political speech from people who is either after money or simply too stupid to realize they're puppets to those who want money out of those "morals" you defend so much.
Azumi: @Anonymous: Lolz, and you provided nothing of interest to the conversation, knob-polishing beaver eater. Ask for a refund for that shit ESL course you took, Paco.
@Anonymous: "get you off", _coomers gotta think everyone's gotta coom too._
@Anonymous: Ah, /pol/, the most racially diverse hate machine! New to the internet? [b]Back to r/
Azumi: @Anonymous: Lolz, and you provided nothing of interest to the conversation, knob-polishing beaver eater. Ask for a refund for that shit ESL course you took, Paco.
@Anonymous: "get you off", _coomers gotta think everyone's gotta coom too._
@Anonymous: Ah, /pol/, the most racially diverse hate machine! New to the internet? Back to r/Transsss with you. @Anonymous: The only anon to post some good shit and actual sense. A rare treat.
Also, lolz, I suck for submitting comment before time. Oh well.
Anonymous12(7): @Azumi: I am anonymous number 12, if my English is not good it is because I am a proud Chilean I am from a better country than the pathetic Mexicans and their disgusting drawings
Anonymous13: For the love of God please PLEASE kill yourselves if you see a drawing like this and think “ah perfect time to talk about morals.” Shoot or hang yourself. I’m not kidding or being edgy. Life is not going to get better for you.
Azumi: @Anonymous: One of the few times an anon defeats me with raw logic. Well said, chap, and good point.@Anonymous: Aren't those semantics?
@Anonymous: See, the more you punish yourself for having 'wrongthink' instead of being objective on what makes CeePee abhorrent (Protip: the abuse of real, flesh and blood human children which is very much real and happening buy the same elites you likely support), the less effective your judgment and subsequent course of action becomes.
Saying poopoo shit about ethnicities is a whole different ballgame than harming kids, stupid Twitteroid motherfucker. Don't trivialize it with your softbrain neonhair politics.
Azumi: @Anonymous: Fair enough, weon. I have a lot of respect for Chile people for being one of the very few LatAms that have, and still kinda are, sus of marxism.
Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Why do YOU retards always ruin everything with your politics? Most of us would have been happy little deluded centrists if the left didn't shove itself into everything over the past 20 years.
Anonymous23: yall attention whores heard by no one even among their own families spitting their masturbatory politics on the shittiest pron site of the web, that's your measure you assholes
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I also don't get why the artist paired this character is being paired with Amity, who is he?
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@Anonymous: "get you off", _coomers gotta think everyone's gotta coom too._
@Anonymous: Ah, /pol/, the most racially diverse hate machine! New to the internet? [b]Back to r/
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@Anonymous: "get you off", _coomers gotta think everyone's gotta coom too._
@Anonymous: Ah, /pol/, the most racially diverse hate machine! New to the internet? Back to r/Transsss with you.
@Anonymous: The only anon to post some good shit and actual sense. A rare treat.
Also, lolz, I suck for submitting comment before time. Oh well.
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@Anonymous: See, the more you punish yourself for having 'wrongthink' instead of being objective on what makes CeePee abhorrent (Protip: the abuse of real, flesh and blood human children which is very much real and happening buy the same elites you likely support), the less effective your judgment and subsequent course of action becomes.
Saying poopoo shit about ethnicities is a whole different ballgame than harming kids, stupid Twitteroid motherfucker. Don't trivialize it with your softbrain neonhair politics.
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