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Anonymous1: He looks more like PJ, than Pete
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sentinelknight26: Nice attractive and successful African
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: looks more like Pete to me you can telling the difference between the two if you Pay attention to some of the smaller details like how Pete’s head shape is more defined , he’s always had sharper cheek bones, plus his eyes and mouth are bigger, and Pete always had a bigger lower lip, in comparison to his son Pj who has smaller and/or softer facial features even in his aged up version in the goofy movies (most likely due to his moms genes) and the lower part of his face is rounder and with a less defined jawline , most likely due to having more fat in his second chin to the point it swallowed his first chin like what happens to some fat people but not others, plus big daddy Pete even with that surprised facial expression, looks too “Mature” to be Pj. Plus Pete’s shoulders a somewhat broader than Pj’s and Pete has bigger/thicker arms than Pj which is another of the few details that can be noticed about Pete ant this angle proofing definitely that it is Pete. Although I can see how the mistake could be made, according to goof troop canon ( which this piece clearly follows) Pete has three whiskers/dots on either side of his nose which aren’t depicted very well here, although there are some other characters backing up the Fact this is Pete and not Pj, there’s some wrinkles around the eyes and some slight bit of scruff/stubble that has shown up on his face in Goof troop and some other depictions, where as Pj is more Babyfaced or at least more clean shaven. So based on what little evidence could be gleaned from this image in comparison to all depictions of the Pete and Pj , I can say definitely, that This is Pete, Fat sexy body and all.
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: PJ is hot too
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Anonymous4(2): I’m curious as to why Peg is wearing what seems like regular glasses in this picture?, maybe the artist can’t do tinted lenses?, sunglasses would make more since, maybe darken the tint on the lenses so we can still see her Eyes but not dark enough to obscure them to much, that would make for a decent edit in my opinion.
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Anonymous5(2): @Anonymous: That’s True, But Pete is Much Hotter.
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Anonymous6(2): Anyways I was just pointing out all the tiny details so people could tell the difference between the two characters incase it’s not apparent to anybody, but I do think Pete Hotter.