Anonymous4: @Procreation: Even though I've never watched Chip N' Dale show I would be interested in that as well as having the original actors if possible and not do that weird thing the Scooby Doo movie did. Which was not having the actors who voiced the characters for YEARS stead' have famous actors do it who sound nothing like the characters at all.
Anonymous6: The thought of Zipper managing to impregnate Gadget for her to give birth to such abominable hellspawns is honestly Lovecraftian in design.
As if the story between "The Rat & The Fly" was some kind of allegory for interracial marriage, as opposed to "The Birds & The Bees".
I can already imagine it: H.P. Lovecraft rests slanted over his back, a lamp hangs over his head as a herd of flies circles 'round his throne.
"Gadget knew that the other rats aren't like Zipper, that they were weaker, smaller, and their private parts aren't as long and girthy as the flies."
H.P. Lovecraft murmurs, the sound of his broken home poured over the visage of his broken dreams as he shields himself inside his humble home.
"Gadget looks on over the shadow of Zipper's cock, anxiously dripping as she gains a sudden urge to drop down to her knees and worship his maggot birthing phallus.
But Gadget couldn't help but be reminded of the motion of a fly, how they would swarm over the most disguting spot for their machinations to take place.
Oodles of bloody pulp, the rotten gardenias of roadkills, sullen sinking stains of forgotten food stinking up the place.
Flies love these things, in fact, they eat them. A fly would often land atop a dog's corpse, drooling, saliva wetting fur.
Flies digest things by vomitting all over the rot just to suck it all up again.
Such imagery inspired disgust into her very core, but Gadget knew she couldn't help it.
'Yes, they are disgusting, yes, they are the syphillis born weepers of the animal kingdom.'
Yet despite this horrible tidbit of biology, Gadget only felt more inclined to wrap her tongue around his disgustingly appetizing fly penis.
It's the contrast between her and Zipper that makes it so hot. The taboo nature of it speaks volume to her shaking hips just waiting to be breed by him.
Gadget was a beautiful and intelligent woman, curvy in her nature and adorably charismatic enough for her to court any man should she wish to.
Zipper, on the other hand, was this monsterous blackened sin wrapped over a horridly unhygenic body and a morbidly jagged face not even fit to marry a blind prostitute.
'It just felt right' Gadget thought to herself.
'It just felt right for all the wrong reasons, a fly isn't supposed to make love to a rat, let alone fertilize its holes, but it just feels right somehow...'
She knew that from the moment of intercourse, she will eventually give birth to such monstrosities as a rat-fly hybrid.
She knew that she would brought shame upon her entire family, upon her entire race for opening her legs up for a fly of all creatures.
But dammit if it doesn't feel so good.
Just imagining Zipper fertilizing her pussy with his girthy fly cock makes her wetter than anything Chip could ever inspire.
Imagine his sperm pouring in, imagine that disgusting maggot born cock spewing such slimey cum drops all over her face, throat and womb.
Such imagery defeated her, and Gadget finally relented to her base desires.
'So this is it, I'm about be bred by a black disguting fly.'
Gadget kneels down before Zipper as he gently strokes his fly cock across her face.
She looked up to him with such admiration and respect, despite knowing that should her father ever catches her doing such things, he would surely disowned her without a moment of hesitation.
Zipper drools all over her, and she opened her mouth to swallow his saliva.
Gadget gave his cock a little kiss just before sniffing his balls.
He smells like garbage, as a fly never bathes, never cleans. The scent was intoxicating, but that only made her love him even more so.
Gadget finally took up his cock and swallow it whole, sucking and drooling all over it, head moving back and forward repeatedly.
Zipper was well pleased, buzzing and buzzing, and so she continued her motion as he sweeps his spiky black appendages to caress her blonde head of hair.
She was perfection, her skin was smooth and buttery, and the shape of her thighs and form was curvier than most women of her age.
Thousands of men would gladly give their lives just for a chance to see her naked.
Yet there she was, their queen, there she kneeled, sucking his cock, the cock of a man who has never bathes in his entire life, the cock of a man whose wholly diet includes garbage and leftover foods.
Such blasphemous vision could put the whole of heaven on suicide watch, let alone those who have fallen in love with her prior.
Sucking, sucking, slimey, gross filled saliva mixed with precum.
Finally he came, filling her mouth with his special whipped cream.
His sperm was disgusting, like the taste of a urinal sink, it makes her want to vomit, but she swallowed it instead.
It was revolting, like swallowing dried aged urine freshly squeezed from a pair of under garments.
Yet it was so alluring and mouth watering that Gadget can't help but to keep kissing and licking up all the sperm that explunged from his cock.
Finally, it was time for the breeeding ritual to begin, it was time for the baby making sex to ensnare.
And Gadget would not wait a moment further.
She stood up against a wall, sticking out her bare ass for the fly to see.
She was perfectly clean shaven and pretty, always bathes, always cleaning herself and exhausting every oppotunity she could to cater her looks.
Here she is now, sticking her dripping wet pussy out as a fly readies to defile every part of her body.
He sticks his cock inside of her pussy and have her let out an orgasmic moan.
'Ah! Ah! Oh! Oh! Zipper! Don't stop!'
He rams her in and out, his girthy fly cock casually sweeping through every one of her pleasure spots.
She screams:
'Your cock is so much bigger than Dale! It's so much bigger than Chips! You're more of a man than they'll ever will be!'
Zipper then forcefully shoves his fly mouth right onto her tits and began sucking as he relentlessly pounds her sweet ass.
'Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! Fucking breed me with your fly cock!'
She squirmed as he continued the pounding.
Fly saliva started dripping down to her thighs as Zipper's mouth begin defiling her whole body with his scent.
She loves it, she's his property now, his sex slave, his cum sock, his right hand.
From now until forever, she will always carry his scent, and all the men who crushes over her will watch along the sidelines like cucks as they busy weep over the injustice of a perfect woman ending up with such a horrible and disguting creature.
Gadget unwillingly shivers at the thought of bearing his children as well as his sperm when he finally cums.
Zipper kept on pounding her from behind as he kept on squeezing every last drop of weeping pleasure from her body.
'I-I-I'm cumming! I'm cumming!'
Gadget screams as Zipper creampies her, spilling his grotesque fly sperm into her womb.
His balls giggled as it pumped her tight pussy full of his cum.
Zipper watches as Gadget lightly shivers before collapsing from the sudden burst of pleasure he had gave her.
From this day on, she belongs to him now, his personal whore and breeding sow.
She will spent the rest of her life constantly being bred with maggots in her womb.
And Gadget was happy, happy knowing that no rat upon this planet could ever please her as well as Zipper had.
She spread out her pussy and just let his sperm drips out from the creampie.
Zipper definitely knocked her up. But that's clearly not enough, Gadget wanted more.
She crawled up back into his crotch to sniff it like an obedient dog.
Every single day, Zipper will get the chance to pound her sweet ass and fondle her plumb round breast, every single day, she will get impregnated with the sperm of this lowly fly for the rest of her life."
H.P. Lovecraft, now satisfied with his story, laid back to close his eyes in peace, knowing that he had committed an affront to god with his story.
"A black man having a baby with a white woman is no different than a fly breeding with a rat."
Lovecraft smiled smugly, his allegory about interracial marriage had successfully been etched into the minds of its reader, forever reminding them of this work whenever the topics of interracial dating is brought up.
Azumi: Hollywood jews just don't learn. First they make Meatcanyon's rapist Bugs Bunny canon by means of claiming a parody as their property, next they make Ugly Sonic canon by trying to give fans a bit of kick that hilariously backfired.
Can we get Wendy's Chick on any of their meeting boards? I'm sure she'd have better ideas at social humor than they do, lolz.
Compro61: @Anonymous4: Casey Kasem (Shaggy): 70 in 2002. Frank Welker (Scooby and Fred): 56 in 2002.
Nicole Jaffe (Velma): 61 in 2002. Indira Stefanianna (Daphne): 55 in 2002. That would've been a WILDLY different movie.
Black_Star: This is how you beat the hard feeling. They are actors in the series while in RL (Talking about the movie universe). They're not simply a mouse and a fly they're kinda the same kind, cartoons. Both of them have mind, feeling, self-conscious, and soul, don't take it as mousegirl with a fly, take it as two cartoons that feel in an unusual love (Just like Jessica and Roger Rabbit).
unclefester84: (DISCLAIMER: these are only my own personal thoughts and views on it, do not treat it as Gospel, however right it might be)
The movie itself was mediocre at best.
It is filled with shallow cameos, references and memes that are shoved down the viewer's throat to blind the viewer from the story itself, but once you can get past all the bling, or once those references become obsolete and dead in a few years, i'm convinced a lot of people will see it for what it is:
A 90 minutes ad for Disney.
Partly because it literally is a showcase of the company's IP properties (with a few exceptions sprinkled here and there as a disguise), leveraging their fame while also publicizing the more obscure ones in hope to revitalize their franchise and keep getting money from them.
Partly because it demonizes all the people that, for one reason or another, watch content for free, literally equating bootlegging and pirating movies, to human trafficking.
Then there's the bad guy of the movie: Peter Pan.
His story is an almost perfect parallel to the story of Bobby Driscoll, child actor who played Peter Pan, only to be abandoned and tossed out as soon as he reached puberty and who died young and alone in a barn.
"I was carried on a silver platter—and then dumped into the garbage." -Bobby Driscoll
Now in the best case scenario this has simply been done in a REALLY bad taste, or in the worst case scenario it's a veiled threat to those who work at Disney, basically saying: "You give us bad publicity, we make you the bad guy of our next movie".
Now onto the more sore topic that makes this movie fall from mediocre, to outright bad: the pairing of Gadget and Zipper.
If this was some fanwork i would have nothing to say, it's someone's preference and taste and i'm in no position to critique it.
But i cannot shake the feeling that in this case it has been done maliciously by the people in charge, basically saying: "We know much of the fandom loves Gadget and many like to pair her with either Chip or Dale, so let me show you exactly how much respect i have for you by runing this little fantasy of yours"
How can i be sure of this?
This crackship was completely unnecessary to the movie, the entire story could've gone on without even mentioning that the two were together, which means that they were added on purpose only for the sake of the pairing.
Also notice how the modern day Gadget is completely absent from the trailers, yet everyone knows that she was a big part of the original show and showing her off would have added a lot of publicity to the movie, the marketing department should've screamed like hell to add her to them,
But it was not done, and you know why? Because they knew that they were doing something that the fandom would have hated, so they kept it close to their chest as to not drive away viewers.
Another possibility is that this pairing was made as a PR stunt for woke propaganda.
(DISCLAIMER: this is not a critique on the beliefs of people who consider themselves as such, you call yourself woke that's fine, but if you take something dear to me and twist and mangle it to turn it into an instrument of propaganda, then we're going to have a problem. And remember, right now you're fashionable, but how long do you think it'll be before you're served your own medicine?)
To clarify, i feel it went something along the line of "Hey we know that these ships are popular, but the characters are soo similar, so how about for sake of 'diversity and inclusion' we force Gadget together with Zipper as a metaphor of rejection of less woke shipping"
To show that this kind of thinking is actually present in the movie let's consider another forgettable character: Ellie
Nothing to say on the actual actress, she did her job and did so at her best, but the character itself is just another diversity pinup for woke pubblicity.
It's evidenced by the fact that as a character, Ellie is also completely redundant to the story, and the "twist" of her not being in league with the villain but be betrayed by her boss (whom by voice and mannerism is practically any other straight white male stereotype), is pretty telling.
And before anyone says that's impossible for this to have happened, do i need to remind you of another beloved franchise that suffered the same fate?
In the end it could have very well been a combination of both maliciousness and propaganda, a combination of: "Screw you fandom, i do what i want", and "Look at my glowing wokeism, please praise this movie so we can get money from it and its various franchises".
As a final thought i want to address the fact that many say that this is a successor to Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
It's not.
It's definitely NOT.
WFRR is masterful classic, an original story with original characters that uses various famous cartoons only in a very limited manner and only as an added value to the story itself.
CDRR is a reheated slop of tropes that jumps on the shoulders of a beloved fanchise for notoriety and uses the various memes as an extra boost for publicity. If Disney had made the same exact story, but without the jumpstart that the original CDRR show provided, it would have been a resounding flop.
Anonymous13: When I saw the trailer for the movie, it struck me as so weird that I wasn't sure I wanted to know what Disney has done with the material. And I really liked the original CDRR show.
Farfegnugen: @unclefester84: Hey Gene Shalit, way too fucking long; did not read.
@Anonymous6: Post your stupid long fanfic on, not here.
bonerific: @Anonymous15(3): The man & company are 2 different entities. Based Walt was our guy & at the time, the Disney company was a separate entity from Hollywood. After he died, his son took over, then sold it to the kikes. The (((Disney Corporation))) has been kiked since the 80s.
bonerific: @Aphrodisiac: Hollywood is full of Jews, who use mafia-like tactics against their competitors. Big music & movie labels work like central banks where you have to pay them back + interest (ie usury). Hollywood is also ped0philiac central since lots of rich Jews there have connections to Epstein. It's not a place where dreams are made. It's a place where dreams are stolen & taken from you so (((Schlomo))) can make $666 gorillion off your ideas & stories. BTW The (((Jews))) have admitted they run the porn industry there. You can say all you want that it isn't the DA JOOS, but the truth is it is DA JOOS.
Anonymous17(3): @bonerific: It's a shame what they did. The Disney company is a microcosm of the west. Built by an enterprising white man to express civilized values, then milked for every penny and used as a vehicle for depravity by the Jews.
ConsciousDonkey: @Anonymous17(3): Actually, it seems Disney is becoming microcosm for the rich (and we know who controls most money in the west). Their theme parks are becoming so expensive that even middle-class families can't afford them:
bonerific: @Anonymous17(3): Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times. Then the cycle repeats. This is nothing new.
Anonymous19: @Anonymous1: Current Disney exists only to destroy, why were you expecting anything different from the hacks currently working there? Some pink hair or soyfag decided Zipper represented black people because of the voice actor or something and made this canon because of it.
@unclefester84: Just be glad they didn't make Gadget a lesbian married to a black muslim eskimo in a wheelchair.
@Aphrodisiac: he belongs to a certain group who wears little black hats and control every major Hollywood studio, that's why.
Anonymous20: Welcome to Paheal, where a pic of a cartoon mouse being fucked by a cartoon fly sparks heated, incendiary schizoposting about how Jews are the reason you haven't showered in eight months
Anonymous23: @bonerific: I'll never stop laughing at the fact you retarded channers took time out of your busy schedule spreading neo nazis propaganda and planning the murder of unarmed people in New York grocery stores to wail about the end of civilization over a shitty joke in a Roger Rabbit rehash movie. You retards lives are so easy you have to create stupid problems like this to rant about
Aphrodisiac: @Anonymous23: No I'm pretty sure people are just pissed because Disney is intentionally doing it to prove a point, a point that doesn't really exist (Racism and all that shit), like assaulting a police officer only to complain of police brutality or racism when he/she gets arrested.
Anonymous25: When I saw that Ugly Sonic was in the movie, I assumed it would be one of those hyper-pandering 'self-aware' movies that try so hard to appeal to appeal to memers that it feels insulting to everyone involved and comes across as cringe.
Hearing that Zipper and Gadget gets paired together makes me think that I was right.
Here's the thing, I really like the Lilo x Stitch pairing, and it's a pairing I really like reading in fan works, I even like the idea of Zipper x Gadget in a fan work. I just don't like it in an official release, and I don't really think I'm alone in that sentiment.
Leave the crackshipping to the fans, that's their thing. Kneeling down to that level just devalues the brand for a very minor gain of some people thinking "Oh yeah, that's kinda cool that this pairing is canon," mainly because in fan works you can show them having sex, not just imply or say they had sex, and show that sex in a very weird way, maybe have some scat stuff in there, some bondage, show Dale being cucked, maybe have a threesome?
That's why people are interested in crack pairings, especially on sites like these, not because we actually want to see them together, but to fantasise (and jerk-off) to the idea of what they'd do in the bedroom, and what they'd do afterwards with their relationship. Making crackships canon in an effort to appeal to the fans just shows that you don't understand them.
Anonymous26: Imagine you having a pure image of your high school crush that she seems so unreachable, but then you later learned that she's having sex with her dog and they got mutant babies.
Anonymous27(25): @Anonymous21: I wonder if anyone stopped to consider that the reason why those 'strong men' created 'good times' through sacrifice was that they ensured that there were less mouths to feed, which meant that there were more resources to go around, which created 'weak men'?
So, basically, kill as many people as possible so that we can use their bodies to feed our kids, then make them weak by completely destroying their self-esteem because every time they take a bite of delicious Uncle Joe their mother is going to say "Uncle Joe was a better man than you'll ever be, because he got killed when he was 19. Why can't you get killed like Uncle Joe to feed your little sister?"
Anonymous28: @bonerific Jews have been running Hollywood and much else because they're good at it and everyone else mostly sucks. Jews are just superior beings get over it loser.
meow-meow: maggot birthing reminds me of those old gifs with metal slug maggots.
i hope that becomes a trend now, would be something interesting at least.
also, once again, "jews" are not jews, what you call "jews" nowadays are descendant of khazars. fake-jews in other words. look up Khazaria. they have nothing to do with the actual/original jews.
Anonymous30(29): @meow-meow: British Americans are so obsessed to the point they make themselves look bad.
They don't even know the Bible/Torah/Qurah rules and make them whatever they want to be just to achieve something.
Anonymous33(32): @Anonymous27(25): Are you fucking retarded? If you're a weak man and are scared then you really should be, pussies like you caused all this mess and we'll have to fix it when the shit hits the fan. But don't worry much, we won't go after you like you fear, you and your soyfag buddies would have been eliminated by tyrants long before we get to act.
Anonymous41(3): @Anonymous21:
Those Strong Men were killing their own flesh and blood to serve a Jewish empire. The world could do with less Strong Men who hate their own people
Anonymous42(25): @Anonymous38: I think the sentiment isn't against degeneracy, it's more of a 'this type of thing should have stayed on the porn sites. Wtf, Disney?'
It feels like they brought back a character just to tell the fans of the character that she married and fucked her dog in canon.
Anonymous44: This is like if someone made a Scooby Doo reboot on which s scrappy fucks and has mutant babies with Velma...but its ok, they're not the original characters or whatever.
Anonymous45(3): @Anonymous42(25): If I say degeneracy I mean it in its real meaning. Not pornographic, but rather this degrades society. Since most sexual concepts that would be labeled degeneracy by Jews were accepted in European civilization before they culturally invaded it, it is Hebrew to call sexuality degeneracy.
Making an intelligent character reproduce with a literal insect in a children's movie sounds more like degeneracy to me. That would be on the line if it was porn, but it isn't porn. In the end, though, this is low on the list of degenerate things Disney has forced on their customers lately. At least this was for comedy.
Anonymous46(28): @meow-meow: oh look, someone calling out 'projection' who doesn't understand what project is, and probably didn't read or comprehend the linked article.
@Anonymous47: Disney isn't forcing anything on anybody, they are just a company in decline. Also the laughable pseudo-Socratic 'reasoning' isn't even quarter-baked. Go back to 4chan kiddo.
meow-meow: "oh look, someone calling out 'projection' who doesn't understand what project is"
"it is a defense mechanism in which the ego defends itself against disowned and highly negative parts of the self by denying their existence in themselves and attributing them to others, breeding misunderstanding and causing untold interpersonal damage"
"Projection incorporates blame shifting and can manifest as shame dumping."
so, turns out i was right in calling it "projection" when inbred khazars try to attribute proneness to schizophrenia to people who criticize them.
"and probably didn't read or comprehend the linked article. "
"the gene in question raises Ashkenazi Jews’ chances of experiencing the disorders by roughly 40%, and by 15% in the general population."
meaning, its a way higher risk for khazars.
"Of the 2,500 Ashkenazi Jews from Israel who contributed DNA samples for the study, 1,500 were healthy, while 1,000 were affected by mental disorders related to schizophrenia."
meaning, that 2 out of 5 khazars sampled were "schizo".
“In terms of the larger sample group, the prevalence of that same gene increased the chances of contracting the diseases by 15% on average, in the other populations that were studied,”
so, 40% for khazars, 15% for everyone else.
"Those with the disease lose interest in their surroundings, develop dark emotions and sometimes imagine hearing voices or seeing figures that do not exist."
heh, "figures that do not exist". yeah, its also made illegal for non-schizos to question the existence of those "figures"
Anonymous48(25): @Anonymous45(3): I mean, I don't think that this is going to "degrade society," and taking an anti-Semitic stance because the age of consent is lower in Europe is... Dude, wtf is wrong with you if you seriously have that mindset?
I just don't think that Chip And Dale, particularly this movie, has enough widespread appeal to have any kind of impact on anything or anyone outside of the fanbase which must be relatively small considering that most people wouldn't have even cared about the movie if Ugly Sonic wasn't in it.
I've suspected for a while that the stuff targeted at kids isn't actually doing that great on Disney+, which is why they're seemingly rushing already developed or in-development projects out quickly and focusing more on stuff for older audiences, like the Star Wars series. Their brand is kid-friendly stuff, but it seems like they're moving away from that because honestly most kids seem to prefer to watch Youtube or TikTok than Disney cartoons if they can use the internet.
My theory is that with this movie they just didn't care about it at all and allowed the team to have complete creative control. Normally, some of these decisions would have faced more scrutiny, or at least someone saying "Dude, don't make the waifu character have kids with the cute mascot character, the Bobby Driscoll stuff is in pretty bad taste, and the Ugly Sonic part is really cringe," but they didn't. I suspect that a similar thing happened with the other Disney+ exclusive reboots as well, like The Proud Family.
To me, the movie sucks, but I find it kind of interesting in that it feels like Disney took one of those weird and poorly-written fanfics and adapted it into a legit movie. It feels like the movie was written by a 16-year-old, and for a company like Disney, that's pretty embarrassing.
Anonymous49(25): @Anonymous44: I'm just going to point out that they literally showed Scrappy's stuffed corpse in one of the modern Scooby-Doo reboots.
Anonymous50(3): @Anonymous48(25): This is what happens when a public school education attempts to respond to a position rooted in actual history. Go ahead, watch your TalmudVision.
Anonymous57: Take the nazi bullshit back to /pol or whatever other sewer it crawled out of. Don't blame Jews; blame writers who simply don't have any emotional attachment to the characters because they didn't grow up with them and decided to fuck with the audience's expectations for free publicity. Doing something as stupid as pairing Gadget with Zipper has nothing to do with being 'woke'; I'm a liberal and this has sealed the deal that I will never, ever watch this movie, even for free on TV. It has everything to do with deliberately creating controversy because making people Internet Mad guarantees more eyeballs on a movie that people otherwise not between the ages of 35 and 50 would not give two squirts of piss about as they didn't grow up watching the original.
Well, it worked, didn't it? You're all screaming about the movie, aren't you? You keep falling for it time after time.
Anonymous64(63): I'm sure the soyfaggots and the lesbian feminist hagtivists at Disney are furiously masturbating just knowing how many men in their thirties they mindbroke by making this garbage canon.
I do find it hillarious, but it's still good evidence of how low has Disney fallen now that it's 100% under control of (((the parenthesis tribe))), on the other side it speeds up people waking up, so there's that.
Eh, that said, I am surprised they didn't make the girl mouse a lesbian or trans, considering that's what Disney want to do to all children in this continent.
Anonymous65(63): @Anonymous57: Well of course you can't see how this pairing is revolting, you're a liberal faggot who most likely would let an attractive and successful African rape your mother and ask him to do it again to prove you're not raicist. People like you are a cancer and shouldn't have any say in things. Make the world a favor and get a sex change operation.
Anonymous67: Paheal needs a report comment function, the fuck is all this racist bullshit in this comment section. Or get rid of anon comments altogether.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous67: No, we don't need that. We are not going to censor people because your feelings are hurt. The best thing you do is ignore it.
Anonymous69: There is literally zero empirical evidence that soy actually causes any endocrine imbalances whatsoever, and in fact if it were the case that it did we would have been able to observe its effects throughout the history of east Asian culture, and yet online rightoid brainlets cling to it desperately because they don't have anything else and to admit you were wrong about one thing is to open yourself to further introspection over what else you're wrong about
By the same token, literally every other grievance they have with any random demographic they deem to be untermensche is based off, to quote the old meme, lies and intentional logical fallacies
Regardless, I feel content that we will not be seeing any of these self-described "Siege-pilled" hikiNEETs attempting any sort of rope-related activities with anyone besides themselves because if something as objectively insignificant as a cartoon mouse being implied to have had sex with a cartoon fly can cause them to piss and shit themselves with impotent, tearful rage like this, the real world will 120% make them too catatonic with fear to function
Anonymous70: @Farfegnugen: I personally would classify filtering out blatant racism and nazi shit as "basic moderation" not "censorship" but I guess that's why it runs rampant here.
Anonymous71(29): @Anonymous70: Filtering shit is pointless because they still sperg attractive and successful African shit anyway, even bypassing the filter.
Anonymous75(3): For the record, this fly/mouse thing doesn't really bother me. I'm more bothered by Jewney's obsession with turning white characters into niggers. It is funny when the Jews step out of their comfort zone and start to upset new groups. In this case, furries. It's almost like they don't give a fuck about you or what you are and just want you dead to make way for their parking lots and robot farms.
Anonymous76(28): @meow-meow: thanks for demonstrating that in addition to not understanding projection despite reading its definition, you also don't understand how genetics or probability works. How shockingly unsurprising. You could only be more predictable if you can't remember the last shower you had or non-familial girl you talked to.
meow-meow: then here's another explanation you might understand easier, retard:
"projection refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else. "
"A common example is a cheating spouse who suspects their partner is being unfaithful. Instead of acknowledging their own infidelity, they transfer, or project, this behavior onto their partner. "
just like khazars project their sociopathy, schizophrenia, self-supremacist views, genocidal actions, self-supremacist beliefs, war-mongering, etc. onto whoever is criticizing them for these exact traits.
much like how you are projecting your lack of showering and social interactions with females onto people you know nothing of, other than their assumed political leanings based on anonymous comments, and have no basis for your claims other than deriving them from yourself.
which reminds me of the khazar way of arguing:
"Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt" Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals
Anonymous77: Besides the nasty comments, which really should cut down on the racism (no one likes it, yet even the admins are in on it? That's not cool) i still prefer this image over the last featured, where it was a spammed 5 millionth post
Anonymous78: @Anonymous67:
Then make registration open again it's been like 3 years and you still can't make an account for literally no reasonable reason
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous70: Was I not clear enough on that no? Did you take that no as a maybe or as a probably? If you had taken that no other than, "No, we will not censor any one person's ability to say whatever, even if it whatever dumb shit thing that meow meow is saying.", I don't know what to tell. New glasses might help.
To be clear, spamming the comments is different, that's against the rules. Repeating the same stupid nonsense across several images will not be tolerated. As well as spamming links to a Discord channel that RPs or whatever.
Good grief people, it might be a good thing I didn't change the feature for the Top Gun movie.
meow-meow: what is weird, is that whenever people are not silenced/censored, the topic always turns to "jews", seems like they are just that big of a problem. also might be because they control pretty much everything, so every problem can be traced back to them.
other weird thing is, accounts mostly seem to agree, while anonymous comments are mostly not, who might aswell be shills or commenter bots, or JIDF members.
also, "jews"/khazars are not a race. even though they do DNA tests to determine who can settle in israel, they are not a distinct race. meaning, it would not be "racist" even if hatred of them was any part about their genetic makeup.
but im done talking about them, people should do their own damn research and thinking when talking about these topics. now bring on the maggot birthing
Anonymous82(69): >what is weird, is that whenever people are not silenced/censored, the topic always turns to "jews",
That's cause paranoid brainlets like you blame the Jews on everything up to and including you leaving your fork on the plate when you do to microwave your tendies because god forbid the mighty whitey own up to his own misgivings
Also lol @ Japan being effeminate and weak when well over half the politicians in power think shit like "Nanking never happened but if it did it was not only justified but also didn't go far enough", much like every other war crime you LARPing assclowns love to simultaneously deny and lionize
If you're just mad cause your parents got you circumcized as a baby you can just get a skin graft
atozed: I'm not reading any of the /pol/ nonsense above, but this butthurt 20 years later is hilarious when you're old enough to remember Tress MacNeille finds her obsessive fanboys (as Gadget, Dot Warner, Babs Bunny, etc. she did a lot of 90s characters) creepy and disgusting, even back in the pre-internet era where that was hard to do, so the idea something this goofy upsets people is hilariously unintentional revenge.
Anonymous89(3): @meow-meow: Some of those are suspect. I don't know if Disney was gay, but he was notorious for hating communists and Jews. Now that they own his company and his name, Walt Disney™ is a family friendly saint who loved everyone.
Anonymous93: Can someone start labeling these Disney+ because we are not accepting this as Cannon. Who benefits from pairing up these characters? No one. They did it to try to kill the franchise. An if you think i`m joking.
How would it look today if they restarted RR and they where hitting on Gadget after this debacle? It would look like its a SIN. Coveting someone else's wife. It would look REALLY bad for the show. They did it for no reason. So we cannot consider this cannon.
Anonymous94(93): @unclefester84:
I actually liked the movie but as i watched it I came to some conclusions. 1. Anyone could have been in this movie. This movie could have been named Pepper Ann the movie. Or Recess the Movie or even Gummi Bears the Movie.
An it would have come out the same. So it was just to some extent i believe and agree with you. But i believe it was a Good movie. I do hate the Shipping. An i will say this always. SHIPPING WRITERS RUIN FRANCHISE!
Imagine this was a the Movie Talespin. What would they do. They would Ship Rebecca Cunningham with Baloo. An you know it. An say they had 30 kids. OK Who asked for that? No one. Who wanted to know that?! No one! Why do that to EVERY SINGLE PRODUCTION?!
Its BEN 10 All over again! So this is my message to Disney+ Because its not actual Disney. Please stop shipping characters. Its annoying. We do not accept Zipper with Gadget or ANYONE for that matter. Shes like 16. So please stop.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous93: No. Don't even think about doing it.
@Anonymous94(93): No, she's 40 something at this point. Get over the fact your furry crush fucked a fly, a bunch of times.
Anonymous95(3): @Anonymous93:
No one cares about your Extended Torah (that's the bible for christcucks). Toss it in the trash with the rest of the Jewish subversions.
If that comeback was any more pathetic, it wouldn't even drip out of my ass.
Shitposting aside tho, you know ethnic jews make up tha vast majority of the leadership of Hollywood media conglomerates and the ones behind enforcing the current social marxist agenda crap, along with making up the majority of leadership and financial backing in social media. Few jews are willing to be brave and speak the truth of the current global pharma scam like Dr. Zelenko, or advocate for global nuclear disarmament like Albert Einstein did in his time.
Anonymous100: Jeez this whole comment section is just about political shit and people opinions about their shitty favorite subject all in one porn image, get sun you all gremlins.
meow-meow: so, here is my deleted comment (the later one. now without image embed), so the effort i put into looking at wikipedia articles and searching name+jew doesnt go to waste, since people in general seemingly dont even bother to do this much:
okay, then let's see how unresponsible "jews" were in this particular topic:
directed by this guy:
one writer:
his "jew" wife telling that he is a "jew":
the other writer:
"Mand: Dan and I are both Jews."
voice of Dale:
produced by:
Walt Disney Studios chairman is "Alan Bergman"
who doesn't seem to have a wikipedia page, and his name is hard to search for, but every Alan Bergman that can be found is "jew", if the surname itself isn't enough indication.
Walt Disney Company's chairwoman:
current CEO Bob Chapek is ambiguous, although this site claims he's a "jew":
but the previous CEO openly was:
and the one before him:
and the image that i wont embed now, which is old, but you can look it up yourself whether the ratio is still akin to this or not::
yes, its from "/pol/", doesnt mean you cant look up the names and see for yourself.
but if evil nazi charts accumulating information you can find elsewhere cant be looked at, here is an article written by a "jew" admitting that they do control the media:
from archive, because its gone now for "some reasons".
now i hopefully wont have to continue this bullshit argument. (no banning please ;3)
Anonymous106(99): @Anonymous105: The twitter crowd lives under the assumption they ran the nahzees out of everywhere else, so they just flee to where they can speak.
The reality is that many people share our views, but know they cannot express them, and that comes out anywhere it can.
1/4 of America is prepping for a civil war. As we enter Wiemar-level inflation and self-inflicted economic disaster, that will continue to rise.
meow-meow: "his theories have turned out to be the most accurate model of reality"
are you fucking serious? his theories are more debated to have any actual meaning and logic behind them than ever before. the ones he didnt plagiarize, that is. he was just a poster-boy to prove "jew" supremacy in world war 2, and instill in people how beneficial it is to have "jews", and how important it is to "save" them from "nazis", aka the consequences of their own actions.
him having been the smartest man is also made-up, his intelligence was never actually tested in his lifetime.
how do you feel about the person with the PROVEN highest IQ being a goy "anti-semite" "right-wing conspiracy theorist"?
how do you feel about Stephen Hawking having joined the boycott of israel?
and reminder that Einstein wasnt the only "jew" claimed to be the smartest geniusest person ever without any proof:
meow-meow: and weird because i dont really see all those "Indian grandmasters" anywhere:
the only indian listed at all is Viswanathan Anand. literally no other of them is indian in either list, even the ones whose names could be considered indian-sounding are georgian.
and this is despite it being the 2nd most populous country with 1.39 billion people.
Anonymous109: Y'all are whining, the chip n dale movie is set in it's own continuity. Y'all precious characters are fine.
Y'all are acting like as if Kingdom Hearts is ULTRA canon.😆😆😆 Canon is just subjective. I mean, even Dragon Ball has thrown "Canon" out the window at this point. We live in a world in which we've got two versions of Resident Evil 1-4, Which ones are canon? Exactly, it doesn't fucking matter.
BTW ... Shout-outs to Hinata and Raikage for being the greatest crack ship in existence.
Anonymous110(99): @Anonymous109: Maybe one or two people here are actually bothered by this. The negative comments are mostly reflecting an opinion I share, that this kind of content in big-budget children's media of all things shows a degradation of social development.
Otherwise, I don't care if a meme movie canonizes the director's fetish fan fiction. Anime does it from the start.
Anonymous113: Welcome back to CBS News at 11 with Waltter Cronkite! "Greetings, folks. The news today is that some Nazis on a rule 34 website are upset about a kids show. They should be deeply embarrassed of themselves. That's all for today, folks."
Anonymous116(13): @Anonymous94(93): With TaleSpin, the Baloo x Rebecca thing is at least plausible, given their interaction in the show. This Rescue Rangers situation sounds just off the wall.
Anonymous122: Y'all: WHAT THE FUCK, IS THAT ZIPPER'S DICK?! I've come to make an announcement, Zipper is a bitch-ass motherfucker, he pissed on my mouse wife.
Anonymous123: She was one of my childhood crushes. But, you know what?
I don't care about the movie. It is just a parody movie full of memes and shit. Nothing to be taken seriously.
To me is like some shitty fanfiction that was made a movie because the author had enough money to animate it. Nothing more.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous78: There is a reason. We just won't tell you what it is. It might inspire some inherent assholes to cause the problem being solved deliberately.
bonerific: @Anonymous21:
Buddy, it's been on long before Orange Man around. Your country lost it soul in 1971. The Lima Declaration made sure you couldn't reach the stars so you could babysit parasitic violent low IQ brown people who want to replace you.
bonerific: @Anonymous: (((Einstein))) was a hack. He was also a Jew & a communist. He hated the Germans after getting his ass expelled. Telsa hated his guts. He thought Einstein was a hack. Would you believe me if I told the original creators of the theory of relativity were 3 white Italians? (((Einstein))) & (((Freud))) were both hacks & (((Freud))) was not only a child molester, he purposely told his patient to commit adultery, etc. He was crooked & yet the (((psychology books))) worship him.
Most of what we've all been taught in school has either been flat out lies & deliberate myths. There were white slaves even the during the slave trade, but you're not (((expected to know that))).
meow-meow: what's weird is how english speakers were able to be brainwashed at all to think that slavery had anything to do with race. you know, the language where the name itself of the group of SLAV white people are used for the word SLAVE, because so many white slavs were enslaved by muslims.
whenever someone sees/hears/uses the word "SLAVE" they should be reminded of SLAVS, not sub-saharan africans.
bonerific: @Nolifer: I do this for a living & often question how many people have quit this site simply because of me. If my posts causes you anxiety, then you don't belong on this site. Simple as.
bonerific: @meow-meow: Slavs aren't white. They are Khazar mutts. If you want to talk about the most recent slavery event in history where whites are slaves, then that would be the Holodomor (which took place before WW1 & after WW2 during the Cold War). The Soviet Union was run by Bolshevik Jews who were all communists. They forced whites into slavery & created a man-made famine TWICE. Bolsheviks passed stupid laws, such as making it illegal own a single leaf of corn. The Soviet Union wasn't called the "Red Terror" for nothing. They were communist terrorists. They were godless, soulless heathens. Zombies in works of fiction are an allegory to cannibalism which took place in the Holodomor where Jews in power took grain & food away from white farmers who were the backbone of Russia & Ukraine's population. The commies know the best way to genocide a population was starvation. Everything from forced labor, mass starvation, 3rd world migration, and hyperinflation debt poverty are all part of the (((Communist Manifesto))), & is exactly what Hitler was fighting against. The idea of Hitler being this "power hungry dictator" is simply fake news & flat out lies. Bolshevism was the real enemy of the Nazis. Evil won that war. The Nazis fought against the devil, & the devil won.
The Czar King should have executed the Red Jews. It would have prevented 2 world wars. Sadly, normies still think attractive and successful Africans were the most recent slaves because the same (((committees))) that publish & sale the history books for colleges, universities, public/private schools tells them to. They are sheep, "goycattle" as the (((elite))) calls them. Truth is the (((committees))) who publish the history books just do it for money, as to keep the system going. In the end, it's all rigged. The entire system is rigged, & that rigged system is supported by central banks. Ask how many normies know about the Russian & Ukrainian genocide caused by Red Jews running the Soviet Union. Ask how many normies know about the Yugoslavia Civil War that started thanks to the Communists & how many innocent civilians were slaughtered for nothing. They will give you that look like a deer staring at headlights as a car approaches. They literally know nothing about actual history. They only know what they are told because deep down they are dead inside. No internal monologue. No questioning anything. No self-awareness.
Ironically, Holocaust classes lead to my blackpilling/redpilling/awakening or whatever you want to call it. I too was taught about MUH EVIL NAZIS in history & English classes & how Hitler killed MUH 6 GORILLON Jews because "reasons never explained". But I did what most people didn't. The research the shit myself. I questioned everything. I mean literally EVERYTHING & now I know it never happened & even if it did they deserved it.
Sadly after WW2, once Bolshevik Jews had half of Europe & the Berlin wall came up, the commies were still massacring whites. The Nakam were Jewish terrorists who killed, hunted, & tortured any Germans who were caught in their crossfires. They even tried to poison civilians by contaminating the drinking water & did food poisoning by dipping bread in chemicals. Look it up. An entire generation of men & women lost for nothing.
Anonymous137: Man I was just horny and now I gotta scroll through hundreds of comments riddled with literal fascists, wattpad fanatic writers complaining about how their favorite ship wasn't added to the movie, and general dumbassery and retardedness
Anonymous138(137): It's a bunch of far-right conspiracy theorists being "disproven" by other far-right conspiracy theorists. I fucking hate the internet.
meow-meow: not sure why you claim slavs arent white, then bring up russian and ukrainian victims of "jews" as whites. and its the people currently claimed to be "jews" who are the direct descendants of khazars. you can even tell by just looking at them whether slavs or "jews" look more turkic.
Azumi: @Anonymous: You're only mad I don't fit in your stereotype of a "nutzee cartoon", being egalitarian and all. As the big H himself recognized excellence beyond 'aryans', so do I. So eat crow, racebaiting kike kabal rodent. Humanity is not yours to moderate anymore.
bonerific: @Anonymous138(137): It's not a "theory" anymore, midwit. You are being replaced demographically both in your own entertainment & IRL. Wake up!
meow-meow: blackwashing was actually talked about on a previous feature:
also, as an addition to bonerific comment, i was trying to find the name of the "jew" who allegedly operated an actual "concentration camp" for germans, and then fled to israel, where they refused to hand him out to foreign authorities, and lived happily and freely until his death. maybe someone here knows who im talking about.
in the meantime, here is some holocomedy:
Klerold: @deathstriker: Brony detected, opinion rejected. I changed my mind, perhaps gassing wasn't such a bad idea if it meant ridding the earth of your kind.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @bonerific: That's actually nonsensical. If the "replacement" is a diabolical scheme by minorities and other "undesirables" to have more kids so that they can "replace" you, what prevents you from having more kids to maintain your "superiority"?
Azumi: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Money, Jubes. Fiat money, decades-long MKUltra programming, and artificial immigration waves. Mehico is even waking uo to that when Trump let all those centro scum rot in my dear carne asada country. Suddenly most of the mehicanos understood America, and boy did the cartels made short work of them invaders!
You and me we're life-forsaken fighters. Most of these natives tho just want to have kids and long-term prosperity, things we both know this world is going dead before giving it to us. Hopefully, the best will rework the ashes, like aztecs burning maize fields to bring health to the next crop.
Anonymous145: @Klerold: So because of that one thing, you reject their opinion. You should also reject the opinions of people that watch Family Guy, Simpsons, South Park and so forth. If not, you're a hypocrite, and hypocrites deserve a brick to the face.
Anonymous146: @jubilation_t_cornpone: How are we supposed to outbreed the entire third world? You think this is a good argument, but you also don't believe in borders. Go kill yourself, you fucking kike.
Anonymous147: Honestly, i used to miss this type of casual offensive, crazy discourse. Nowadays even 4chan is became well mannered. And i dont agree with anything written here. Anyway the movie was shit. Fuck the mouse.
Anonymous148(147): Maybe is time for nerds to grow up amd stop supporting with their money and time the corporations or franchises they think are ruined. Cancelled subscriptions,don't buy merch. Don't even post a rage comment bc that's also helping them. Indifference is key. For corporations bad publicity is still publicity and divide their fans olds and news is the new PR technique. Don't pay them attention. Pirate amd enjoy the porn made by freelance artits
Anonymous149: @Anonymous147: The mouse is a fictional character. Would it really take so much time of your day to simply find out who the writer was for the movie and say eff them? I bet you're also the type of person that blames a forest for being flammable instead of the person holding the match.
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Also, Disney/Marvel, you cowards, add Darkwing Duck to the Marvel universe so he can get his own movie.
As if the story between "The Rat & The Fly" was some kind of allegory for interracial marriage, as opposed to "The Birds & The Bees".
I can already imagine it: H.P. Lovecraft rests slanted over his back, a lamp hangs over his head as a herd of flies circles 'round his throne.
"Gadget knew that the other rats aren't like Zipper, that they were weaker, smaller, and their private parts aren't as long and girthy as the flies."
H.P. Lovecraft murmurs, the sound of his broken home poured over the visage of his broken dreams as he shields himself inside his humble home.
"Gadget looks on over the shadow of Zipper's cock, anxiously dripping as she gains a sudden urge to drop down to her knees and worship his maggot birthing phallus.
But Gadget couldn't help but be reminded of the motion of a fly, how they would swarm over the most disguting spot for their machinations to take place.
Oodles of bloody pulp, the rotten gardenias of roadkills, sullen sinking stains of forgotten food stinking up the place.
Flies love these things, in fact, they eat them. A fly would often land atop a dog's corpse, drooling, saliva wetting fur.
Flies digest things by vomitting all over the rot just to suck it all up again.
Such imagery inspired disgust into her very core, but Gadget knew she couldn't help it.
'Yes, they are disgusting, yes, they are the syphillis born weepers of the animal kingdom.'
Yet despite this horrible tidbit of biology, Gadget only felt more inclined to wrap her tongue around his disgustingly appetizing fly penis.
It's the contrast between her and Zipper that makes it so hot. The taboo nature of it speaks volume to her shaking hips just waiting to be breed by him.
Gadget was a beautiful and intelligent woman, curvy in her nature and adorably charismatic enough for her to court any man should she wish to.
Zipper, on the other hand, was this monsterous blackened sin wrapped over a horridly unhygenic body and a morbidly jagged face not even fit to marry a blind prostitute.
'It just felt right' Gadget thought to herself.
'It just felt right for all the wrong reasons, a fly isn't supposed to make love to a rat, let alone fertilize its holes, but it just feels right somehow...'
She knew that from the moment of intercourse, she will eventually give birth to such monstrosities as a rat-fly hybrid.
She knew that she would brought shame upon her entire family, upon her entire race for opening her legs up for a fly of all creatures.
But dammit if it doesn't feel so good.
Just imagining Zipper fertilizing her pussy with his girthy fly cock makes her wetter than anything Chip could ever inspire.
Imagine his sperm pouring in, imagine that disgusting maggot born cock spewing such slimey cum drops all over her face, throat and womb.
Such imagery defeated her, and Gadget finally relented to her base desires.
'So this is it, I'm about be bred by a black disguting fly.'
Gadget kneels down before Zipper as he gently strokes his fly cock across her face.
She looked up to him with such admiration and respect, despite knowing that should her father ever catches her doing such things, he would surely disowned her without a moment of hesitation.
Zipper drools all over her, and she opened her mouth to swallow his saliva.
Gadget gave his cock a little kiss just before sniffing his balls.
He smells like garbage, as a fly never bathes, never cleans. The scent was intoxicating, but that only made her love him even more so.
Gadget finally took up his cock and swallow it whole, sucking and drooling all over it, head moving back and forward repeatedly.
Zipper was well pleased, buzzing and buzzing, and so she continued her motion as he sweeps his spiky black appendages to caress her blonde head of hair.
She was perfection, her skin was smooth and buttery, and the shape of her thighs and form was curvier than most women of her age.
Thousands of men would gladly give their lives just for a chance to see her naked.
Yet there she was, their queen, there she kneeled, sucking his cock, the cock of a man who has never bathes in his entire life, the cock of a man whose wholly diet includes garbage and leftover foods.
Such blasphemous vision could put the whole of heaven on suicide watch, let alone those who have fallen in love with her prior.
Sucking, sucking, slimey, gross filled saliva mixed with precum.
Finally he came, filling her mouth with his special whipped cream.
His sperm was disgusting, like the taste of a urinal sink, it makes her want to vomit, but she swallowed it instead.
It was revolting, like swallowing dried aged urine freshly squeezed from a pair of under garments.
Yet it was so alluring and mouth watering that Gadget can't help but to keep kissing and licking up all the sperm that explunged from his cock.
Finally, it was time for the breeeding ritual to begin, it was time for the baby making sex to ensnare.
And Gadget would not wait a moment further.
She stood up against a wall, sticking out her bare ass for the fly to see.
She was perfectly clean shaven and pretty, always bathes, always cleaning herself and exhausting every oppotunity she could to cater her looks.
Here she is now, sticking her dripping wet pussy out as a fly readies to defile every part of her body.
He sticks his cock inside of her pussy and have her let out an orgasmic moan.
'Ah! Ah! Oh! Oh! Zipper! Don't stop!'
He rams her in and out, his girthy fly cock casually sweeping through every one of her pleasure spots.
She screams:
'Your cock is so much bigger than Dale! It's so much bigger than Chips! You're more of a man than they'll ever will be!'
Zipper then forcefully shoves his fly mouth right onto her tits and began sucking as he relentlessly pounds her sweet ass.
'Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! Fucking breed me with your fly cock!'
She squirmed as he continued the pounding.
Fly saliva started dripping down to her thighs as Zipper's mouth begin defiling her whole body with his scent.
She loves it, she's his property now, his sex slave, his cum sock, his right hand.
From now until forever, she will always carry his scent, and all the men who crushes over her will watch along the sidelines like cucks as they busy weep over the injustice of a perfect woman ending up with such a horrible and disguting creature.
Gadget unwillingly shivers at the thought of bearing his children as well as his sperm when he finally cums.
Zipper kept on pounding her from behind as he kept on squeezing every last drop of weeping pleasure from her body.
'I-I-I'm cumming! I'm cumming!'
Gadget screams as Zipper creampies her, spilling his grotesque fly sperm into her womb.
His balls giggled as it pumped her tight pussy full of his cum.
Zipper watches as Gadget lightly shivers before collapsing from the sudden burst of pleasure he had gave her.
From this day on, she belongs to him now, his personal whore and breeding sow.
She will spent the rest of her life constantly being bred with maggots in her womb.
And Gadget was happy, happy knowing that no rat upon this planet could ever please her as well as Zipper had.
She spread out her pussy and just let his sperm drips out from the creampie.
Zipper definitely knocked her up. But that's clearly not enough, Gadget wanted more.
She crawled up back into his crotch to sniff it like an obedient dog.
Every single day, Zipper will get the chance to pound her sweet ass and fondle her plumb round breast, every single day, she will get impregnated with the sperm of this lowly fly for the rest of her life."
H.P. Lovecraft, now satisfied with his story, laid back to close his eyes in peace, knowing that he had committed an affront to god with his story.
"A black man having a baby with a white woman is no different than a fly breeding with a rat."
Lovecraft smiled smugly, his allegory about interracial marriage had successfully been etched into the minds of its reader, forever reminding them of this work whenever the topics of interracial dating is brought up.
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Can we get Wendy's Chick on any of their meeting boards? I'm sure she'd have better ideas at social humor than they do, lolz.
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Nicole Jaffe (Velma): 61 in 2002. Indira Stefanianna (Daphne): 55 in 2002. That would've been a WILDLY different movie.
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You're welcome.
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The movie itself was mediocre at best.
It is filled with shallow cameos, references and memes that are shoved down the viewer's throat to blind the viewer from the story itself, but once you can get past all the bling, or once those references become obsolete and dead in a few years, i'm convinced a lot of people will see it for what it is:
A 90 minutes ad for Disney.
Partly because it literally is a showcase of the company's IP properties (with a few exceptions sprinkled here and there as a disguise), leveraging their fame while also publicizing the more obscure ones in hope to revitalize their franchise and keep getting money from them.
Partly because it demonizes all the people that, for one reason or another, watch content for free, literally equating bootlegging and pirating movies, to human trafficking.
Then there's the bad guy of the movie: Peter Pan.
His story is an almost perfect parallel to the story of Bobby Driscoll, child actor who played Peter Pan, only to be abandoned and tossed out as soon as he reached puberty and who died young and alone in a barn.
"I was carried on a silver platter—and then dumped into the garbage." -Bobby Driscoll
Now in the best case scenario this has simply been done in a REALLY bad taste, or in the worst case scenario it's a veiled threat to those who work at Disney, basically saying: "You give us bad publicity, we make you the bad guy of our next movie".
Now onto the more sore topic that makes this movie fall from mediocre, to outright bad: the pairing of Gadget and Zipper.
If this was some fanwork i would have nothing to say, it's someone's preference and taste and i'm in no position to critique it.
But i cannot shake the feeling that in this case it has been done maliciously by the people in charge, basically saying: "We know much of the fandom loves Gadget and many like to pair her with either Chip or Dale, so let me show you exactly how much respect i have for you by runing this little fantasy of yours"
How can i be sure of this?
This crackship was completely unnecessary to the movie, the entire story could've gone on without even mentioning that the two were together, which means that they were added on purpose only for the sake of the pairing.
Also notice how the modern day Gadget is completely absent from the trailers, yet everyone knows that she was a big part of the original show and showing her off would have added a lot of publicity to the movie, the marketing department should've screamed like hell to add her to them,
But it was not done, and you know why? Because they knew that they were doing something that the fandom would have hated, so they kept it close to their chest as to not drive away viewers.
Another possibility is that this pairing was made as a PR stunt for woke propaganda.
(DISCLAIMER: this is not a critique on the beliefs of people who consider themselves as such, you call yourself woke that's fine, but if you take something dear to me and twist and mangle it to turn it into an instrument of propaganda, then we're going to have a problem. And remember, right now you're fashionable, but how long do you think it'll be before you're served your own medicine?)
To clarify, i feel it went something along the line of "Hey we know that these ships are popular, but the characters are soo similar, so how about for sake of 'diversity and inclusion' we force Gadget together with Zipper as a metaphor of rejection of less woke shipping"
To show that this kind of thinking is actually present in the movie let's consider another forgettable character: Ellie
Nothing to say on the actual actress, she did her job and did so at her best, but the character itself is just another diversity pinup for woke pubblicity.
It's evidenced by the fact that as a character, Ellie is also completely redundant to the story, and the "twist" of her not being in league with the villain but be betrayed by her boss (whom by voice and mannerism is practically any other straight white male stereotype), is pretty telling.
And before anyone says that's impossible for this to have happened, do i need to remind you of another beloved franchise that suffered the same fate?
In the end it could have very well been a combination of both maliciousness and propaganda, a combination of: "Screw you fandom, i do what i want", and "Look at my glowing wokeism, please praise this movie so we can get money from it and its various franchises".
As a final thought i want to address the fact that many say that this is a successor to Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
It's not.
It's definitely NOT.
WFRR is masterful classic, an original story with original characters that uses various famous cartoons only in a very limited manner and only as an added value to the story itself.
CDRR is a reheated slop of tropes that jumps on the shoulders of a beloved fanchise for notoriety and uses the various memes as an extra boost for publicity. If Disney had made the same exact story, but without the jumpstart that the original CDRR show provided, it would have been a resounding flop.
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@Anonymous6: Post your stupid long fanfic on, not here.
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@unclefester84: Just be glad they didn't make Gadget a lesbian married to a black muslim eskimo in a wheelchair.
@Aphrodisiac: he belongs to a certain group who wears little black hats and control every major Hollywood studio, that's why.
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>4chan is one person
Like say all twitter users are ISIS, majority of the site doesn't follow that right-wing shit
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Hearing that Zipper and Gadget gets paired together makes me think that I was right.
Here's the thing, I really like the Lilo x Stitch pairing, and it's a pairing I really like reading in fan works, I even like the idea of Zipper x Gadget in a fan work. I just don't like it in an official release, and I don't really think I'm alone in that sentiment.
Leave the crackshipping to the fans, that's their thing. Kneeling down to that level just devalues the brand for a very minor gain of some people thinking "Oh yeah, that's kinda cool that this pairing is canon," mainly because in fan works you can show them having sex, not just imply or say they had sex, and show that sex in a very weird way, maybe have some scat stuff in there, some bondage, show Dale being cucked, maybe have a threesome?
That's why people are interested in crack pairings, especially on sites like these, not because we actually want to see them together, but to fantasise (and jerk-off) to the idea of what they'd do in the bedroom, and what they'd do afterwards with their relationship. Making crackships canon in an effort to appeal to the fans just shows that you don't understand them.
So, basically, kill as many people as possible so that we can use their bodies to feed our kids, then make them weak by completely destroying their self-esteem because every time they take a bite of delicious Uncle Joe their mother is going to say "Uncle Joe was a better man than you'll ever be, because he got killed when he was 19. Why can't you get killed like Uncle Joe to feed your little sister?"
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i hope that becomes a trend now, would be something interesting at least.
also, once again, "jews" are not jews, what you call "jews" nowadays are descendant of khazars. fake-jews in other words. look up Khazaria. they have nothing to do with the actual/original jews.
They don't even know the Bible/Torah/Qurah rules and make them whatever they want to be just to achieve something.
Those Strong Men were killing their own flesh and blood to serve a Jewish empire. The world could do with less Strong Men who hate their own people
It feels like they brought back a character just to tell the fans of the character that she married and fucked her dog in canon.
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Making an intelligent character reproduce with a literal insect in a children's movie sounds more like degeneracy to me. That would be on the line if it was porn, but it isn't porn. In the end, though, this is low on the list of degenerate things Disney has forced on their customers lately. At least this was for comedy.
@Anonymous47: Disney isn't forcing anything on anybody, they are just a company in decline. Also the laughable pseudo-Socratic 'reasoning' isn't even quarter-baked. Go back to 4chan kiddo.
"it is a defense mechanism in which the ego defends itself against disowned and highly negative parts of the self by denying their existence in themselves and attributing them to others, breeding misunderstanding and causing untold interpersonal damage"
"Projection incorporates blame shifting and can manifest as shame dumping."
so, turns out i was right in calling it "projection" when inbred khazars try to attribute proneness to schizophrenia to people who criticize them.
"and probably didn't read or comprehend the linked article. "
okay, lets see:
"the gene in question raises Ashkenazi Jews’ chances of experiencing the disorders by roughly 40%, and by 15% in the general population."
meaning, its a way higher risk for khazars.
"Of the 2,500 Ashkenazi Jews from Israel who contributed DNA samples for the study, 1,500 were healthy, while 1,000 were affected by mental disorders related to schizophrenia."
meaning, that 2 out of 5 khazars sampled were "schizo".
“In terms of the larger sample group, the prevalence of that same gene increased the chances of contracting the diseases by 15% on average, in the other populations that were studied,”
so, 40% for khazars, 15% for everyone else.
"Those with the disease lose interest in their surroundings, develop dark emotions and sometimes imagine hearing voices or seeing figures that do not exist."
heh, "figures that do not exist". yeah, its also made illegal for non-schizos to question the existence of those "figures"
I just don't think that Chip And Dale, particularly this movie, has enough widespread appeal to have any kind of impact on anything or anyone outside of the fanbase which must be relatively small considering that most people wouldn't have even cared about the movie if Ugly Sonic wasn't in it.
I've suspected for a while that the stuff targeted at kids isn't actually doing that great on Disney+, which is why they're seemingly rushing already developed or in-development projects out quickly and focusing more on stuff for older audiences, like the Star Wars series. Their brand is kid-friendly stuff, but it seems like they're moving away from that because honestly most kids seem to prefer to watch Youtube or TikTok than Disney cartoons if they can use the internet.
My theory is that with this movie they just didn't care about it at all and allowed the team to have complete creative control. Normally, some of these decisions would have faced more scrutiny, or at least someone saying "Dude, don't make the waifu character have kids with the cute mascot character, the Bobby Driscoll stuff is in pretty bad taste, and the Ugly Sonic part is really cringe," but they didn't. I suspect that a similar thing happened with the other Disney+ exclusive reboots as well, like The Proud Family.
To me, the movie sucks, but I find it kind of interesting in that it feels like Disney took one of those weird and poorly-written fanfics and adapted it into a legit movie. It feels like the movie was written by a 16-year-old, and for a company like Disney, that's pretty embarrassing.
too bad im not reading em
It seem like i cannot keep up rule34 any more
Well, it worked, didn't it? You're all screaming about the movie, aren't you? You keep falling for it time after time.
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I do find it hillarious, but it's still good evidence of how low has Disney fallen now that it's 100% under control of (((the parenthesis tribe))), on the other side it speeds up people waking up, so there's that.
Eh, that said, I am surprised they didn't make the girl mouse a lesbian or trans, considering that's what Disney want to do to all children in this continent.
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By the same token, literally every other grievance they have with any random demographic they deem to be untermensche is based off, to quote the old meme, lies and intentional logical fallacies
Regardless, I feel content that we will not be seeing any of these self-described "Siege-pilled" hikiNEETs attempting any sort of rope-related activities with anyone besides themselves because if something as objectively insignificant as a cartoon mouse being implied to have had sex with a cartoon fly can cause them to piss and shit themselves with impotent, tearful rage like this, the real world will 120% make them too catatonic with fear to function
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"projection refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else. "
"A common example is a cheating spouse who suspects their partner is being unfaithful. Instead of acknowledging their own infidelity, they transfer, or project, this behavior onto their partner. "
just like khazars project their sociopathy, schizophrenia, self-supremacist views, genocidal actions, self-supremacist beliefs, war-mongering, etc. onto whoever is criticizing them for these exact traits.
much like how you are projecting your lack of showering and social interactions with females onto people you know nothing of, other than their assumed political leanings based on anonymous comments, and have no basis for your claims other than deriving them from yourself.
which reminds me of the khazar way of arguing:
"Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt" Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals
Then make registration open again it's been like 3 years and you still can't make an account for literally no reasonable reason
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To be clear, spamming the comments is different, that's against the rules. Repeating the same stupid nonsense across several images will not be tolerated. As well as spamming links to a Discord channel that RPs or whatever.
Good grief people, it might be a good thing I didn't change the feature for the Top Gun movie.
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Again, people, if you don't like what is said in the comments, stop reading the comments. It's not hard.
other weird thing is, accounts mostly seem to agree, while anonymous comments are mostly not, who might aswell be shills or commenter bots, or JIDF members.
also, "jews"/khazars are not a race. even though they do DNA tests to determine who can settle in israel, they are not a distinct race. meaning, it would not be "racist" even if hatred of them was any part about their genetic makeup.
but im done talking about them, people should do their own damn research and thinking when talking about these topics. now bring on the maggot birthing
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That's cause paranoid brainlets like you blame the Jews on everything up to and including you leaving your fork on the plate when you do to microwave your tendies because god forbid the mighty whitey own up to his own misgivings
Also lol @ Japan being effeminate and weak when well over half the politicians in power think shit like "Nanking never happened but if it did it was not only justified but also didn't go far enough", much like every other war crime you LARPing assclowns love to simultaneously deny and lionize
If you're just mad cause your parents got you circumcized as a baby you can just get a skin graft
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Is Chapek a Jew? He acts like one.
How would it look today if they restarted RR and they where hitting on Gadget after this debacle? It would look like its a SIN. Coveting someone else's wife. It would look REALLY bad for the show. They did it for no reason. So we cannot consider this cannon.
I actually liked the movie but as i watched it I came to some conclusions. 1. Anyone could have been in this movie. This movie could have been named Pepper Ann the movie. Or Recess the Movie or even Gummi Bears the Movie.
An it would have come out the same. So it was just to some extent i believe and agree with you. But i believe it was a Good movie. I do hate the Shipping. An i will say this always. SHIPPING WRITERS RUIN FRANCHISE!
Imagine this was a the Movie Talespin. What would they do. They would Ship Rebecca Cunningham with Baloo. An you know it. An say they had 30 kids. OK Who asked for that? No one. Who wanted to know that?! No one! Why do that to EVERY SINGLE PRODUCTION?!
Its BEN 10 All over again! So this is my message to Disney+ Because its not actual Disney. Please stop shipping characters. Its annoying. We do not accept Zipper with Gadget or ANYONE for that matter. Shes like 16. So please stop.
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@Anonymous94(93): No, she's 40 something at this point. Get over the fact your furry crush fucked a fly, a bunch of times.
No one cares about your Extended Torah (that's the bible for christcucks). Toss it in the trash with the rest of the Jewish subversions.
If that comeback was any more pathetic, it wouldn't even drip out of my ass.
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Eh, that might be up to debate, considering I'm an egalitarian meritocrat American, but you're definitely pizza enough to bring up the meme chambers with wooden doors and windows!
Shitposting aside tho, you know ethnic jews make up tha vast majority of the leadership of Hollywood media conglomerates and the ones behind enforcing the current social marxist agenda crap, along with making up the majority of leadership and financial backing in social media. Few jews are willing to be brave and speak the truth of the current global pharma scam like Dr. Zelenko, or advocate for global nuclear disarmament like Albert Einstein did in his time.
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okay, then let's see how unresponsible "jews" were in this particular topic:
directed by this guy:
one writer:
his "jew" wife telling that he is a "jew":
the other writer:
"Mand: Dan and I are both Jews."
voice of Dale:
produced by:
Walt Disney Studios chairman is "Alan Bergman"
who doesn't seem to have a wikipedia page, and his name is hard to search for, but every Alan Bergman that can be found is "jew", if the surname itself isn't enough indication.
Walt Disney Company's chairwoman:
current CEO Bob Chapek is ambiguous, although this site claims he's a "jew":
but the previous CEO openly was:
and the one before him:
and the image that i wont embed now, which is old, but you can look it up yourself whether the ratio is still akin to this or not::
yes, its from "/pol/", doesnt mean you cant look up the names and see for yourself.
but if evil nazi charts accumulating information you can find elsewhere cant be looked at, here is an article written by a "jew" admitting that they do control the media:
from archive, because its gone now for "some reasons".
now i hopefully wont have to continue this bullshit argument. (no banning please ;3)
The reality is that many people share our views, but know they cannot express them, and that comes out anywhere it can.
1/4 of America is prepping for a civil war. As we enter Wiemar-level inflation and self-inflicted economic disaster, that will continue to rise.
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are you fucking serious? his theories are more debated to have any actual meaning and logic behind them than ever before. the ones he didnt plagiarize, that is. he was just a poster-boy to prove "jew" supremacy in world war 2, and instill in people how beneficial it is to have "jews", and how important it is to "save" them from "nazis", aka the consequences of their own actions.
him having been the smartest man is also made-up, his intelligence was never actually tested in his lifetime.
how do you feel about the person with the PROVEN highest IQ being a goy "anti-semite" "right-wing conspiracy theorist"?
how do you feel about Stephen Hawking having joined the boycott of israel?
and reminder that Einstein wasnt the only "jew" claimed to be the smartest geniusest person ever without any proof:
the only indian listed at all is Viswanathan Anand. literally no other of them is indian in either list, even the ones whose names could be considered indian-sounding are georgian.
and this is despite it being the 2nd most populous country with 1.39 billion people.
>y'all if I use ur lingo i'll be cool
Kikes aren't sending their best.
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Y'all are acting like as if Kingdom Hearts is ULTRA canon.😆😆😆 Canon is just subjective. I mean, even Dragon Ball has thrown "Canon" out the window at this point. We live in a world in which we've got two versions of Resident Evil 1-4, Which ones are canon? Exactly, it doesn't fucking matter.
BTW ... Shout-outs to Hinata and Raikage for being the greatest crack ship in existence.
Otherwise, I don't care if a meme movie canonizes the director's fetish fan fiction. Anime does it from the start.
in a body bag
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I don't care about the movie. It is just a parody movie full of memes and shit. Nothing to be taken seriously.
To me is like some shitty fanfiction that was made a movie because the author had enough money to animate it. Nothing more.
So, just forget that fanfic that went viral.
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I'm logged. Why TF was my message sent as an anon?!
It's nice imagining him lay his dirty little dick on some ones childhood anthropomorphic crush
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Buddy, it's been on long before Orange Man around. Your country lost it soul in 1971. The Lima Declaration made sure you couldn't reach the stars so you could babysit parasitic violent low IQ brown people who want to replace you.
Most of what we've all been taught in school has either been flat out lies & deliberate myths. There were white slaves even the during the slave trade, but you're not (((expected to know that))).
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whenever someone sees/hears/uses the word "SLAVE" they should be reminded of SLAVS, not sub-saharan africans.
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The Czar King should have executed the Red Jews. It would have prevented 2 world wars. Sadly, normies still think attractive and successful Africans were the most recent slaves because the same (((committees))) that publish & sale the history books for colleges, universities, public/private schools tells them to. They are sheep, "goycattle" as the (((elite))) calls them. Truth is the (((committees))) who publish the history books just do it for money, as to keep the system going. In the end, it's all rigged. The entire system is rigged, & that rigged system is supported by central banks. Ask how many normies know about the Russian & Ukrainian genocide caused by Red Jews running the Soviet Union. Ask how many normies know about the Yugoslavia Civil War that started thanks to the Communists & how many innocent civilians were slaughtered for nothing. They will give you that look like a deer staring at headlights as a car approaches. They literally know nothing about actual history. They only know what they are told because deep down they are dead inside. No internal monologue. No questioning anything. No self-awareness.
Ironically, Holocaust classes lead to my blackpilling/redpilling/awakening or whatever you want to call it. I too was taught about MUH EVIL NAZIS in history & English classes & how Hitler killed MUH 6 GORILLON Jews because "reasons never explained". But I did what most people didn't. The research the shit myself. I questioned everything. I mean literally EVERYTHING & now I know it never happened & even if it did they deserved it.
Sadly after WW2, once Bolshevik Jews had half of Europe & the Berlin wall came up, the commies were still massacring whites. The Nakam were Jewish terrorists who killed, hunted, & tortured any Germans who were caught in their crossfires. They even tried to poison civilians by contaminating the drinking water & did food poisoning by dipping bread in chemicals. Look it up. An entire generation of men & women lost for nothing.
Everything we've been taught has been lies.
Please watch the movie before you make a comment on this, they are explicitly friends and not related in any way now
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@meow-meow: Unironically based.
France in 1942 & France today.
(((They))) sure hate those redheads, don't they? Lots of blackwashing recently. I wonder (((why)))?
Keep telling yourselves you aren't being replaced. Stay woke sheep.
also, as an addition to bonerific comment, i was trying to find the name of the "jew" who allegedly operated an actual "concentration camp" for germans, and then fled to israel, where they refused to hand him out to foreign authorities, and lived happily and freely until his death. maybe someone here knows who im talking about.
in the meantime, here is some holocomedy:
now i can bring him up whenever holo-kvetching occurs
We know how to do it
Gimme that night fever, night fever
We know how to show it
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None will miss you.
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You and me we're life-forsaken fighters. Most of these natives tho just want to have kids and long-term prosperity, things we both know this world is going dead before giving it to us. Hopefully, the best will rework the ashes, like aztecs burning maize fields to bring health to the next crop.
@Anonymous140: Neat!
@Klerold: @Klerold: Kike detected, oven deployed:
@Anonymous: Le Nutzee meme XDDDD
@Anonymous141: Neither did we.
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