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Farfegnugen: New Feature Time

Transformers, G.I. Joe Voice Actress Morgan Lofting Dies She voice a handful of characters, including Aunt May and Black Cat in the 1981 Spider-Man series, but she chiefly known for voicing the Baroness from GI Joe.
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Anonymous1: Rest in peace. Now then, who wants to talk about gay sex?
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Anonymous2: Is this just the unofficial obituary at this point?
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: Nobody wants to know anything about that kind of unnatural depravity.
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lazarus: @Anonymous: You spend too much time on /b/, anon.
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Anonymous4: 20 pages worth of porn was just deleted from this site.

Press F for wiiaboo being a FUcKING shithead.
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DuffMan_EX: @Anonymous: and give him a massive L.
Stop fucking around and just give the keys to this site to someone else to take charge. I'm sick of wiiaboo's bullshit.
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Anonymous5(4): @DuffMan_EX:

Everyone is, even his own mod team. But he's being a bitch ATM and leaning on disproven bullshit.
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: what stuff got deleted?
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Anonymous7(4): 4 artists and a bunch of pictures.

1 of the artists was about 10% loli. But not nuked anyway.
1 artist was about 30% muscle shota, and the rest just yaoi. Got all nuked anyway.

Can't go into details because they ban for telling the truth. It's all bullshit, he's just bombing tags at this point.
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Anonymous8(4): @Anonymous: but all nuked*
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Deskjet23: And would you look at that, another tag nuked by wiiaboo, this time Chihiro_Ogino. Stuff that's been on this site since its very beginning and somehow never caused a problem until now, had a bunch of aged-up art as well. Doesn't matter apparently. Keep it up wii, at this rate you're gonna wipe out the entire site.
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LuzBoonchuy: terribly@Deskjet23: "Keep it up wii, at this rate you're gonna wipe out the entire site." Let hope this doesn't age terribly.
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Anonymous9: finally a fapable featured image
also, 70 percent of pics from this site is unfapable, only bullshit to ruin our minds
do the L, petistas
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DuffMan_EX: @Anonymous: it's actually WAAAY more than that. Wiiaboo has purged thousands upon thousands of images over the years and now he's gone rampant in 2024, deleting random tags that has a focus on Loli characters and artists specifically. Drawings that were old as early 2000s are getting erased.

This site would be effectively dead if he deleted the obvious popular Loli tags; Kanna Kumai, the hololive and vtuber lolis, and even the mass majority of Porkyman.

I refuse to upload and support this site until this shit gets settled.
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TinyToonFan9: @DuffMan_EX: calm down just do on what DeskJet23 said
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Anonymous10: @TinyToonFan9:

If he wasn't being such a lying sack of shit. Everyone in here swallowed his bullshit at first and gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Than people on his mod team got so frustrated some came out and said what's actually going on.

I hope he gets hit by a truck.
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TinyToonFan9: @Anonymous: the more you complain it's going to get worse so please stop
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Anonymous11(10): Bitch they said that shit in June and all it's done is accelerate rapidly, from all accounts wiiaboo doesn't even talk to his mods at all. He does whatever he feels like.

About 60% of what was deleted today had nothing to do with loli or shota, DELETEING an entire artist tags because some ancient old photos from back in 2000s is nothing short of insanity and rude and disrespectful as all fuck.

Putting your head in the sand and acting like nothing happening isn't helping.
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Violetty: @Deskjet23: Nooo, not Chihiro X(
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Gallows187: i feel so bad for you guys. how are you going to jerk off to little kids if one guy on one site on the entire Internet deletes a small number of pictures of little kids you can jerk off to ? You're the true victims here, and I hope Joe Biden pardons all of you so you can have some justice !
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TinyToonFan9: @Gallows187: keep you poltic comments out of this
Also I mean it everyone please stop
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Anonymous12(10): @Gallows187:

I like how your missing the point entirely on purpose just to be a dick. :3
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ConsciousDonkey: The nukehammer has been dropping all around USA-based porn sites for years, but you dumbasses never learn: if you don't have a copy on your hard drive, then you don't have it. Anything online can disappear literally with one click. So stop you whining and start saving the pics you like, so you could reupload them elsewhere. Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe.
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finne32: @ConsciousDonkey: Donkey is right you gals. Save save save. And remember harddrives die, so you need a backup drive too!
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Shibboleth: @Anonymous: But enough about handholding.
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Anonymous13: If it occurs in nature, it - by definition - is not unnatural.
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Sharkjumper: @Deskjet23: Aren't you a mod or something? Do you guys not get a say at all?
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Anonymous14: @Anonymous: so they removed faggot garbage? What's the downside then? Most people who look at that trash are obese femcels.
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Anonymous15: @TinyToonFan9: You're part of a problem.
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Anonymous16: @ConsciousDonkey: I don't know if you're a fed or not, but "save a bunch of stuff to your hard drives that could be labeled The Bad Porn at any minute" is really fucking shitty advice.
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Deskjet23: @Sharkjumper: There is basically zero communication between wiiaboo and the rest of the staff team. He only messaged me once after I complained about him nuking an entire tag without checking its contents for the n-th time, saying it was due to host pressure yada yada. Same old same old.
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ConsciousDonkey: @Anonymous: Only if you live in some wannabe-prude USSA shithole state, you dipshit. That's why the nuking occurs in the first place -- because some wacko woke/gender/LGBT+ psychos decided it A-OK to mutilate genitals of real-life kids, whereas it's a mortal offence to display hand-drawn images of fictional "kids" online. Fortunately for the rest of us, there is the rest of the planet, where Feds have no jurisdiction.
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Anonymous17: @Gallows187: Your upvotes are public >>281203 >>476800 >>915633
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Anonymous18: Single handedly (Giggity?) responsible for making so many 80s fanboys think the German Accent is sexy ^_^
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Anonymous19(10): @ConsciousDonkey: stop it. Get some help.
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Anonymous20: RIP to Morgan Lofting. Man, she really can make German bad girl sound sexy.
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Anonymous21: @Anonymous: "They hated him because he said the truth" (tm). He is right and you know it. Stop saying him to stop, coward.

Also I hope this site finally gets nuked completely, so other site elsewhere, with better admins and staff can take over it.
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Catchoftheday: @LuzBoonchuy: believe me it will. unfortunately... its been happening for years but ive never seen deletions done so carelessly...
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Catchoftheday: @Anonymous: there have been about 20 artist tags and a small handful of character tags that have removed this past 5 month alone. its the most ive seen since the 2015 purge.
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Goodwin: Came to see who's dead this time; got to know wiiaboo has been stirring some shit instead.
Uhh, some things never change :)

Suffice to say paheal won't feature our illustrious site creator when he eventually does die, eh eh eh?)
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Anonymous22: deleting stuff that's as old as the site itself man... might as well just delete paheal entirely
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TinyToonFan9: then we be stuck with xxx that AI slop bot infidelity shit of a website isn't even a r34 site to begin with.
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Anonymous23(22): @TinyToonFan9: the only thing this place has over xxx is that it doesn't nuke stuff like xxx does (or didn't lol) and that it's got really old OG stuff, it barely even has tags
now that that's going away why even keep it around though?
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TinyToonFan9: @Anonymous: like i said it's because they have bots that take posts from other sites and the reason that they don't nuke to often is because the mods there are fucking lazy and take forever to do thing for the most part they can't even change the tags
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Farfegnugen: @Goodwin: It's that or someone will say Trump and 90% of the comments will be about that. It would be crazy to think someone would talk about the image featured.
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Anonymous24: UnitedHealthCare CEO just fucking got shot and died. No feature for him?
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Anonymous25(14): @Anonymous: who gives a fuck about that guy? Was he a small hat tribeman? Chances are he was so...
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Sharkjumper: @Deskjet23: That seems like a poor system.
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @TinyToonFan9: Are you implying this site is NOT filled with AI slop lmfaoooo
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TinyToonFan9: @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: well its nothing compared to xxx's over 900k posts
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TinyToonFan9: You know you guys can still see Chihiro's posts over on Gelbooru right?
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Anonymous26(15): @TinyToonFan9: Don't defend your shitty friend, cuck.
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TinyToonFan9: @Anonymous: ok dickhead :)
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Anonymous27(15): @TinyToonFan9: Thank you for admitting it lol
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LuzBoonchuy: @Catchoftheday: Yeah, i should probably start uploading to other sites just in case.
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Anonymous28: @ConsciousDonkey

Last I checked, Europe wasn't part of the fucking Burgertard land and yet having lolis on your harddrive would still give you a one-way ticket to get raped in prison

Shut the fuck up faggot
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michaellymoo: @TinyToonFan9: If it needed to get nuked here, how long will it last there? You seem reasonable, so I assume you are able to comprehend the issue with your statements. If there is some other inherent property to the matter that isn't possible to translate at this time in regards to the wanton removal of art, perhaps you could alleviate the matter in a more cathartic way rather than telling people to cease speaking of the obvious and what they observe to be the case.
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TinyToonFan9: @michaellymoo:honestly I agree with what you said but not sure if Gelbooru will ever do a purge unless the Japanese change their laws
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Anonymous29: Who wants to fuck me hard or send me dicks pics for my tight pussy and boobs ? add me on Discord jinx638.
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Anonymous30: @Anonymous: Your dad.
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Catchoftheday: @LuzBoonchuy: honestly. until it happened just keep posting imo. just dont go over board with the loli/shota stuff.
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Anonymous31(15): @Anonymous: I have lolis on my phone and it got me nothing. And I'm from the EU.
Go kill yourself retard
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Anonymous32: @Anonymous: in general or are you implying law enforcement had a reason to search your phone and ignored its contents?
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Anonymous33: This..."crusade" just getting ridiculous.
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Anonymous34(28): @Anonymous: I think anon 31 just has lolis on his phone and thinks that if everyone is ignoring his fucking fetishes while he's jerking it in public it is a-okay in the eyes of boys in blue
Laws remain laws, and the pigs are fucking retarded enough to see a loli on your phone/harddrive/whatever the fuck (even if it hasn't been taken for that precise reason) and still throw a hissy fit enough to ruin your fucking life
Moral of the story - be smart, not a faggot, and keep your 14 and 15 year old anime chicks somewhere where the long nose of the "law" ain't gonna reach if any of your housemates/family was mentally deficient enough to run afoul of them fucks
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ThunderBolt_the_Rewrite: @Farfegnugen: Wait... So no one is going to talk about how kinky it was that the 1981 voice of Aunt May was also the voice of Black Cat? So the slutiest(?) of Peter Parker's exs had a voice like his Aunt??? You'd think the Rule34 community would have had more fun with tha!
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Anonymous35(28): @Anonymous:
Out of sheer spite ain't gonna do it, attractive and successful African

Maybe the cops were even more retarded than usual in whatever backwards pigfucker country you live in, but in the civilized world most people still look down at drawings that can't be certifiably read as "teens or older we don't fucking know"
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Anonymous36: Jews
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Anonymous37: "Waaah Waaah a bunch of degenerate loli shit got deleted and now I cant jerk my tiny pin sized boner to little girls that I only like because they're the only thing that makes my pengy look big :'(" is all I'm seeing here. You're all retards for fighting over that shit and not looking at the porn you're fighting in the pedo trenches under --
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Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: @Anonymous: You're fucking retarded if you can't tell the difference between a person and a drawing. Please boil your head, it'll solve your retardation problem, and nobody will ever have to deal with you again.
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Anonymous38(15): @Anonymous: Are you fucking retarded where I asked I jerk it off on the public? You're just bullshitting for the sake of your argument
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Anonymous39: @Anonymous: It's Rule34, you know the one that states that if it exists there is porn of it?
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TinyToonFan9: Can we please stop being rude to each other and getting on topic about Morgan Lofting death? RIP
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Anonymous40(37): @Jack-O-Lantern_the_Ripper: kill yourself if you think looking at drawn children is any different you pedo fuck-knuckle
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Procreation: @Anonymous: How about a murder drones feature? If anyone's been watching the skies lately...
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Anonymous41(15): 35 amd 38
Even SA victims can see the difference you sheltered xhitter faggot
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Anonymous42(37): @Anonymous: I AM a childhood SA victim you mouth breathing retard, kill yourself too and do the world a favor
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Anonymous43: @Anonymous: no you fucking arent faggot don't lie to people on the internet
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Anonymous44: @TinyToonFan9: Nah, this is more fun. Watching retards debating retards about who's more retarded is a national pasttime by this point

@Anonymous: Faggot, if you are so fucking braindead you see a drawing of what can be easily seen as a 16, 17 or 20-year old, age only fucking relevant in the canon the fanart is based on you should actually fucking go ahead and draw and quarter yourself attractive and successful African
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Anonymous45: A ton of man-babies in this comment section raging lmfao. I have my popcorn rn.
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Anonymous46: @Anonymous: that's why there's no hope.
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TinyToonFan9: @Anonymous: if that so then I guess no one is going to you funeral because that how it feels at least care for some people
@Anonymous: the only man-baby is you hoe dare you I just tried to get people to stop so wiiaboo don't do these mega purges but of course they never to listen to me
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TinyToonFan9: We need a new feature image I'm tired of this madness
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Anonymous47(15): @TinyToonFan9: Bro you're literally defending him stop lying
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Hentailicker93: @Anonymous: Kill them all. Somebody has to say it. :)
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TinyToonFan9: @Anonymous: I'm not defending him and I'm not lying I just want this madness to stop
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Farfegnugen: @TinyToonFan9: You could just walk away. Nobody tied you to a chair and forced you to stay here.
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Anonymous48: HeWWo OwO
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Anonymous49: @TinyToonFan9: Why should I care for some retards that are angry cause one site on the internet deleted their favorite loli drawing and now they have to open extra tab to rub one off, or the attractive and successful Africans dumb enough to actually defend (or debate) the deletion of said drawings as if it gives them some moral high ground? (it doesn't, algorithms don't care, if you really want to protest this shit just don't come to these websites braindead faggot cunts) Like for fucks sake, this is rule 34, we got Sonic inflation and Anya-Taylor Joy futa and fucking scat pregnancy Simpsons porn, this ain't a fucking good taste safe haven

I barely care for myself, and if it is wrong to get amusement from seeing degenerate dickheads get angry at slightly less degenerate dickheads cause the latter ones try to equate wanting to jerk off to a fictional 15 year old to fucking an actual, real-life, child then sue me in court idfc
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lazarus: Rule 34 is just a madhouse for people arguing morals because they were hurt see a AI generated picture, which is not against the rules if it's actually in character.
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Anonymous50(39): @Anonymous: Retard wrote a paragraph about how little he care Keks
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Anonymous51: @Farfegnugen: Rocketdog: . . . FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! She was ICONIC.X'(

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