Anonymous1: Gas is now over $7 because Biden ended fracking just like he said he would. Because of this, goods being delivered by the trucks that run on gas are also going up because of the cost of transportation of said goods going up to record highs. The shelves are going empty and food is going to start disappearing.
It's only a matter of time before a lot of people start starving because of you fucking libtards. I only wish conservatives had the balls to do what needs to be done, because quite frankly I think every last one of you faggots should be flayed alive for what you've done to this country. You've destroyed everyone's future, including your own.
But sure, keep making jabs about Trump and keep lying and telling yourself that you made the right decisions in life. I hope your family starves before you do so that you're the one who has to live with it.
Jonascdn: @Anonymous 1: The only future destroyed is Russia's and, by extension, Trump's as a Russian goon. The price of gas has only a little to do with its actual market value; you're being gouged by good old capitalism right now despite the price per barrel steadily dropping week over week for quite some time, not to mention additional sources. But blame Biden if that gets your rocks off. It's quite clear you're delusional.
HenryWong122: @Jonascdn: The whole time Trump was President Putin didn't try to invade but once Biden became President, Putin tried to invade. Also, what the fuck do you know? You're a loser on the internet!
Anonymous7: @Anonymous1 Gas prices are high due to the realization that gas CEOs realize how they can anally fuck the American citizens by not expanding there oil supply. This acting like there is oil crisis is funny cause they're the ones grabbing people by the balls and robbing them you blind by keeping the oil prices up while they get to pocket record high financial profits. The only thing I can agree on is that Joe is an absolute pussy by not taking action during this situation and keeping these people in check.
Anonymous8(1): @Anonymous: Gas didn't just go up. It is at record highs. It has never been as high as it is right now and it is still going up. When gas goes up everything goes up. Delivery trucks need fuel.
They just suddenly realized they can raise prices? Really? That's the best excuse you can come up with? Here's the facts.
Biden got us back on the retarded Paris Climate Accord and shut down the Keystone Pipeline. We were drilling our own oil. Not anymore.
It even came up during one of the debates. Something about Biden ending a bunch of federal subsidies? And then Trump went all "Oooo. Oooo. That's a big statement. He's going to destroy... the oil industry. Will you remember that Texas? Will you remember that Pennsilvania... Oklahoma... Ohio?"
Now it's back to buying our oil from the Middle East and Russia. And because Biden is too much of a pussy to stand up to Putin, Russia's oil isn't exactly on the table right now.
They tell us the ocean levels are rising while they have million dollar beach houses on the shore line. They tell us we need to save the earth from carbon emissions while going around in private jets and yachts. Anyone who is honestly buying even one teaspoon of their bullshit at this point has to have something seriously wrong with them.
How come Epstein's murder isn't being investigated. Most people on both sides of the aisle agree he was murdered by the elites who went to his island. Liberals like to say Trump did it. But he's not in power anymore. Democrats have a big grip on the house right now. So why isn't anything happening about that? Surely they'd want to pursue that case and get Trump. Oh that's right. Clinton body count. In fact, another associate of Clinton was just recently found dead. He was found hanging from a tree with a gunshot wound. It was ruled a suicide. Clinton knows a lot of suicidal people.
Anonymous9: @Anonymous9 what point of "pocketing record high financial profits" did you miss? also the keystone pipeline shutting down has nothing to do with the prices getting jacked up that high, you do know that we have other methods of getting energy like fracking that we have record high amounts of drilling on. Also we can't get oil from Russia due to the war happening and also were the fucking USA if we need cheap oil we will get cheap oil lol. Yet again the only reason we have record high oil prices are due to the oil CEOs and there shareholders knowing that they can get away with ripping people off like this all due to people like you who completely miss the point and do the heavy lifting for them by letting them go scott free while they rob you blind and feed you bullshit instead of holding there feet to the fire.
Anonymous12: @Anonymous: Trump is the most incompetent and corrup president USA has ever seen. Imagine being so deeply in the cult that you worship that worthless turd. Sad.
Anonymous14: Meanwhile while Trump was president nobody dared to lift an eyebrow. The moment Biden took over all wars broke because they all know that they are capable of filling their pockets with tax payers' money.
It's only a matter of time before a lot of people start starving because of you fucking libtards. I only wish conservatives had the balls to do what needs to be done, because quite frankly I think every last one of you faggots should be flayed alive for what you've done to this country. You've destroyed everyone's future, including your own.
But sure, keep making jabs about Trump and keep lying and telling yourself that you made the right decisions in life. I hope your family starves before you do so that you're the one who has to live with it.
They just suddenly realized they can raise prices? Really? That's the best excuse you can come up with? Here's the facts.
Biden got us back on the retarded Paris Climate Accord and shut down the Keystone Pipeline. We were drilling our own oil. Not anymore.
It even came up during one of the debates. Something about Biden ending a bunch of federal subsidies? And then Trump went all "Oooo. Oooo. That's a big statement. He's going to destroy... the oil industry. Will you remember that Texas? Will you remember that Pennsilvania... Oklahoma... Ohio?"
Now it's back to buying our oil from the Middle East and Russia. And because Biden is too much of a pussy to stand up to Putin, Russia's oil isn't exactly on the table right now.
They tell us the ocean levels are rising while they have million dollar beach houses on the shore line. They tell us we need to save the earth from carbon emissions while going around in private jets and yachts. Anyone who is honestly buying even one teaspoon of their bullshit at this point has to have something seriously wrong with them.
How come Epstein's murder isn't being investigated. Most people on both sides of the aisle agree he was murdered by the elites who went to his island. Liberals like to say Trump did it. But he's not in power anymore. Democrats have a big grip on the house right now. So why isn't anything happening about that? Surely they'd want to pursue that case and get Trump. Oh that's right. Clinton body count. In fact, another associate of Clinton was just recently found dead. He was found hanging from a tree with a gunshot wound. It was ruled a suicide. Clinton knows a lot of suicidal people.
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USA could LITERALLY feed and shelter everyone in the USA with just 11% of the current "Defense" Budget.
The Problem is not enough local made goods.
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