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Anonymous1: try a better face next time
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Anonymous2: First not gay RRD 34!
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Anonymous3: how is this the only rdr that isnt gay?
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Anonymous4: Because it's now furry?
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beasttaco: I'll take furry over gay any day...
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DrMombo: not furry asstards its beastiality (zoophilia)
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4mwarning: a1: Bonnie MacFarlane ain't winning any beauty contests soon.
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deliciouscake: good artwork
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Anonymous5: I'm guessing the years haven't been kind and it's Jack who is holding the bait bottle. It's the only way to explain 'old lady Bonnie' here.
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Anonymous6: wow ive been waiting for bonnie and i get this shit? im whatever on teh beastiality but at least make bonnie hot
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Anonymous7: her ass is deformed... =[
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Anonymous8: a6: Right, 'cause Bonnie's good-looking in the game.
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Anonymous9: She isn't? Is that what are you implying? Fine,whatever, that's like, your opinion man, but still, there has to be more RRD rule 34, there's plenty of material, how about a cannon home cumming image of John and his Wife? Hell, what about the the brown sun maid girl, or the generic sluts at the saloon?
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Anonymous10: i want some thing good and that make me lol at it as well some thing to laugh and fap at the same time
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Sir_Anon5: Finally, some RDR porn that isn't John.
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Anonymous11: yes no more gay rdr porn
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4mwarning: Anonymous10: Spoken like a true denizen of rule 34.
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Anonymous12: Yes. First Bonnie porn!
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Twin_Uzis: DrMombo: It's actually spelled "bestiality."
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Anonymous13: @anon 10
how about abigail strapon-raping bonnie for flirting with john? and john walking into the room with a stunned look?
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Anonymous14: Is that John holding the bait?
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Anonymous15: yea cuss i just seen a little bit of blood on the cap
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Anonymous16(15): yea good one anon 13
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Anonymous17: Does her earring say "DOG SLUT"?
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Anonymous18: Yes
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Anonymous19: Dem...faces....
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Anonymous20: more rdr pics....come anyone actually gay on rule 34
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Anonymous21: Male solo does not = gay, you fucking faggots.
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Anonymous22: Need some Zombie-porn with John <3
Or the four horses of the apocalypse with him <3
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WhiskeyDelta: Should be some of John with one of the prostitutes
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Garrus: How bout a horse rapeing bonnie
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Anonymous23: I love how everyone ignores the fact that she's crying and Jack does not have gloves like that.
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Anonymous24: no. we just don't give a fuck
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Anonymous25: Anon 5 Bonnie was always fuckin old, if that was jack, Bonnie 's hair would be grey
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Anonymous26: Anon20, why the hell wouldn't anyone on rule34 be gay?
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Anonymous27: Horse rape Bonnie. I want her butt analy rape by horse (;
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Anonymous28: This is why the bottle is clearly labeled "FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY".
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Anonymous29: Anon 25 No she's not she's like 27 or 29 in the game
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Anonymous30: I wished in the games there was jessie james
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Anonymous31: i hear them rancher girlslike it in the ass
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Anonymous32: Has anyone noticed it says "dog slut" on her earrings?
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Anonymous33: Id rape her ;)
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Anonymous34: theres two sources saying she's 27,her dialogue and the game guide so rockstar musta made a mistke with the newspaper
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Anonymous35: I'd fuck the shit outta her
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Anonymous36: I
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Anonymous37(36): Surprise buttsecks taken to the extreme
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Anonymous38: Stop trying to make girls look like guys, thanks, I had enough of you yellow belly scum!
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beastguy97: she is 27 but she is called old in the game because it was unsuwal for a woman to not be married by that age back then
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Anonymous39: She's going to have Human/Coyote hybrids! :3
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Anonymous40: I just came in my pants for this...
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Anonymous41: I want to see John Marston and Irish. Or a horse on Irish. Whatever. Anything with a big dick pounding a drunken Irish.
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Anonymous42: I want to see the horse of RDR pleeeease!
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Xxsoulcaliber: I do this with my dog and I got pregnant from it and noe I fuck him every night
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dugong_operation: I have also gotten pregnant from my dog but I had to abort the puppies 'cause momma says I gots to marry rich and no rich man aint gonna want a girl with a litter o puppies already.
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Anonymous43: shut the fuck up bestiality loving faggot
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Anonymous44: @Anonymous: rlly attractive and successful African
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Anonymous45: Epic, neex less gay shut

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