Anonymous6: chi-chi is actually the strongest woman on the earth in the dragon ball, z series. before videl comes (android 18 is an android obviously) so she would beat the crap outa bulma haha.
Anonymous9: i would love to see a sexfight between chichi and bulma and see who the strongest one in sex and fight while goten and trunk whatch and masturbating
scotax: @Anonymous: Android 18 is actually a Cyborg, a person with cybernetic implants, not an android, that's a dubbing error, hence why she can have a kid with Krillin. though personally I think Android 18 sounds better than Cyborg 18.
Anonymous10: Android 18 became human thanks to the dragon balls. She is the strongest female, although Pan could surpass her due to her saiyan blood. I wrote this one handed because if you look up, there's cartoon boobies.
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So if Pandora's Box wants to draw her holding Bulma down and having her way with her... I'm cool with that!
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still sounding classy/intelligent there.
"you retard"
lost it. /facepalm
let's keep it classy fellow Anons.