Anonymous5: at anon4, for some reason in the show any Porkyman useing any psychic powers at any time has glowing blue eyes. thats the only explenation avalible.
Anonymous15: Oh come on. I trawl through all 27 pages of Gardevior looking for awesome porn, and THIS is the first pic? Damn it, even the comments are retarded.
the_last_can: @Anonymous: A bit late of a reply, but I have a couple of theories/reasons why this is.
It's reasonable to assume that the owner(s) of a franchise would not want their product to be associated (at least directly) with a certain subfandom that almost solely focuses on making obscene content featuring their ip.
Another example of this would be 0verwatch, which is tagged Overlook here.
Whether or not it is because of a direct request from the owner of the ip or the Administrator's sense of humour (or both) I can't say, but official requests for these things do happen.
But tldr, to answer your question to why the name "Porkyman" was probably choosen as a placeholder because of this scene from the Simpsons season 12 episode 20, where Bill Cosby mocks the game and calls it "Porkyman".
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It's reasonable to assume that the owner(s) of a franchise would not want their product to be associated (at least directly) with a certain subfandom that almost solely focuses on making obscene content featuring their ip.
Another example of this would be 0verwatch, which is tagged Overlook here.
Whether or not it is because of a direct request from the owner of the ip or the Administrator's sense of humour (or both) I can't say, but official requests for these things do happen.
But tldr, to answer your question to why the name "Porkyman" was probably choosen as a placeholder because of this scene from the Simpsons season 12 episode 20, where Bill Cosby mocks the game and calls it "Porkyman".