Anonymous6: That's what everyone was saying Anon4, but did anyone verify whether that held true for the original Japanese release as well? The US has a habit of shuffling ages around when they feel like it. Perhaps they felt they had to "localize" the age due to the girl's breasts being "too large for 10". Then again, I knew some girls when I was that age who erm... "blossomed" early.
Anonymous11(6): Alright Anon9, I just went through the trouble of researching this. It looks like Bulbapedia doesn't put a statement of age at all on the main character page for White. The main statement being made, as far as I could find, was that the characters in this game were "more grown up".
A little bit of digging tracked that down to a scan in CoroCoro Magazing that did NOT say the characters were older. The statement was simply 「大人びたイメージ」 or that the characters seem to display "a grown-up looking appearance". This could be the same way one might compliment a little 10 year old for being so well dressed and mature looking... like "Oh, you're looking so grown-up now!".
I certainly didn't find any scans or information from a Japanese source that spat out any solid numbers like "17 years old" or the like. If you have a source that shows that, feel free to point me that way with a URL link.
Also, asides from sneak previews in a magazine from a company (Shogakukan) separate from Nintendo themselves. The official site for the new Porkyman games give no indication that there is a change in the basic starting age for these characters. The site simply describes the boy as giving a "smart impression" and the girl to be "active looking".
Until there's some solid proof from a Japanese source affiliated with the games, there's no reason to think that giving an older age for these characters is anything but reviwer/fan speculation based on their looks. There doesn't seem to be any reason to think they're anything older than the usual 10 years old (like this comic is saying they are).
Anonymous12(6): Just out of curiosity, I did a google search to see instances of use for 「大人びた」 online. After only a few minutes of looking I was able to find instances where it was used to describe actual children who were quite young. In once case 11 years old, another case the word was used to describe the adult-like expressions of a two year old, and in another case it was leveled at a 5 month old baby. So yeah, I think I kinda' proved my point with that search. Using that set of Japanese words to describe something as "grown-up" isn't something you use exclusively for actual adults (or "of age" individuals). In many cases it could be easily applied to young children.
THERE IS no solid concrete evidence they are older than the usual ten. ( YES I FUCKING KNOW 10YR OLDS AREN'T THAT HOT STFU) It is said they are "more grown up" but no solid age. I too have done the research not as much as anonrt6, but still a decent amount.
And i have seen 14yr girls hotter than some 18 year olds so an attractive 10 yr old isn't that surprising(ESPICIALLY IF YOUR DEALING WITH A JAPANESE ANIME CHARACTER).
Anonymous33: well I could understand Cheren getting in there I mean seriuosly, I first thought he looked a bit like a girl, if you didn't know who he was you might think the same way.
Anonymous35: ...why is anyone confused by this? The reason the characters question Cheren being in the women's bath is because Cheren is a guy. The author of this comment didn't mix that up...Cheren just snuck in (as is explained in the comic).
QingLong: Failure14... you fail... your grammar isn't something to shout about others. In fact you absolutely fail formulating the question: "weren't you at my elementary school?" -.-
By the way I just missed the "like" after "look", it can happen, have you ever heard of "mispelling"?
Anonymous43: Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't the characters all older than 10 in the Japanese version even in the first generation? I'm sure that I read somewhere that Ash was supposed to be 13-14 in the Jap version.
Anonymous44: QingLong calm down. Anon14 was probably just pointing out that he has seen 10-year olds who look like that in his elementary school, and that you were making that comment because you have never seen said 10-year olds in his elementary school. It wasn't a question, it was a statement. And he didn't mention anything about your grammar either.
Anonymous46: okay i stopped reading comments after anon 20, but the manual for Porkyman white states that the ages of the main character and his/her friends is 16
Anonymous47: ^The manual for Black didn't say that... If the games added a height for the characters like the last games we could have at least gathered a general idea of their ages. Like Dawn in the games is 4 foot 6. That says 10 to me. You know what I mean?
Anonymous48: Why is everyone arguing about ages on the subject of something Japanese? Ages are irrelevant to them. If they want to supply an official age, they just pick a random one.
slutfuck: The blonde girl is Bianca, Bel in the Japanese games. There is no official ages for the characters, some say they're 10 years old because every character from generation 1 to generation 4 has been 10 years old. At the same time, nintendo said they're supposed to be older than the characters have been in the past as a means of making Porkyman more appealing to their older fans while still reaching out to the kids. To summarize, they could be anywhere from 10 to 18, no official age has been released. Although I did read somewhere they were supposed to be 16, but I can't say the source is 100% reliable. So there you go, stop arguing about it and start fapping again.
Anonymous55: Okay can we just agree Ash is like 15-18 in the show and like 28 in real life? I also think that all the different regions had different ages before you start your journey Idk where or how I heard this I just did and it would make sense to have different ages for each region because of different maturity levels. And a lot of different countries have different laws for what age can do what, Btw stop fucking fighting makes me wonder how old all you really are especially if I'm fifteen telling you this, now just sit back and fap!
Guys, you're nowhere near 10.
A little bit of digging tracked that down to a scan in CoroCoro Magazing that did NOT say the characters were older. The statement was simply 「大人びたイメージ」 or that the characters seem to display "a grown-up looking appearance". This could be the same way one might compliment a little 10 year old for being so well dressed and mature looking... like "Oh, you're looking so grown-up now!".
I certainly didn't find any scans or information from a Japanese source that spat out any solid numbers like "17 years old" or the like. If you have a source that shows that, feel free to point me that way with a URL link.
Also, asides from sneak previews in a magazine from a company (Shogakukan) separate from Nintendo themselves. The official site for the new Porkyman games give no indication that there is a change in the basic starting age for these characters. The site simply describes the boy as giving a "smart impression" and the girl to be "active looking".
Until there's some solid proof from a Japanese source affiliated with the games, there's no reason to think that giving an older age for these characters is anything but reviwer/fan speculation based on their looks. There doesn't seem to be any reason to think they're anything older than the usual 10 years old (like this comic is saying they are).
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In the new games, they're 15, not 10. RESEARCH FAIL.
THERE IS no solid concrete evidence they are older than the usual ten. ( YES I FUCKING KNOW 10YR OLDS AREN'T THAT HOT STFU) It is said they are "more grown up" but no solid age. I too have done the research not as much as anonrt6, but still a decent amount.
And i have seen 14yr girls hotter than some 18 year olds so an attractive 10 yr old isn't that surprising(ESPICIALLY IF YOUR DEALING WITH A JAPANESE ANIME CHARACTER).
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By the way I just missed the "like" after "look", it can happen, have you ever heard of "mispelling"?
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This girl is 16: >>536465
This girl is 14: >>774387
Does anyone know the name of the artist?