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UploaderAmazingspy, avatar
TagsChara, Frisk, Undertale, mochikirb
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Info1280x1280 // 118KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: if anyone wants a rp with a sub chara ping me here on discord ~Chara69
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bonerific: You forgot the part where she's supposed to have a vagina. At least draw a slit between those legs.
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bonerific: Ass fetish is fucking niggertier lowbrow shit. A perfectly shaped ass is great, but too big of ass is borderline BBW/inflation porn.
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Anonymous2: @bonerific: You post wojak memes on a porn site to piss people off and you're calling other people lowbrow?
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bonerific: @Anonymous: i suck yo dick? I post them because they exist.
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Anonymous3(2): @bonerific: And they're still not porn. They belong in their own habitat on the lesser boards of 4chan, not here where they'll mess up the porn site ecosystem and become an invasive species.
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bonerific: @Anonymous: Rule 34 was created by 4chan. Cope & seethe, you soy drinking cuck
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Anonymous4(2): @bonerific: Yes and it escaped and now is found a spot in many different internet biomes: your imageboards, your Twitter, your baraag, your furaffinity, it was even on Tumblr until it was driven away by larger predators. But each time it has managed to carve out its own ecological niche.
Your memes don't do that, they just take up space and force other internet life to find new habitats or go extinct. I think I've taken this metaphor as far as it'll go.
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: let it go bruh.
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bonerific: @Anonymous:
They're cartoons. Who cares? Find something else to complain about. Preferably your math homework. Maybe you should go do that instead of wasting time here.

No we're not, faggot. No one is "forcing" anyone to do anything. People choose to be here at their own will. No is pointing a gun to your head & making you post here. YOU choose to be here. YOU choose to click on the images. YOU choose to respond to my comments. YOU choose to not ignore the diarrhea dump of a comment section. That is on YOU, not us. Don't every try to act like a "victim" here. Go to bed you narcissistic whiny sausage.

If this website causes you anxiety, then you're clearly not mature enough to use it. You have to be at least 18 to post here.
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Anonymous6(2): @bonerific: Who said anything about anxiety? I just think it's annoying to look for porn of your favorite characters or see the context for the comments on the left-hand side of webpage only to have to slog through your poorly made memes that don't belong here.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: dude you're falling for his trap.
People like you are exactly the kind of dipshits he's trying to attract

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