Nezu_Chiza: Wait, she says "Fuck you, Ember" and gets told that she's wrong, but the fucking part is right? Exactly what name is Ember wanting Raven to call her then? :P
Nezu_Chiza: Anon4, I can't figure out what you're intending to say. Of course Raven is being fucked. But Ember said for Raven to CALL HER NAME, and Raven DID, then was told she was wrong. I suspect that English is not the first language of whoever made the pic is all.
Anonymous6: Nice, but weird when you know they both have the same voice actress. Even weirder when you know she also voices Ben10 and Twilight Sparkle and trying to imagine them here too...
anon2 12 years old??? it is illegal in half world including Canada, UK, and USA to see porn sites
Anon4 is right
who the fuck would actually admit they're 12 on a porn site?!? come on use your brain