Anonymous4: let's make something clear. people do not hate the books or movies. people hate the hype around it. if it wasn't this big, no one would say it should die. and if somenone likes the books (not the movies, cause they ARE bad.) that's good for him/her. as long as you don't have to read it, everything is fine, isn't it?
but just let people do what they like to do.
LL_BooB_JJJ: Have to disagree, Anon4. Twilight is just bad writing, bad acting, and bad publicity. The only good thing about Twilight is the potential for mockery. Sorry to burst your fan bubble there.
Anonymous6: Anon 4, pay attention, some people pull up the books as a good example of a relationship. Almost everything Edward does is a sign of an abusive and unstable couple, Jacob is almost better for a minute, but then does the same dumb stuff. If 13 year old girls are looking for a relationship like this, what they'll get is knocked up and then knocked around. Shitty writing aside, if enough stupid people believe this is a relationship, people will get hurt.
Anonymous9: The movies sucked o did the books.@Anonymous: the word is dumbass not dumeass. Plus some movies and books SHOULD NOT BE MADE. I repeat SHOULD NOT BE MADE.
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but just let people do what they like to do.
But damnit do I love Alice Cullen.
because it makes no sense just like the whole twilight book
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what are you stupid or something? It's straight up confirmed in the books that they have sex