Kirapac: I've traced part of my pics like hands or body proportions that I modified, but I never trace from another artist's work. Nevertheless, most people care more about how the final product looks, myself included
Anonymous15: Guess it's time for the artist that ripped this off to cry like a fucking baby and get added to the pussy DNP list because this site certainly respects "artists"
Anonymous16: I learned to draw by tracing, most people do. If this person has any real merit they'll stop, if not, well then we shall all continue to deride them.
More importantly, is that Honey picture on this site, 'cause I need it.
Anonymous20: [I am a hentai artist] -- Rotoscoping, where a source image is traced and modified during the trace to be a different image, is a common practice even among artists who've drawn for years. Granted mostly we build basic pose models to rerotoscope ourselves rather than just dupe a full on picture like that, but sometimes that happens too.
I don't see what the problem is, as long as the original artist doesn't give a hell ... and that's my personal opinion on this.
That and, those of you who obsess over racism and slurs ... fuck you all and please go get castrated today for a better future.
MisterFrustum: Nothing like tracing from a good artist to garner cheap popularity and attain a fanbase of dumbasses who will defend your "terrific art" to the death.
Anonymous23: I find it funny how you all judge each other because of where you come from, just because one is a mexican doesn't mean they are like the people you all are talking about, and americans (assuming), you people better stop judging people so stereotypically, that's why other countries make fun of you people, bitches better learn some respect.
The only fail I see here is you being mexican and using MS Picture Manager.
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I'm Not Mexican
Does it matter?
Yes you are you smelly, taco eating beanback.
No I did not say that incorrectly. I just combined beaner and wetback into one super slur. To save time for the racist on the go.
and that's why people attack your buildings.
Yeah, that must be it. Cause Muslims are such a peaceful group.
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meh, another usless pic of tracing
but then i lol when i saw the comments
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More importantly, is that Honey picture on this site, 'cause I need it.
I belive it is on the site
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No lifes probably, or their just trolls... -_-'
I don't see what the problem is, as long as the original artist doesn't give a hell ... and that's my personal opinion on this.
That and, those of you who obsess over racism and slurs ... fuck you all and please go get castrated today for a better future.
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