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Uploaderjubilation_t_cornpone, avatar
TagsBrandy_Harrington, Brandy_and_Mr._Whiskers, Kim_Possible, Kimberly_Ann_Possible, PalComix, crossover, karavan
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jubilation_t_cornpone: dupe, but bigger
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Anonymous1: kim took the knot
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LadyLissa: ha-ha
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SlippyTheToad: But.. Brandy's femcock doesn't look anything like a dog's. Nor does it seem to have a knot....
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Anonymous2: Wow... there is so much wrong here..I knew Krezz knows what a knot is since his character has one...
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Anonymous3: where is the rest of this comic?
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Anonymous4: there is no knot. *facepalm*
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Anonymous5: Poetic license. Going for the joke without the grossness of an actual dog dick. She's an anthropomophic dog. Her face is closer to human, so the dick can be too. Perhaps the head enlarges, rather than having a traditional knot. There is no anatomical textbook for anthropomorphic dogs.
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Anonymous6: omg kill it with fire
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Anonymous7: fuck you anon5, dog cock or joke does not apply.

anon6, I'll kill YOU with fire
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Anonymous8(5): Fuck your own self, anon-7. The rules of reality do not apply to fantasy. If you think otherwise, you should be complaining that anthropomorphic animals appear in porn at all.
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Anonymous9: without a dog dick its a terrible mess of a picture.
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Anonymous10(5): lol, you guys are hilarious.

"I don't mind that her body shape is human, her face is mostly human (no muzzle, not really), and she has hands with fingers instead of paws, but she MUST have a dick just like a real dog or the pic sucks!" Arbitrary much?
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Anonymous11: But she says she has a not when there is none. THAT'S the point
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Anonymous12(5): She didn't say that. She says she was stuck. Since she is a fantasy creature and not bound to the rules of reality, it is perfectly feasible to design her anatomy however we want. I.e. getting stuck WITHOUT a visible knot. For instance, the expanding cockhead I mentioned earlier. It wouldn't be visible because it is deep inside Kim.

Jesus, you people are hidebound in your thinking and have no fucking imagination.
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Anonymous13(5): I for one welcome our anthro-canine dickgirl overlords. Since they are overlords, we have to accept whatever derivative anatomy they have.
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Anonymous14: Have any of you guys thought that maybe she is just lying just to fuck with Kim? Just look at the smile.

Of course, I don't actually care, and I think this picture sucks since he ruined 2 perfectly good female characters with these generic dicks. Fuck dickgirls.
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Anonymous15(5): Absolutely! All dickgirls should be fucked. Like Kim in this pic.
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Anonymous16(5): As far as Brandy lying, it would be easy enough for Kim to verify by simply trying to pull away. Gently, of course, to avoid damaging either of them if it was true.
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Anonymous17: what a sitch!

i always thought it was stitch..or is it because shes being fucked?
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Anonymous18(5): In the show, Kim continuously refers to "the sitch" as a shorthand for "situation".
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Anonymous19(5): For the "where's the knot" people: getting stuck without a knot is mild compared to the crazy shit that happens in these shows. Kim Possible once instantly changed her DNA from monkey to human after getting hit by a ray while in midair. Mr. Whiskers once built a working automobile entirely out of fruit. I don't think reality is much of concern here. Why are you holding the pic up to higher standards of believability than the shows it came from?
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Nightwave: Attention. Read the toons in freefall stories written by Jackrabbit. They explain why the cock is humanish and also the issue of the knot.
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Anonymous20: I hate dick girls
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Anonymous21(5): Then maybe you shouldn't look at them. Are you masochistic, always doing things that you hate?
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Anonymous22: BRANDY

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Anonymous23: LOLOOLOLO
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Anonymous24: Love this
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Moron-MacStar: The anon hostility in this post is outrageous!
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Feathery_Duck: @Moron-MacStar: So what else is new in the world?...

I hear living in Gaza still sucks. In fact, they say it sucks molten death through a lead straw.
Routine, really.
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Anonymous25: AZAZA LOLLOLO

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