Zvantastika: Some people are saying they want this movie to bomb, but the only thing I think is about to be bombed is Luigi lol ~ Mario Bros Movie Feature ~
Anonymous1: I literally just hopped on this site 5 minutes and there's a new featured post lol. Also PLEASE FIX THE VIDEOS ON THIS SITE AS MOST OF THEM DO NOT WORK. AND PLEASE LET US FAST FORWARD VIDEOS
Anonymous2: Old SMG4 > Nu-SMG4
Remember The Visitor? Who let the chomp out? Idiot Kart 101? The Wackey Wario series? Super Minecraft 64 bloopers? Blissful.
Actually yes. Roll that siple feature back paheal, just like Blizzard putting everything back from Overlook 1 to OW2
ConsciousDonkey: @Scarface: @Anonymous: I got news flash for you: that's actually a feature of Paheal, not a bug. The admins artifically increase number of clicks and thus ad revenue this way. Basically, it's the same thing Fecalbook and other anti-social sites do - when user activity in a group wanes, the algorithms prioritize controversial and incendiary posts to suck people back in. Like on Paheal, the side effect is increased polarization and antagonism among the user base, but on global scale. Except nobody gives a shit - they're private enterprises and nobody forces you to use their products, right?
bonerific: @ConsciousDonkey: I don't think Paheal has as much resources & money as Normiebook to even have such a feature. Comments are posted in a "first come, first serve" bases, so whenever someone comments on a thread, the most recent comment will appear at the top of the comment page. However, there's nothing stopping someone from making a bot to reply to posts. I mean, hell, Reddit is a site full of bots. At least 50% of the user accounts there aren't even real people, but AI bots that upvote each other. Twitter also has bots too. Hell, I bet all the thristy simps on OnlyFans also fake accounts run by a bot. If there are bots on this site, it certainly isn't coming from Paheal.
The Dead Internet Theory is no longer a theory. It is real, & we are all living in it.
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: Most of the Internet is fake & gay, controlled & manipulated by bots & shills, & funded by Big Tech. Most accounts online aren't even real people.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: I feel like it still varies a lot between websites. Although from a certain point of view you could say that the entire internet is "fake" because it only exists as electricity within machines.
But most of the people you interact with online are real people, since most people don't really respond to bots for the most part.
Farfegnugen: I watched it opening night and it honestly wasn't as bad as many make it out to be. It's a kids movie for kids, but the adult stuff was more of, "Here's the GameCube startup song. Now here's a Punch-Out themed restaurant. Oh, what's this, the whole Kong family in the crowd, including the ones from the CGI cartoon? You're welcome." Being said, not as good as those Sonic movies because those had a bit more heart to them. Far fewer hand-waving questions away. It's fine, but I won't give it more than one viewing.
The movie was a collaboration effort alongside with the Japanese owners of the franchise. Apparently (((critics))) hate it because it's not "woke" & "diverse/inclusive" enough. In other words, go see it if you're sick of woke progressive media.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: "How do you know they watched the movie?" Um, who are they? Are you referring to the "wasn't as bad as many make it out to be." Besides, I don't give a shit about the options of people that just watched the trailer or screenshots.
@Violetty: Well, I enjoyed the parts that were a call back to something Nintendo or Mario related. The movie fan in me was a bit bored. Besides a few moments where I got a laugh, it was a very safe movie.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: I haven't heard anyone complaining about a lack of diversity in the Mario Bros Movie. That sounds like something you'd have to go out of your way to find.
bonerific: @Farfegnugen: Correction: They are a tiny vocal minority made out of a *group* of people who's real intentions is to corrupt, destroy, & make things ugly. Long story short, Universal tried to pozz it & make it woke, then Nintendo told them "No! Respect the source material or GTFO". Kike critics are seething about it because it's an actual good movie without the woke trash lol.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: Or maybe none of that happened. I haven't seen the movie myself, but by all accounts it was better than okay.
Most critics just weren't impressed because the movie didn't move them emotionally enough.
bonerific: @Farfegnugen:
>uploads rule 34 of Nintendo/Sonic memes via wojaks consuming a black wojak with their assholes (literally)
Janny once again proves he's a giant colossal globohomo faggot.
Sharkjumper: @bonerific: But could you see their bits? Because if it's the one I'm thinking of they were all positioned in such a way that the artist didn't have to draw their dicks.
And at that point can you really call it porn anymore?
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: Yes it does count as porn, because their assholes were being penetrated by the head & foot of the black wojak. Penetration counts as sexual, therefore counts as porn. Read the site rules on what constitutes as porn. Orfices = anus, tits, pussy, dick
Janny is of course a niggerloving hypocrite who seethes over memes. Pathetic.
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Remember The Visitor? Who let the chomp out? Idiot Kart 101? The Wackey Wario series? Super Minecraft 64 bloopers? Blissful.
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Actually yes. Roll that siple feature back paheal, just like Blizzard putting everything back from Overlook 1 to OW2
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The Dead Internet Theory is no longer a theory. It is real, & we are all living in it.
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But most of the people you interact with online are real people, since most people don't really respond to bots for the most part.
Why does Bowser look like KFC crispy fried chicken?
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Now to wait for that Zelda and Metroid movie.
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The movie was a collaboration effort alongside with the Japanese owners of the franchise. Apparently (((critics))) hate it because it's not "woke" & "diverse/inclusive" enough. In other words, go see it if you're sick of woke progressive media.
Nintendo does what the Hollywood Jew won't.
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@Violetty: Well, I enjoyed the parts that were a call back to something Nintendo or Mario related. The movie fan in me was a bit bored. Besides a few moments where I got a laugh, it was a very safe movie.
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user image
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Most critics just weren't impressed because the movie didn't move them emotionally enough.
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"Yeah 😏. Order up!"
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>uploads rule 34 of Nintendo/Sonic memes via wojaks consuming a black wojak with their assholes (literally)
Janny once again proves he's a giant colossal globohomo faggot.
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And at that point can you really call it porn anymore?
Janny is of course a niggerloving hypocrite who seethes over memes. Pathetic.
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