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Anonymous1: you talk too much.
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drcoach92: It's nothing but dialog... She runs her mouth for the entire 1:53 and nothing meaningful or exciting happens
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civic2: my dad did the voice acting for this please don't make fun of him he has alzheimer's and he is trying his best. thank you
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Anonymous2: Maybe there supposed to be a part 2 of this. Or perhaps is still Work in Progress?
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Anonymous3: Part 2? What is this, Tic tok?
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: "You never shut up" "I SAY YOU TALK TOO MUCH" "Homeboy you never shut up"
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Anonymous5: idk. Does an almost-ass glitching halfway out of here clothes make this porn? I don't think so, but mine isn't the relevant opinion.
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Anonymous6: Bla bla bla cloths clipping with skin