Anonymous1: ^ The problem is, unlike this site (which has 0 moderation), XXX has moderation, albeit at the cost of competence. I quite literally got banned on a alt trying to do a ''moderation experiment'' where I would post around 30 comments a day. None of them were above 5 words either. Perma banned without warning. Also the comment / post moderation sucks ass, the comment mods simply accept every report that's sent in, and the post moderation fell off after AI art was introduced. Pretty much a shitshow, albeit I guess it's more quality-moderated then this website.
Anonymous2: @Melisok hi im xbjection wait they are reporting my art— well uhm ty anyways for reposting my stuff here i really appreaciate it ! (i dont have paheal)
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@Anonymous1 yeah its pretty annoying
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