Anonymous5: Fucking furries, I was hoping that the fourth Fallout New Vegas pick would be something good. This... this... this is just wrong for so many different reasons.
Anonymous9(5): Fucking furfags. The picture isn't even an accurate depiction of Rex. Also, the only reason this isn't worse than ghoul art is because ghoul art sneaks up on you while you're looking at a picture which focuses in on a non ghoul and there in the corner is a fucking ghoul. FUCKING FUCK!
Anonymous26: to bad hes not this sexy in the game...and fuck you all who hate furs, you have no legit reason, and dont tell me to yiff in hell, i would enjoy it, make it hot, sweaty, dirty yiffing... yup
Anonymous33: You heard it from Anon33 first, folks: pornography of Anthropomorphic animals is not furry. I don't exactly follow his logic, but he has to be right.
Anonymous34: A new type of Cyberdog for the future, from Med-Tek! The Anthropomorphic model is perfect for interfacing directly with humans!
A set of vocal chords and human speech make this an excellent choice of companion. Man's best friend just got better an-
...Wait, is it humping my leg? Wait wait IT DIDN'T HAVE A DICK BEFORE!
...Someone is FIRED. You sick fucker!
(In seriousness, this is a good picture. I'm also finding it pretty hilarious that you guys are so pissed off. I mean, Ghoul porn and Super Mutant action exists, so this is mild compared to that shit imo. I don't even LIKE furry shit)
hendrix11: Hint: A good friend of mine from Yorkshire is a furfag. I wonder what happend to him.. Oh yeah, He had his house raided by yorkshire police because he was 15 and looked at things like this. If you like this, Get the fuck off and get help.
Anonymous40: D:
Anonymous41: Congrats, whiny kids. This is the largest concentration of anti-furry crying and bitching I have ever seen. Including /b/. That's right, /b/ is more mature and open-minded than you kids. Bravo. I wish there could be a second holocaust for people like you.
Anonymous52: 52, He wasn't in the legion if you used the other brians, and plus: It wasn't him, it was the other dog, rex's body was never in the legion...
47, this is a furry pic wich means animal with human attributes, not a beastialty pic wich means well, animal fucker, ergo no-one is a animal fucker on this pic, check your facts before you post...
49, Cuz he's a furrylover (Not ment to be a Offensive name)...
51 and 46, Respect (Cuz it looks like you don't care what others think...
hendrix11, Shame (Cuz you Judge someone for being different: "Judge not Lest he be Jugded")...
41, Shut up some people like this...
28, same thing I said to 41...
and to all you haters out there remember 3 things:
#1. If it exists there's porn of it.
#2. If you think this is sick, you have not yet seen 2G1C
#3. Judge Not Lest He Be Judged
P.S: If you hate a person because of one exterior fact, and even make death threats to the because of that, you are no better than a K.K.Klansman...
Anonymous53(52): oh yeah and also: They make porn of chicks giving a blowjob to horses, and I don't mean art or CGI, I mean real people do that, so if you think this is sick, look at that and you will fap to this in a blink of an eye
Professor: Anon 54. If you examine Rex closer, through dialogue, you'll notice a "scratched out red bull" on his side. He WAS part of the Legion.
...Key term is "was"
Now he could be a junkyard vendor's hound dog, a fiend's doped out mutt, or...back to his old ways.
... Btw your boner's getting soft, scroll back up.
aj90: I love the people who waste time to whine about pictures like this, what do they expect to happen? Do they think they're the only ones with fetishes? Are they that retarded? Probably. Anyways, back to fapping!
Anonymous62: I don't get why everyone's complaining, seriously wtf, the arts good enough, maybe isn't acurate to canon but how many times haven't we seen people bend canon for sexyness and whatnot, seriously people chill!
Anonymous63: Okay....Right now you all have pissed me off to the point of no-fucking-return. If you don't like it, well that's your opinion. Some people like it. The arts good, the drawings great, just cause you hate on furries or whatever, doesn't mean you gotta be a jackass about it. Some furries are great, for example...LOOK AT BUGS FUCKING BUNNY! Some of you people are so idiotic to say it's not a furry, BUT IT FUCKING IS! Bugs bunny is a walking, talking, ANIMAL! That's a god damn furry. To be all honest, I love the art, I love the character, maybe a bit sexual a bit too much, not hatin' on it though. Great drawing idea, just maybe clothes would of been a good idea as well...I don't know though. Anyways, it's judgemental people like you jackasses who comment on this stuff like it's bad. Leave people to what they like, just cause you dislike it doesn't mean you gotta bring someone else down with you. If you feel you got to hate on someone's drawing, that just makes you a fucking bully if you gotta be a jackass about it. As the advice goes. "If you don't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." So yeah...Anyway, good job whoever drew this. Loved the art work. Dislike the hater comments.
Anonymous65: @Anonymous: Really? Well Grr furrfag bad! Me make mean bad words furrfag about. No furrrr evil doggie man bad no hump leg down doggy man down!.............
Was it good for you?
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A set of vocal chords and human speech make this an excellent choice of companion. Man's best friend just got better an-
...Wait, is it humping my leg? Wait wait IT DIDN'T HAVE A DICK BEFORE!
...Someone is FIRED. You sick fucker!
(In seriousness, this is a good picture. I'm also finding it pretty hilarious that you guys are so pissed off. I mean, Ghoul porn and Super Mutant action exists, so this is mild compared to that shit imo. I don't even LIKE furry shit)
This site is called rule 34 whatid you expect pickles and marshmallows?
Well they have that to just look it up.
47, this is a furry pic wich means animal with human attributes, not a beastialty pic wich means well, animal fucker, ergo no-one is a animal fucker on this pic, check your facts before you post...
49, Cuz he's a furrylover (Not ment to be a Offensive name)...
51 and 46, Respect (Cuz it looks like you don't care what others think...
hendrix11, Shame (Cuz you Judge someone for being different: "Judge not Lest he be Jugded")...
41, Shut up some people like this...
28, same thing I said to 41...
and to all you haters out there remember 3 things:
#1. If it exists there's porn of it.
#2. If you think this is sick, you have not yet seen 2G1C
#3. Judge Not Lest He Be Judged
P.S: If you hate a person because of one exterior fact, and even make death threats to the because of that, you are no better than a K.K.Klansman...
...Key term is "was"
Now he could be a junkyard vendor's hound dog, a fiend's doped out mutt, or...back to his old ways.
... Btw your boner's getting soft, scroll back up.
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What are you guys, faggots?
Was it good for you?