Anonymous2: A chubby black nerd is not "the worst possible pussy you could fuck".
Just means you're gay, buddy.
And nobody talked about "the show" here. Just fapping to a chubby black nerd gal. I don't care about modern day children cartoons triggering fags on the internet. Just fapping.
bonerific: @McNeil8911: You know why they are called "poos?" Because they defecate in public streets. India is a giant shithole, a literal shithole. Not joking, they shit in streets & poo & trash is everywhere. They don't have toilets. It got so bad they made a campaigned called Poo2Loo back in 2016. The YouTube videos by the campaign are quite funny to watch. They're Poo2Loo mascot is a literal pile of shit. They have a river of floating corpses that they swim & shit in it, then use that same water for cooking & washing, & people wonder Indians end being born with 5 limbs, missing limps, cancerous warts that grow like trees, & birth defects. It's not cancer that causes those birth defect----it's the poo in the water that they eat, drink, & shower with that causes all those deformities. This is why we say "Take the poo to the loo". It's strictly the most hygienic thing to do. But poos are afraid of the loo, & think clean beautiful toilet is a god, so they defecate in street instead.
Anonymous5: @bonerific: I don't exactly understand why you keep talking about Velma being a poo. Sure she's Indian, but why do you like talking about Indians defecating in streets?
Just means you're gay, buddy.
And nobody talked about "the show" here. Just fapping to a chubby black nerd gal. I don't care about modern day children cartoons triggering fags on the internet. Just fapping.
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