Anonymous6(4): You calm YOURS, anon5. I get tired of hearing the same retarded rhetoric over and over. "At least it's not a scat pic". Guess what? No one GIVES A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK!!!
If I can shut up the sausage-tards, I will shut these mutants up, too.
P.S. To the anon requesting the Simpsons scat pic; Malachi has posted it... now if he can only post up my requests of Anemone and 01 Kari.
Dr-Cane: @Anon6 then we can say 'go eat your shit' and you'll be happy to do so, it also amazes me that you can actually hear plain text, well at least it wasn't scat despite the loads of shit, ironic isn't it? at least wasn't scat
mara101: Everyone that dislike's something someone else likes: I can't wait until your toys are taken too. (In this case to the "...least its not scat" clan. Whatever pedo,guro,gay,Gummy Bears,cheesecake you get off on will be the next to be "at least its not..."'d.)
Anonymous13(4): Erox... Yeah, some people don't like scat.. BUT SOME DO! MYSELF INCLUDED
So quit disregarding my right to stop the never-ending troll-fest of "At least it ain't shit.. HURRR DURR DUUURRRHUR-HUUUURRR *fart*!", because you're no better than them.
hornywolf: If shit and piss was meant to be used for sex, it would be sold in adult shops. The fact that it is not, is proof, that the public frowns on such things and there is clearly something wrong with those who get off on scat and and watersports... then again, the fact that I'm here is clearly proof that there is also something wrong with me... But the real question is, are any of us doing anything to fix ourselves?... Because we should.
Anonymous16: @Anonymous: Yeah, everybody has their opponion. But this is fact...Anybody who does scat or watersports, desirves to get a waste releted disease, like Hepatitus, or pinworms. There is a reason why the body gets ride of that stuff, because to keep it in is toxic and it is full of bacteria that is bad for you. if you get sick from that stuff, it's your own fault and I laugh at your misfortune, because you could have avoided that path, and instead embreced it whole heartedly. But, anon14 ua wrong through. They don't need to be hanged, they need to be denighed medicine, when they get sick from it. lol... But of it's ever done nonconsentually,... then they need to be hanged. But you know what, there is a way to mostly avoid seeing the stuff you don't want. Use the mirror site. http://a bullshit site/ They have tags for everything there, and if you back an account, you can filter out the ones you don't like.
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thick, gooey, filthy animal sperm
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"Whine whine, I hate Malachi's stuff cause it's got scaaAAAaaat. whine whine bitch bitch moan!"
Well, I LIKE the scat art, and he HAS made some, and it won't be the end of it.
Payne... I think that's virginal blood, not menstrual... considering the massive lycanthropic cock inside of her...
If I can shut up the sausage-tards, I will shut these mutants up, too.
P.S. To the anon requesting the Simpsons scat pic; Malachi has posted it... now if he can only post up my requests of Anemone and 01 Kari.
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Thank you.
Thank you.
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So quit disregarding my right to stop the never-ending troll-fest of "At least it ain't shit.. HURRR DURR DUUURRRHUR-HUUUURRR *fart*!", because you're no better than them.
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