Ensse: @Anon3: Not all Christians rage over abortion. I think it's mostly Catholics, really...but even then. I'm a Christian, and I just lol'd at this. And my opinion on abortion is more circumstantial.
Anonymous5: Doesn't matter. Even if you somehow manage to resist your urges for a long period of time the sperm will die within 75 days. Also providing your body doesn't forcibly cause you to have a wet dream some random night before then.
Anonymous6: While Monty Python's Flying Circus is the TV series name, it is also basically the name of the group. Though this is normally shortened to Monty Python. As in Monty Python and the Holly Grail or Monty Python's Life of Brian.
Anonymous9: Catholics are typically pretty sinful actually since they can just go to confession are they are instantly forgiven of everything. Baptists are typically the ones who get butthurt over everything. Methodism FTW!
Snikers: @samus - Catholics may have a lot of statues and pictures and such, but they don't worship those objects. They're just art.
I don't know why they're in the church, granted - maybe they're supposed to be gestures of respect to the various saints (or maybe it's just that the Catholic church has traditionally been rich as fuck and wanted everyone to know it).
Anonymous10: Lol I thought about this once and thought. . . Am I worse than hitler cuz I killed at least 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000people
Anonymous11: to those who say their a Christian:
1. if you have ever masturbated,you are not a christian.
2. if you have ever cursed our lords name, or disobeyed your parents above the age of 15, you are not a christian
to be a christian, you must follow lords word and live by it. though you know he is our savior and his Father is our creator, that does not mean your a christian.
Anonymous12: i lol at anons arguing about religion on rule 34... lets just agree that no one gives a shit and just fap whatever it is we search for here :3
DoDo1: Does it not occur to anyone that by even being on this site, and certainly posting on it, Anon 11 has proved by his own admission that he is not a Christian?
Anonymous21: How has this not been featured yet? Not only is it awesome, it got a bunch of anons arguing about religion! Go on, Titanium, you MUST feature this.
Killamajig: Onan's sin has nothing to do with self-pleasure. He refused to impregnate his brother's widow as required by law, and was struck dead for it.
So there's your Old Testament moral lesson; failure to cum inside your dead brother's wife warrants the death penalty.
Fap away.
Anonymous23: All anons.....shut up about religion and just fap. Who cares if you are Christian or not. Obviously, you came to this site to fap. So just fap instead of bitching about how masturbation is a sin. This is mostly directed to Anon 11.
Injutora: I'm sorry if you feel that way. If God exists we will know for certain when we pass from this world. If He doesn't exist, no harm done. But if He does exist, Heaven Help the non-believer. That is all. ;3
Anonymous24: A little religion lesson for Rule34
Christians are the believers of Jesus.
Jewish are the followers of Jesus' beliefs.
Catholics are the followers of the Romans who killed Jesus.
Anonymous27: GOOD thing Im not religious cause people that are always get seriously butthurt when they talk about shit like this.Plus the ones that come here and talk about religion are a bunch of stupid-ass fucking retards when they them self "sinned" already.Im good person, i just hate stupid people like SOME of u here.STUPID FUCKS
Franky_Whiskey: You attractive and successful Africans are talking about God in a pornographic website, filled to the brim with the best and the worst shit the Internet has to offer.
I don't think it matters what your beliefs are in here.
Anonymous43: well what about me i have hyperactive labido syndrome if i don't get off at least 3 times a day it negatively impacts my health does this automatically mean i a horriball person because of somthing i can't stop or control?
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BTW I'm a christian.
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I don't know why they're in the church, granted - maybe they're supposed to be gestures of respect to the various saints (or maybe it's just that the Catholic church has traditionally been rich as fuck and wanted everyone to know it).
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There from mexico BTW.
1. if you have ever masturbated,you are not a christian.
2. if you have ever cursed our lords name, or disobeyed your parents above the age of 15, you are not a christian
to be a christian, you must follow lords word and live by it. though you know he is our savior and his Father is our creator, that does not mean your a christian.
I bet even the pope- F*CK, WRONG IMAGE IN MY HEAD
@anon12: Shut up you stupid troll!
@jaycro: How do YOU know?
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btw inb4 argument clinic
So there's your Old Testament moral lesson; failure to cum inside your dead brother's wife warrants the death penalty.
Fap away.
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Christians are the believers of Jesus.
Jewish are the followers of Jesus' beliefs.
Catholics are the followers of the Romans who killed Jesus.
[punchs catholic follow right beside him]
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Btw What about blowjob fellatio then? eh?
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I don't think it matters what your beliefs are in here.
Having religious arguments that started with a picture of a cat flushing sperm down the toilet. Think about that.